Pedagogue Blog

35 Strong Persuasive Writing Examples (Speeches, Essays, Ads, and More)


Persuasive writing is one of the most powerful tools in the world of communication. It aims to convince the reader or listener of a specific perspective by adopting a logical and coherent approach. Effective persuasive writing has the potential to change minds, endorse new ideas or sustain a specific point of view. Here are 35 strong persuasive writing examples that include speeches, essays, ads, and more.

1. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech

2. President Barack Obama’s farewell address

3. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

4. Emma Gonzalez’s speech at the March for Our Lives rally

5. Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech

6. Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”

7. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr.

8. George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language”

9. Virginia Woolf’s essay “A Room of One’s Own”

10. Rachel Carson’s essay “Silent Spring”

11. Nike’s “Just Do It” advertising campaign

12. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign

13. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign

14. Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” ad

15. Always’ #LikeAGirl ad campaign

16. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice – The technique of dialogues and letters in discussing marriage proposals

17. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird – Atticus Finch’s court defense

18. George Orwell’s Animal Farm – The persuasive rhetoric used by pigs as leaders

19. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies – Ralph’s persuasive leadership

20-31: Famous TED talks that showcase persuasive techniques:

20. Simon Sinek’s “How great leaders inspire action”

21. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “The danger of a single story”

22. Brene Brown’s “The power of vulnerability”

23. Sir Ken Robinson’s “Do schools kill creativity?”

24. Amy Cuddy’s “Your body language may shape who you are”

25. Jill Bolte Taylor’s “My stroke of insight”

26. Julian Treasure’s “How to speak so that people want to listen”

27. Kelly McGonigal’s “How to make stress your friend”

28. Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Your elusive creative genius”

29. Dan Pink’s “The puzzle of motivation”

30. Susan Cain’s “The power of introverts”

32-35: Persuasive writing examples in popular media:

32. Editorial/opinion pieces in newspapers or magazines

33. Movie or book reviews

34. Personal blogs and social media posts

35. Public service announcements (PSAs)


By examining these 35 strong persuasive writing examples, one can learn different techniques for effectively communicating a specific viewpoint or idea to readers or listeners from different spheres of life – speeches, essays, ads, books, personal writings, and public announcements. Engaging with these examples will help sharpen your own persuasive writing skills while having a greater understanding of the power behind effective communication.

How One Teacher Uses Pop Culture to Revive Curriculum and Build Rapport


In today’s rapidly changing world, many teachers face the challenge of keeping their students engaged and motivated within the classroom. One innovative teacher has found a unique approach by incorporating pop culture into the curriculum to rejuvenate learning experiences and foster better relationships with students. In this article, we will explore how this educator’s methods have improved student engagement, academic performance, and rapport-building.

Incorporating pop culture into the curriculum:

Recognizing that classroom discussions can become monotonous, this teacher began incorporating pop culture references into lessons in an attempt to spark more interest from students. Instances of popular movies, television shows, music, and online trends were integrated into various subjects—even complex math problems. Rather than using traditional examples in lectures or textbook material, real-life applications of popular culture were utilized to make coursework more relatable and engaging for students.

Benefits of using pop culture in education:

1. Relevance: Students are more likely to pay attention when they feel connected to what they’re learning. By incorporating elements of pop culture, lessons become more relatable and engaging for learners from diverse backgrounds.

2. Critical thinking: Using pop culture helps students employ critical thinking skills as they analyze trends, marketing strategies, and societal implications that are involved in the creation and reception of popular works.

3. Intercultural understanding: Analyzing different aspects of pop culture allows students to gain a stronger appreciation for global cultural diversity.

4. Encourages creativity: Integrating pop culture into the curriculum provides an opportunity for students to express their creativity as they are encouraged to think outside the box.

Improved academic performance:

Research supports using pop-culture references as an effective teaching tool. As a result of incorporating popular movie clips, song lyrics, current events, or even social media memes into lesson plans, students’ interests are piqued which leads them to engage more in the learning process. This heightened engagement translates into better academic performance, as learners are more likely to absorb and retain information that resonates with them.

