Artificial Intelligence

It Turns Out Learning Robotics Teaches Valuable Social Skills


In recent years, robotics has emerged as a popular field of study for both students and professionals. While it is evident that mastering robotics offers technical skills, it is easy to overlook the valuable social skills that can also be gained from this unique learning experience. This article highlights how robotics education might just be the key to equipping oneself with communication, collaboration, and problem-solving abilities – essential characteristics for thriving in any social or professional environment.

Communication and teamwork in robotics:

As an inherently interdisciplinary field, robotics brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds such as engineering, computer science, and design. This diversity creates an environment where communication becomes critical to achieving common goals. When collaborating on complex robotic projects, students must learn to express their ideas clearly and concisely to team members with varying levels of expertise. Moreover, they must actively listen to and consider others’ perspectives to facilitate progress. Effective verbal and non-verbal communication empowers individuals to tackle complex challenges in the future, making these practices an asset beyond the realms of the workshop.

Critical thinking and problem solving:

Robotics demands not only a deep understanding of multiple technical concepts but also the ability to apply this knowledge creatively. As students work on various stages of their projects – from ideation all the way through to implementation – they learn to formulate hypotheses and devise possible solutions for any challenges they encounter. This iterative process develops critical thinking abilities that translate into improved decision-making skills in other aspects of life.

Adaptability and resilience:

The world of robotics is ever-evolving, with constant technological advancements reshaping the industry landscape. To remain competitive in this fast-paced field, students must adapt quickly to novel situations and new information. By embracing change with curiosity instead of apprehension, learners develop resilience—an essential trait for navigating today’s unpredictable world.

Empathy and ethics:

As artificial intelligence continues its rapid expansion into daily life, ethical considerations become increasingly important. By partaking in the design and development of robotic systems, students have the opportunity to ponder the potential consequences of their creations on society. This process fosters empathy toward others, encouraging them to consider the broader implications of technology beyond simple functionality.


Learning robotics not only equips individuals with technical expertise but also fosters valuable social skills integral to personal and professional success. By engaging in collaborative projects, learners sharpen their communication abilities, develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, cultivate adaptability, and nurture empathy for others. The interplay between technology and humanity is at the core of robotics education, making it a unique avenue for nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to tackle 21st-century challenges.

Here Are the SEL Statistics You Need


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has become a major focus in education as more and more research highlights its importance in students’ overall well-being, academic achievement, and long-term success. Educators, parents, and policymakers are recognizing the significance of developing skills like self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making in children. Here, we present the crucial SEL statistics you need to know that will help you understand the impact of SEL on students and their learning environment.

Statistics on the Importance of SEL:

1. According to a 2011 meta-analysis conducted by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), students who received quality SEL instruction demonstrated an 11% increase in academic achievement compared to those who did not receive SEL instruction.

2. Another study found that students who participated in evidence-based SEL programs exhibited improved behavior and attitude towards school; they also experienced a 9-percentile point gain in academic performance on average.

3. A 2017 study revealed that individuals with high emotional intelligence (EQ) had twice the chance of outperforming their peers who had lower EQ scores on various career-related outcomes.

4. Research conducted by Columbia University’s Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education estimated an $11 return on investment for every dollar spent on evidence-based SEL programs.

5. A survey conducted by Microsoft identified that around 91% of employers reported that they give preference to candidates with strong soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability.

6. Data from the World Economic Forum suggests that by 2025, skills like emotional intelligence, leadership, and active learning will be among the top 10 most sought-after skills globally.

Statistics on Mental Health and SEL:

7. Based on a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly one in five young people in the US (13-18 years old) have a diagnosable mental health condition.

8. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years have been diagnosed with anxiety, while 5.4% had diagnosed depressive disorders.

9. CASEL reports that implementing SEL programs effectively can decrease the likelihood of students engaging in high-risk behaviors like drug and alcohol abuse and addiction.

10. A study published in “Child Development” demonstrated that adolescents who had higher social-emotional competence reported lower levels of symptoms associated with depression and anxiety as they transitioned into adulthood.


These SEL statistics underline the importance of incorporating social and emotional learning into classrooms, homes, and communities. Investing time and effort in fostering SEL not only contributes to better academic outcomes but also promotes overall mental well-being and long-term success for students. Ultimately, nurturing these vital skills will help prepare children to navigate the challenges of life confidently and responsibly.

