An acronym is an abbreviation typically formed using the first letter of each word in a phrase, so it forms a pronounceable word; this is a great way to create a faster and shorter way to say a longer, more complicated phrase.

Acronyms also encompass a different version, called ‘initialisms,’ which is also a phrase indicated by using the first letter of each word included in the phrase. Once put together, it can’t be pronounced as a unique word. Instead, it is pronounced by saying each letter of the word individually.

Often, it is very common for acronyms or initialisms to become words in their own right in the English language.

Examples of Acronyms

Acronyms formed as a pronounceable words:

LOL – Laugh Out Loud
ASAP – As Soon As Possible
WALT – We Are Learning To
WAGOLL – What a Good One Looks Like.

Initialisms formed by saying the letter of a word individually:

LGBTQ+ – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning community
MIA – Missing In Action
ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
BRB – Be Right Back
BTW – By The Way.

Why are Acronyms used?

Acronyms are an excellent way to speed up written and spoken communication, particularly if you have many different ideas and need a way to express them quickly.

It is ideal for children to learn acronyms in primary school and use them in their academic writing to avoid using long, repetitive titles, which will save valuable writing time in examinations.

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