Building rapport:

1. Shared interests: Leveraging pop culture to build rapport with students has proven to be quite effective. By demonstrating an understanding of their interests, educators create a more relatable classroom atmosphere.

2. Communication: Discussions of popular culture open channels for communication between teachers and students, making it easier for students to feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts and opinions.

3. Fosters understanding: Teachers fostering an environment where students feel comfortable discussing elements of pop culture promotes a better understanding of different perspectives, personal histories, as well as cultural backgrounds.


Incorporating pop culture into the curriculum has proven to be a powerful tool for improving student engagement and building rapport within the classroom. Teachers embracing this innovative approach demonstrate a commitment to reaching today’s students on a new level by acknowledging the importance of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of popular culture. Ultimately, this method enables learners to develop essential critical thinking skills while connecting with educators in a meaningful way.

I Let My 7th Graders Design My Curriculum. They’re Pretty Good at It

It all started with a simple question: What if we let seventh graders design their own curriculum? This sparked my journey into experimental education, where I discovered that young students not only possess remarkable creativity and intelligence, but are also eager to take control of their learning experience.

I have been a teacher for over a decade, and throughout this time, I’ve witnessed countless students struggling with traditional methods of education. More often than not, they felt disinterested or unchallenged by the pre-determined lesson plans. With these concerns in mind, I set out to create an entirely new educational model for my seventh-grade class—one that would allow students to contribute their ideas and shape their educational journey.

The Process

The first step was to seek input from the students themselves. I began by inviting them to share their thoughts on what they deemed relevant and important in today’s world. Their suggestions ranged from climate change and mental health awareness, to entrepreneurship and coding. Excited by their enthusiasm, I encouraged them to dive deeper into these subjects and start researching potential learning goals and projects.

We then gathered the most popular ideas and divided the class into groups according to their interests. Each group was responsible for creating a detailed lesson plan that would cover multiple subject areas including science, math, English, history, and social studies. The plan needed to include objectives, teaching strategies, class activities, and assessments that would capture the interest of the entire class.

The Results

As the weeks unfolded, I was astounded by the transformation that took place in my classroom. The energy level rose dramatically as students eagerly participated in group discussions and exchanged ideas. They knew that they were shaping their own educational experience and embraced it wholeheartedly.

The lessons were rich with diverse content that not only tested the limits of our educational standards but also introduced new and innovative methods of teaching and learning. Concepts taken straight from the real world allowed students to see the impact of their newfound knowledge, and the hands-on approach gave them a sense of ownership over their work.

One of the best outcomes was the way in which students worked together to overcome challenges and implement solutions. They didn’t shy away from mentoring each other, especially when it came to areas where they possessed certain strengths or skills.

The Feedback

I surveyed my students at the end of this experimental period, and an overwhelming majority expressed greater satisfaction and engagement in their education as a result of being given the chance to design their own curriculum. Students felt that they had more control over their learning environment, resulting in increased motivation and academic performance.

Final Thoughts

This experience has taught me that giving students control over their educational journey can lead to incredible results. By placing trust in their abilities and opening up the classroom for collaborative exploration, we can challenge traditional methods and create a learning experience that caters to individual needs and interests.

Empowering students to take charge of their education fosters creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, self-awareness, and leadership skills—all essential tools for success in today’s ever-evolving world. Perhaps it’s time we rethink our educational models and give students a chance to show us how capable they truly are.

15 Exciting Careers for Students Who Love Math

1. Actuary: Actuaries use their strong analytical and mathematical skills to assess risks in the insurance and financial industries. They play a crucial role in shaping businesses’ financial plans and minimizing losses.

2. Data Scientist: A popular career choice in recent years, data scientists analyze large amounts of data to uncover insights and trends. With a strong foundation in math, students can excel in this rewarding field.

3. Cryptographer: Cryptographers develop algorithms and encryption techniques to protect sensitive information from being accessed by unauthorized parties. This career is essential in maintaining the security of any digital information.

4. Financial Analyst: Financial analysts use their quantitative skills to research trends in the stock market, evaluate investments, and make recommendations for individuals or institutions seeking to invest or manage assets.