10 Role-Play Scenarios for Tough Tech Moments


Navigating the world of technology can be challenging, especially when difficult situations arise. Preparing for these scenarios can help you stay confident and feel more at ease when using technology in your daily life. To help you prepare, we have compiled a list of the top 10 role-play scenarios for tough tech moments. These role-plays cover common issues, ranging from technical problems to ethical dilemmas.

1. The Unexpected Software Crash

Scenario: While working on an important document or project, your software suddenly crashes, causing potential data loss.

Role-play: Rehearse what steps you would take to troubleshoot the issue, recover your work, and develop a backup plan to prevent future incidents.

2. Online Privacy Concerns

Scenario: You suspect that one of the websites or apps you recently used is collecting and selling your personal information.

Role-play: Practice explaining your concerns to a customer service representative while requesting information on their privacy policy and providing suggestions for enhanced security measures.

3. Customer Service Nightmare

Scenario: You are experiencing issues with a newly purchased tech product, and reaching customer support has proven difficult.

Role-play: Try various methods of communication — chatbots, email, phone support — and learn how to convey your issue clearly and effectively while maintaining patience.

4. Cyberbullying Encounter

Scenario: You witness or become the target of cyberbullying on a social media platform.

Role-play: Handle the situation with tact by reporting the incident to the platform administrators, offering support to the targeted individual(s), and practicing self-care in response to online negativity.

5. Handling Spoilers

Scenario: You inadvertently stumble upon spoilers for a movie or TV show you’ve been anticipating before having a chance to watch it.

Role-play: Practice self-restraint in avoiding sharing spoilers with friends or online communities while encouraging respectful discussions that respect others’ viewing experiences.

6. Adapting to New Tech

Scenario: A new software or device is introduced at your workplace, requiring a learning curve for you and your colleagues.

Role-play: Share tips and encouragement with your peers, ask informed questions when facing challenges, and develop a positive mindset regarding technological changes in the workplace.

7. Dealing with Trolls

Scenario: An online troll is causing disruptions in an online community you’re part of.

Role-play: Practice ignoring or disengaging from harmful conversations, reminding others of community guidelines, and fostering positive dialogue within the group.

8. Ethical Dilemma in AI

Scenario: You discover that an AI technology you utilize has been trained on biased data, leading to unfair outcomes.

Role-play: Advocate for addressing this issue by discussing potential solutions with stakeholders and exploring alternative AI options that prioritize ethical considerations.

9. Phishing Attempt

Scenario: You receive a suspicious email claiming to be from a company or service provider requesting sensitive information.

Role-play: Hone your skills in identifying and responding to phishing attempts by verifying the sender’s identity, exercising caution when clicking links, and using secure methods to confirm account issues.

10. Imposter Syndrome in Tech

Scenario: Working in a technical field, you experience feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

Role-play: Practice self-affirmation through openly discussing your achievements, seeking mentorship, and focusing on your unique strengths within the field.


By practicing these role-play scenarios, you can better prepare yourself for tough tech moments and gain confidence in your ability to navigate and adapt to an ever-evolving technological landscape. Remember that it’s normal to encounter challenges – staying proactive and equipping yourself with effective strategies will make all the difference.

There Are No Words for This


At times, life presents us with moments that are beyond the realm of our comprehension – moments that leave us speechless, struggling to categorize or describe the feelings that engulf us. In this article, we explore the concept of ‘There Are No Words for This,’ delving into how human beings can embrace these unexplainable occurrences and establish a deeper connection with both themselves and the world around them.

I. The Limits of Language and Emotion

Language plays a crucial role in our lives as a means of communication, enabling us to express ourselves, share ideas, and connect with others on a deeper level. However, there are instances when language falls short in capturing the essence of our emotions or experiences.

These unexplainable moments can be profoundly beautiful, deeply sorrowful or simply otherworldly – transcending our usual frame of reference. They take us by surprise and urge us to step out of our comfort zones, opening up new dimensions of understanding.

II. Embracing the Unexplainable

Acknowledging and embracing these ineffable moments allow us to tap into realms beyond the mundane. Because such instances lie outside of conventional expectations or norms, they enable us to break free from the confines of routine thought patterns or perceptions.

1. Be Fully Present: To truly appreciate these indescribable moments, it is essential to be fully present – both mentally and emotionally. By practicing presence and mindfulness, we allow ourselves to immerse in these occurrences and explore their implications.

