Resources, put, are supplies that benefit the user and have some use.

  • Resources can be described as what a living organism needs to function: a source of nourishment, water, shelter, and clean air.
  • From another point of view, resources are things that an organization needs. For example, a gardening business will need resources like an income to pay staff, gardening tools, and communication devices.

It’s important to understand different types of resources. Some can be described as renewable, while others are non-renewable. Renewable resources are replenished, while non-renewable resources have a finite amount: once they’re used up, they’re gone forever. Most of the time, these terms refer to different types of energy. Energy is a resource we can attain from the oceans in many ways. First, let’s take a look at what oceans are.

What is an ocean?

An ocean is a very large area of salt water. Oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface and are home to over 700,000 species of animals. There are five oceans in the world:

  • Pacific Ocean
  • Atlantic Ocean
  • Indian Ocean
  • Southern Ocean
  • Arctic Ocean

What are the resources we get from the ocean?

We live on a big blue planet. There isn’t anything the ocean hasn’t had some part in providing for us. All life on Earth depends on the health of the oceans.

  • The air we breathe

The ocean is full of plants that help to produce oxygen. This is what we need to breathe. The sea also acts as a huge carbon sink. This helps limit the greenhouse effect, which is causing global warming.

  • Water

The earliest human beings built their communities near sources of water. Later, cities would spring up with sources of water, too. Rivers running into the oceans provide water for drinking, cooking, making, cleaning – and having fun swimming. Lots of people agree that being by oceans is great for our mental health and physical well-being.

  • Transport and shipping

For most of human history, the oceans have been the transport network for people and produce. This hasn’t changed in the age of the automobile, trains, and planes: today, 90% of produce is transported over the sea. In addition, many people take advantage of shipping lanes and ferries to travel or even sail the oceans on yachts or cruises for leisure and sport.

  • Food

Around 200 billion pounds of fish and shellfish are caught each year. For centuries – and still today – people have carried out low-intensity fishing with a rod and pole, only seeing what they need. As demand for fish increases globally, however, more unsustainable kinds of fishing have taken place. Sometimes this involves throwing underwater bombs or using large nets that catch animals like dolphins; boats can cause fatal injuries to sea turtles and whales.

  • Medicine

The world’s oceans largely remain a mystery. We understand more about the surface of the moon and some planets in our solar system than the bottom of our oceans! Moreover, we are only just discovering species of plants and animals that possess properties that have huge potential for fighting disease.

  • Energy

The oceans are instrumental to the success of offshore wind farms, as well as other sustainable renewable energy sources like hydropower and tidal power.

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