5. Mathematician: Working in academia, government, or private sectors, mathematicians use their expertise to conduct groundbreaking research and design mathematical models for various applications, from technology to social sciences.

6. Operations Research Analyst: They work closely with organizations to optimize business processes using mathematical tools and models. This job is perfect for someone who enjoys solving complex problems with analytical thinking.

7. Quantitative Analyst: Also known as “quants,” these professionals create mathematical models to help businesses predict market trends and make informed decisions regarding investments, risk management, and more.

8. Software Engineer: Students with a love for both math and coding can thrive as software engineers, designing programs that streamline everyday tasks or solve complicated problems.

9. Statistician: As a statistician, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your mathematical skills by designing experiments, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions based on the data gathered.

10. Systems Engineer: With a focus on large-scale systems like transportation networks or power grids, systems engineers use their mathematical expertise to optimize processes and minimize inefficiencies.

11. Aerospace Engineer: In this exciting field, you’ll use your math and physics knowledge to design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, and other essential systems for the aerospace industry.

12. Civil Engineer: Civil engineers use mathematical concepts daily while designing, planning, and overseeing infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, dams, and buildings.

13. Astrophysicist: Combine your love for math with an interest in space to explore the cosmos as an astrophysicist, studying celestial objects and phenomena to enrich our understanding of the universe.

14. Epidemiologist: Study patterns and causes of diseases using mathematical models to improve public health as an epidemiologist. This career has gained significance during global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

15. Game Designer: For math enthusiasts with a creative flair, game design offers a way to combine logic and imagination by designing gameplay mechanics and balancing elements that keep players engaged.

These are just a few examples of exciting careers that let students who love math apply their skills and passion to various industries. With hard work and dedication, you can transform your love for numbers into a fulfilling professional life.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Strike


A strike is a labor protest in which workers refuse to perform their duties, seeking to negotiate better working conditions, increased wages, or other benefits. When a strike is imminent, it’s crucial for both employers and employees to know what to expect and how to prepare.

1. Negotiations and Collective Bargaining

Before a strike occurs, there is usually a period of negotiation between the workforce’s representatives and the employer. This process, called collective bargaining, seeks a compromise between the demands of both parties. During this time, be prepared for meetings, discussions, and potentially tense conversations. It’s crucial to keep communication channels open and maintain a respectful dialogue.

2. Union Involvement

Employee unions play an essential role in organizing and supporting strikes. Union members typically vote on whether or not to authorize a strike. If you’re not part of a union or have limited knowledge about them, familiarizing yourself with the role they play in strikes would help you understand the situation better.

3. Legalities Surrounding Strikes

Strikes are protected under various labor laws, such as the National Labor Relations Act in the US. However, there may be limitations or specific rules depending on your location. It’s critical that both employers and employees fully understand their rights and obligations during a strike.

4. Financial Implications

A strike can have financial consequences for both striking employees and employers. Strikers may lose wages during the protest period, while employers face loss of productivity and potential disruptions in supply chains or client relationships. It’s important to plan for these financial impacts by having contingency plans in place.

5. Disruptions to Personal and Professional Life

Strikes often lead to inconveniences that affect everyday routines, both personally and professionally. Employees may need to adjust childcare arrangements, daily schedules, or even deal with strained relationships among colleagues as opinions diverge about the strike. Employers, on the other hand, may need to rely on temporary workers, redistribute tasks, or readjust deadlines.

6. Public and Media Perceptions

During a strike, both employees and employers should be aware that their actions and words may be scrutinized by the public and media. This is important because public support can influence the outcome of a strike. Be mindful of your image and try to provide accurate information when speaking publicly or to the press.

7. Resolution and Post-Strike Considerations

Once a strike has concluded, it’s important for both parties to work on rebuilding relationships and addressing any lingering concerns. A successful resolution requires open communication, understanding, and a commitment to moving forward together.


When you’re expecting a strike, preparation is essential for both employees and employers. Understanding the dynamics of negotiations, union involvement, legal rights, financial implications, personal disruptions, public relations, and post-strike considerations are vital aspects in navigating this challenging time. The ultimate goal should always be reaching a fair resolution that benefits everyone involved.