2. Accept Uncertainty: When experiencing an inexplicable event, it’s important not to resist it due to our inability to understand or categorize it immediately. Instead, surrendering to the experience allows us to accept its uniqueness without judgment or attachment.

3. Cherish Authenticity: Unexplainable moments serve as reminders that life is an inherently complex and nuanced journey. Rather than seeking to fit these experiences into predefined frameworks, appreciate the authenticity of the emotions they evoke, even if it means walking an uncertain path.

III. The Power of Nonverbal Communication

In the face of moments that elude verbal expression, there lies potential in establishing connections through nonverbal communication. Sharing a knowing glance, a warm embrace or simply being in the presence of a loved one during these special instances often speaks louder than any words could.

IV. Creating Our Own Language

As we grow and develop as individuals, our experiences shape our perceptions and carve out new dimensions within our mental landscapes. In embracing the unexplainable, we might be inspired to develop our own language – a conglomeration of personal symbols and metaphors that encapsulate our emotions more effectively.


Whether through our own internal musings or nonverbal communication with others, human beings possess an innate ability to connect profoundly with the world around them. It is through acknowledging and embracing these moments when ‘There Are No Words for This’ that we find ourselves opening up to new perspectives and encountering deeper dimensions of existence – transcending barriers and fathomless beyond any words could capture.

Artificial Intelligence Apps, Tools, and Resources That I Would Use If I Were Still in the Classroom

Back in 2001, when I started as a teacher, the technology boom was in its nascent stage. I remember toting a large bag filled with papers home most nights and going to sleep drowning under a vast sea of student homework that needed grading. My classroom was even worse, cluttered with books, manipulatives, globes, maps, and learning stations that left little room for anything else. However, as I write this in 2018, things have changed dramatically. Today’s teachers have edtech in their corners.

Digital teaching and learning tools have streamlined education processes and provide learning experiences that stretch far beyond the materials that were available for me back in 2001. Back then, you needed to be in a wealthy district to have a teacher’s assistant. Nowadays, teachers can use artificial intelligence as an extra pair of hands and eyes.

AI can be used to grade student papers, teach students foundational skills, remediate struggling learners, prep students for exams, manage the classroom, keep the teacher organized and the list goes own. The fact that teachers can enjoy their very own teacher’s assistants is impressive to me. Back in 2001, I couldn’t even fathom that this would be a possibility less than two decades later. Back then, it was just science fiction. If I were still in the classroom today, I’d use these artificial intelligence apps, tools and resources:

JoeZoo– JoeZoo is a grading and feedback app that helps teachers to make their feedback and grading to be more effective and hassle-free. It also guides students in developing 21st-century skills in all assignment without any hassle. JoeZoo is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered assessment app that was nominated for the 2015 Digital Innovation in Learning award.

Cram101: Do you struggle to come up with simple study guides, quizzes, or flashcards for your students? Cram101 can help by dividing your textbook into smaller pieces of information that are easily studied. Using your general textbook, you can now benefit from chapter summaries and additional content that your students will love.

Zoomi Inc: Zoomi Inc is an artificial intelligence analytics company that provides individualized lessons in real-time using machine learning technology. Its AI technology evaluates employees and objectively assesses what they know and what they still need to learn. Zoomi Inc has over 250 proprietary algorithms that run simultaneously to provide a personal learning experience, predict learning outcomes, and best delivery methods. An automated process handles all lessons and evaluations.

M-Shule – Based in Nairobi, is an award-winning eLearning platform. It was the runner up at the 2017 Global Edtech Startup Awards in London. The M-Shule platform makes use of artificial intelligence and SMS to deliver personalized education to primary school students across Africa. M-Shule also works without an internet connection, an outstanding plus point for an Edtech startup in Africa where only 10% of schools have internet access.

PLAiTO – This platform makes use of artificial intelligence to improve the learning process. PLAiTO creates a unique learning path for each learner based on the strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics of that learner. It can be used to create quality content.

Freckle Education: Students that used to hate school might suddenly find it enjoyable again with Freckle Education. They can work at their level for math, ELA, social studies, and science while teachers can quickly see insights into their progress.

Mika: Mika is a great option for higher education students who need more assistance in their math courses. Carnegie Learning offers a one-on-one virtual tutoring experience using the best that artificial intelligence has to offer. Students receive a personalized path and real-time information on how they’re doing.

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