What is the Funnel Technique in Writing?

The funnel technique is a popular method used in writing. It’s traditionally used to lay out the opening paragraph of an essay but has also expanded to be used in other writing forms. The general idea is that you begin with a very broad statement before narrowing your focus a little and providing some introductory comments pertaining to your ideas. Then your focus is limited even more, and you reach the point where you introduce your thesis statement. A thesis statement is a neat summation of your argument, condensing your claim into one sentence.

A visualization of this would look like a funnel! It starts broad at the top and gradually narrows to a point.
What do I write for the broad statement?

The broad opening statement almost acts like a hook to grab your reader’s interest. It might be an interesting quote, a funny pun, or a cool fact. It should be related to the topic you’re going to talk about, but it doesn’t need to be too specific to your argument. It should introduce the topic rather than the argument, and while you should be able to relate it to what you’re going to say, it doesn’t have to be too niche.

What do I write for the introductory comments?

It is where you begin to narrow your focus, so these comments should be more specific to the area you’re discussing rather than the whole topic. For example, you could mention previous discourse on your subject matter and what people have recently and historically thought about it. It provides a great opening for you to get into the meat of what you have to say while acknowledging other viewpoints that may have helped shape your own.

What do I write for my thesis statement?

A thesis statement is notoriously difficult to write and something many seasoned professionals still struggle with. It should be no longer than one or two sentences, and it must summarize your essay’s central point. It shouldn’t go into evidential details – that’s what your essay is for.

To write your thesis statement, you need to know what you will write in your essay! It means that you need to do your research first. You might have an initial idea of your argument, but you need to be certain that it’s your viewpoint, as your conclusion should not differ from your thesis statement.

When you’re researching, be sure to explore lots of different avenues of thought and a variety of perspectives! It won’t only ensure that your argument is well-informed, but you might surprise yourself with the standpoint you eventually take.

Make sure your thesis statement answers the question clearly and concisely and has implications and importance in the broader topic. A great way to check that you’re doing this is to ask yourself, so what? It will help you make sure it’s connected to the wider context!

The thesis statements should be specific! It will help you throughout your whole essay. Arguing a particular point can make your essay more detailed, informed, and stronger. It is where the funnel technique is really useful. Remember, this is the point of the funnel, so where should you focus?

Why is it so important to write a great introduction?

The introduction to your essay must be as strong as it can be. It is the first thing your readers will read and, in many cases, will decide whether they will read the rest of your essay. If your introduction is boring or they’re unsure what your essay’s point is, they may move on to the next one! It is why the funnel technique is so great. It helps provide a great hook at the beginning, to get the reader interested, and enables you to ensure that you include a clear and concise summary of your argument without getting bogged down in the details. It will mean they’ll read on to learn more about your point of view and understand its evidence!

Where else can we see the funnel technique?

As we’ve mentioned, although the funnel technique is typically used in essay writing, you can see it working in other walks of life too!

Sometimes it appears in fiction writing. Like the funnel technique, an author might gradually zoom in on a scene. For example, they might start by discussing a whole city before focusing on a particular neighborhood. From there, they could introduce their protagonist, sitting in their flat.

You could even see a zoom-in cinema as an example of the funnel technique! Sometimes a scene might start very zoomed out, perhaps over a street, then zoom into a building, and finally a person. It is a very visual interpretation of the funnel technique!

These both show how that final point fits into a broader view. Again, it is the same as in academic

Why do we study the funnel technique?

Essay writing can be an intimidating task for many children and adults too! Going to school can spark many worries, from wondering whether they are smart enough to agonizing over whether they are popular. In some ways, the essay is the summation of all of this, as it is a very formal and traditional type of assessment. So naturally, this can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

The funnel technique gives children an easy approach when trying to begin essays. For many people, the introduction is the hardest part of the essay, and this method allows children to ease into it with the help of a great structure.

It is entirely flexible so that it can be applied to any topic! It’s a great way of organizing ideas, and when used correctly, it can provide an impactful opening to an essay.

Persuasive essays that open with the funnel technique can help children become better communicators. In oral communication, the vernacular takes over, and things like grammar sometimes fall by the wayside. It doesn’t help when children eventually come to do things such as job interviews, which require a much more formal method of communication! Essay writing requires a much more traditional approach, which helps children to understand how grammar is used.

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