Amos Lee’s Generous Gift: Concert Tickets for Teachers

In a delightful turn of events, acclaimed singer-songwriter Amos Lee is showing his appreciation for educators by giving away concert tickets to teachers. This initiative demonstrates Lee’s commitment to supporting hardworking and dedicated individuals who play a crucial role in shaping the lives of future generations.

Ever since his rise to fame in the early 2000s, Amos Lee has been showered with appreciation for his soulful and heartfelt music. From bluesy undertones to folk melodies, his talents have earned him a dedicated fanbase that only continues to grow. Now, he is turning the tables and expressing gratitude by offering free concert tickets exclusively to teachers.

Admiration for these essential professionals is deeply rooted in Lee’s upbringing. As a former school teacher himself, he understands the daily challenges that educators face and the immense responsibility they carry on their shoulders. Throughout his career, Lee has always looked for ways to support teachers and give back to the education community. This generous offer of free concert tickets is just one of many ways he plans to do so.

To participate in this exciting offer, teachers will need to provide proof of their educator status. Once verified, they will receive two complimentary tickets for an Amos Lee concert held in their area. This opportunity allows educators a chance to unwind, relax, and enjoy live music—an experience that might otherwise be unattainable due to their demanding schedules and financial constraints.

Teachers who receive these tickets can expect an unforgettable evening filled with soulful tunes from Lee’s extensive discography. It will be an opportunity not only to connect with other teachers but also to feel seen and celebrated for their tireless work.

The response from the teaching community has been overwhelmingly positive—expressions of gratitude have poured in from across the country. Many educators have shared how meaningful it is to have their profession acknowledged by someone they admire.

While the free concert tickets are a lovely gesture, they also serve as a reminder of the necessary support required for the success of teachers and students alike. Acknowledgement and appreciation should go hand-in-hand with funding for resources, fair wages, and professional development opportunities.

In conclusion, Amos Lee’s generous initiative reveals his deep appreciation for teachers, recognizing their essential roles in society. By offering free concert tickets, he gives educators an opportunity to enjoy themselves and feel celebrated—a well-deserved break from their demanding day-to-day lives. This act not only symbolizes a beautiful connection between music and education but also serves as a call for continued support for teachers in every aspect of their profession.

21 Exciting Art Careers for Creative Students

Are you a creative student brimming with unique ideas and looking for a way to channel your passion into a rewarding profession? Then, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll explore 21 exciting art careers that will not only help you to do what you love but also provide numerous opportunities for growth and success.

1. Illustrator: Work on books, magazines, advertisements, and more, using your drawing skills to create visually appealing images.

2. Graphic Designer: Create logos, branding materials, websites, and other visual content for clients or businesses.

3. Animator: Bring characters to life through the power of animation in film, television, gaming, and more.

4. Art Director: Oversee the creative vision of projects ranging from advertising campaigns to film sets.

5. Fashion Designer: Combine your artistic abilities with an eye for fashion to design clothing, accessories, and footwear.

6. Photographer: Capture life’s most extraordinary moments through the lens of a camera—including weddings, events, portraiture, or travel photography.

7. Web Designer: Use your visual skills to create engaging websites that resonate with users.

8. Set Designer: Design sets for TV shows, films, and theatre productions by considering both functionality and aesthetics.

9. Ceramist: Craft beautiful pottery pieces or large-scale ceramic installations using molding techniques and intricate designs.

10. Painter: Master various painting techniques and contribute to the world of fine art with originals or commissioned pieces.

11. Printmaker: Explore traditional printmaking processes such as etching or screen printing to produce unique artworks on paper or textiles.

12. Muralist: Create large-scale public murals that engage communities and brighten urban landscapes.

13. Tattoo Artist: Apply your artistic talents to the body using careful precision while working as a tattoo artist in a studio setting or as an independent contractor.

14. Interior Designer: Combine artistic creativity with spatial awareness to design comfortable and functional living spaces for clients.

15. Art Therapist: Use creativity and art as therapeutic tools to help patients cope with their emotions and process traumatic experiences.

16. Art Teacher: Share your passion for the arts by teaching the next generation of creative minds in schools, art studios, or colleges.

17. Jeweler: Craft intricate jewelry pieces with precious metals and gemstones, showcasing your mastery over this ancient art form.

18. Game Designer: Contribute to the captivating world of gaming through character design, concept art, or level creation.

19. Video Production Artist: Work behind the scenes on commercials, films, or music videos using makeup artistry, special effects, or set design skills.

20. Architect: Conceive and design buildings that seamlessly merge artistic vision with structure and function.

21. Sculptor: Produce stunning three-dimensional works of art using materials such as stone, wood, or metal while showcasing your creative flair and technical skills.

With these diverse career options at your fingertips, unlocking your creative potential has never been more exciting! Pursue one of these inspiring art careers and redefine the way you view work by pursuing your passion every day.

We Can’t With These Embarrassing Teacher Moments


Teachers are the guiding force and primary source of knowledge for students. However, sometimes even the most seasoned educators can find themselves in embarrassing situations that leave both themselves and their students red-faced. Let’s take a look at some of the most awkward and cringe-worthy teacher moments that will have you saying, “We can’t with these.”

1. Wardrobe Malfunction:

It’s every teacher’s worst nightmare – standing in front of a class full of students only to have an unexpected wardrobe malfunction. Be it a zipper gone rogue, a button ready to pop, or an unfortunate rip in the pants, these clothing catastrophes have left many educators wishing they could magically disappear.

2. Accidental Innuendo:

It’s not uncommon for teachers to occasionally use double entendres or inadvertently say something that sounds suggestive. The awkward silence that follows, as both the teacher and students try to process what was just said, is enough to make anyone want to crawl under their desk.

3. Falling Asleep:

We’ve all had those long days where staying awake is a struggle. However, when you’re a teacher and doze off during a lesson or while monitoring an exam, prepare for the giggles and murmurs from students that will certainly follow this unintentional nap break.

4. Technology Troubles:

Projector problems and laptop issues are par for the course when it comes to classroom technology. Nothing is more embarrassing than an inappropriate pop-up advertisement or accidentally opening a private browser window in front of your class full of curious eyes.

5. Spelling Mishaps:

Teachers are human too and can make spelling mistakes on the board or during a PowerPoint presentation despite their best efforts. Students rarely miss such faux pas, leading to some teasing about their instructor’s language skills.

6. Unwelcome Classroom Critters:

An unexpected visit from creepy crawlies or a rogue rodent in the classroom can cause even the most experienced teacher to lose their cool. Rarely, such out-of-control situations can lead to screaming, jumping on chairs, or an impromptu evacuation of the entire class.

7. Calling a Student by the Wrong Name:

It’s mortifying when you accidentally call a student by the wrong name, especially if it happens multiple times during a semester. The correction is guaranteed to be followed by smirks and giggles from the class, while an apology may or may not save the day.


No matter how well-prepared and organized a teacher may be, embarrassing moments are often unavoidable. These awkward instances serve as humble reminders that our educators are human too and that sometimes, one can’t help but join in on the laughter when things don’t go quite as planned.

7 Reasons Why Stitch Fix Is Perfect for Teachers

1. Time-Saving Convenience

As teachers, finding time to shop for new clothes can be a challenge. With Stitch Fix, you can receive a personalized box of clothing delivered right to your doorstep, saving you time that would be otherwise spent browsing store aisles. This allows teachers to focus on what truly matters: educating and inspiring their students.

2. New Styles With Every Box

Trying out fresh trends and styles can boost confidence, but staying up-to-date with fashion can be time-consuming. Stitch Fix’s fashionable selections ensure that teachers receive a box curated with the latest trends, enabling them to maintain a stylish wardrobe without hassle.

3. Stylist-Curated Outfits for the Classroom

Often, dressing professionally yet comfortably for the classroom is essential for teachers. Stitch Fix provides personalized outfit choices that are appropriate for the school setting while reflecting your unique personal style. A dedicated stylist will select items based on your preferences, ensuring that you always have the perfect outfit ready for each school day.

4. Easy Exchanges and Returns

If an item in your Stitch Fix box doesn’t suit your taste or fit just right, exchanging or returning the piece is quick and easy. Teachers have enough on their plates as it is, so having a stress-free exchange and return process makes managing their wardrobe more enjoyable.

5. Your Budget Matters

Staying within budget is crucial for most teachers, and Stitch Fix takes this into consideration when curating your selection of outfits. Simply set your desired price range in your profile, and your stylist will choose items accordingly, allowing you to maintain a fashionable wardrobe without breaking the bank.

6. Seasonal Clothing Options

As seasons change, so do clothing needs. Stitch Fix accommodates these changes by offering seasonally-appropriate options in every box, helping teachers stay comfortable in varying weather conditions while remaining stylish all year round.

7. Discover Brands You Love

Stitch Fix exposes teachers to an extensive range of clothing brands, some of which they may not have encountered otherwise. This broad selection increases the chances of discovering your new favorite brand, an exciting and fulfilling prospect for anyone.

In conclusion, Stitch Fix offers a personalized and convenient clothing subscription service that can perfectly accommodate the unique tastes and needs of teachers. By providing on-trend, budget-friendly options in every package, this service makes maintaining a fashionable yet professional wardrobe a breeze for educators.

Why Getting Rid of Snow Days Is a Big Mistake

In recent years, the concept of snow days has come under fire as some educational institutions and policymakers argue for their elimination. Detractors claim that snow days are an unnecessary disruption to the academic calendar and that remote learning offers a viable alternative. However, getting rid of snow days altogether is a big mistake, primarily due to their role in promoting mental, emotional, and physical health for students and staff, as well as their contribution to the overall school experience.

Firstly, snow days offer a break for students who might be stressed or overwhelmed by the intensive pace of modern education. While remote learning seems like an ideal solution for maintaining continuity when schools are closed due to snowstorms, it fails to take into account that students still need occasional breaks from the routine. A day off from classes allows them to recharge their minds, catch up on rest, and enjoy some unstructured fun outside in the snow. This mental rest is crucial for maintaining optimal performance levels.

Secondly, snow days contribute positively to a child’s emotional well-being. They offer spontaneity and excitement that can help combat the monotony of daily school life. Waking up to find out that you have an unexpected day off offers a sense of freedom that few other experiences can compare with. Indeed, some of the most enduring memories children have about their school years may revolve around those unexpected days when they could make a snowman or have a spontaneous snowball fight with friends.

Moreover, snow days promote physical health and active play in an era where screen time dominates many young lives. With increasing numbers of children glued to screens for most of their free time, snow days give them a compelling reason to venture outside and engage in healthy outdoor activities like building snow forts or going sledding. These types of physical exercise not only help develop motor skills but also contribute significantly to cognitive development.

Additionally, eliminating snow days could negatively impact teachers and staff as well. They too experience the pressures of planning, grading, and meeting rigid deadlines. A snow day affords them an opportunity to unwind and attend to other responsibilities that might have been put on the back burner.

Finally, getting rid of snow days erodes a component of shared educational experiences that bind communities together. Snow days have become a part of the fabric of many educational systems in colder regions and often contribute to school spirit and camaraderie among students, staff, and families.

In conclusion, the evidence supports the idea that maintaining snow days is essential for preserving mental health, emotional well-being, physical health, and overall school experiences. As discussions surrounding snow days continue, it is crucial to remember what we stand to lose if this cherished tradition is pushed aside in favor of an unrelenting academic calendar.

Teachers, We Have Got To Stop Falling for “Future” TikTok Challenges

The viral nature of social media has given birth to various trends and challenges that seem impossible to escape. Some of them are harmless, fun, or even educational. However, the “Future” TikTok challenges have taken an increasingly concerning turn for educators worldwide. As teachers, it’s crucial that we recognize these challenges and resist participating in them for the sake of our students’ wellbeing and maintaining a professional environment.

What Are “Future” TikTok Challenges?

“Future” TikTok challenges refer to a series of pranks or destructive acts that often encourage participants to engage in risky behaviors, vandalize property, or harass others. These challenges frequently spread like wildfire on social media platforms, with participants competing for views and likes. Unfortunately, they have increasingly targeted educational institutions, disrupting teaching environments and causing problems for teachers and students alike.

Why Teachers Must Refuse to Participate

Regardless of the perceived humor or potential virality of such challenges, teachers must adhere to their role as positive role models and effective educators. Engaging in “Future” TikTok challenges can:

1. Undermine Teachers’ Authority: When teachers participate in these disruptive challenges, their authority is weakened, and they risk losing the respect of their students.

2. Create an Unsafe Learning Environment: School vandalism, harassment, and violence stem from these pranks; they put students at risk while detracting from a positive learning environment.

3. Set a Bad Example: Teachers who engage in “Future” TikTok challenges inadvertently condone this behavior and encourage students to follow suit.

4. Waste Valuable Instructional Time: Time spent addressing vandalism or disciplining those involved takes away from instruction and productive student-teacher interactions.

5. Legal Ramifications: Depending on the severity of the challenge, both teachers and students could face legal consequences for their actions.

How to Combat “Future” TikTok Challenges

Education is key in combating these viral challenges. Teachers should:

1. Address Social Media Trends: Discuss the dangers of participating in such trends during class or assembly, encouraging critical thinking and emotional intelligence.

2. Encourage Positive Online Behavior: Promote a healthy digital culture by praising positive trends and highlighting the harm done by destructive ones.

3. Open Communication: Emphasize a safe space for students to voice concerns and report their peers’ risky behaviors without fear of judgment or punishment.

4. Inclusion & Peer Support: Foster a positive learning environment where students feel included and supported by their classmates, reducing the appeal of destructive group behaviors.

5. Collaborate with Parents & Administration: Work alongside school staff and parents to monitor social media activities, identify emergent trends, and create comprehensive strategies to address them.

In conclusion, it is incumbent upon teachers to refuse participation in “Future” TikTok challenges that threaten the safety and integrity of educational institutions. By fostering healthy digital habits and promoting a supportive learning environment, we can work together as educators to ensure our students are provided with the best opportunities for academic success – away from the distractions caused by destructive viral challenges.

Free Poster: 7 Questions Students Should Ask Before Saying ‘I’m Done’


As students progress through their academic journey, they often rush to complete assignments and declare themselves “done” without thorough self evaluation. To help students invest more time in self-assessment and reflection, we have developed a free poster outlining 7 essential questions they should ask before considering their work complete.

1. Have I read the instructions carefully?

Before claiming to be done, students should always review the assignment instructions to ensure they have understood and followed each guideline. This allows them to identify areas where they may have deviated from the given task and rectify any discrepancies.

2. Did I check my work for errors?

Students should thoroughly proofread their work, checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. By dedicating time to perfecting their writing, students can greatly improve the overall quality and readability of their assignments.

3. Have I provided clear explanations and examples?

In an ideal assignment, every idea should be supported with clear explanations and relevant examples. Before considering themselves finished, students must make sure they have included substantial evidence that effectively communicates their understanding of the topic.

4. Are my arguments well-structured and logical?

A well-thought-out argument is key to a standout assignment. Students should examine their work to ensure it follows a logical structure with comprehensive points that flow sequentially from one idea to the next.

5. Did I answer all of the questions or address all required aspects of the assignment?

To guarantee that every aspect of an assignment is covered, students must double-check whether all questions posed and sections required by the instructions are addressed in their work.

6. Have I properly cited all sources and used an appropriate reference style?

Proper citation is crucial in academic writing as it establishes credibility and prevents plagiarism. Before submitting an assignment, students must confirm that they have cited every source accurately in accordance with the specified reference style.

7. Did I seek input from a peer or teacher?

Receiving feedback from peers or instructors provides students with the opportunity to improve their work before submitting it. By incorporating advice from others, students can refine their assignments and better achieve learning objectives.


Asking these 7 essential questions can greatly enhance the quality of a student’s work, fostering a mindset focused on self-improvement and reflection. By implementing this self-assessment strategy, students will develop vital skills that not only benefit their academic performance but also prepare them for success in future pursuits. Download our free poster now to help your students take responsibility for their learning and strive for continuous growth.

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