Classroom Management

Cleaning Your Classroom? You’ll Want This Checklist

A clean and organized classroom environment is essential for enhancing student engagement, productivity, and overall learning experience. With so many tasks on your to-do list as an educator, it’s easy to let clutter accumulate in your teaching space. That’s why we’ve developed this comprehensive checklist to help you tackle classroom cleaning efficiently and effectively.

1. Desks and Chairs

– Wipe down all surfaces, including desktops and chairs, with an appropriate cleaner

– Disinfect high-touch areas like desk handles or chair backs

– Organize desktop items neatly, ensuring each student has a clear work area

– Check for any damaged furniture that may need repair or replacement

2. Whiteboards and Blackboards

– Erase all written content from whiteboards or blackboards

– Clean the boards thoroughly with a suitable cleaner and soft cloth

– Ensure markers, chalk, and erasers are adequately stocked and organized nearby

3. Teacher’s Area

– Clear away unnecessary papers and items from your workspace

– Organize files, resources, and teaching materials in a designated storage area

– Disinfect frequently touched items like computer keyboards, mice, or tablets

4. Shelves and Storage Areas

– Declutter shelves by removing any items that are no longer used or needed

– Arrange remaining items neatly to allow easy access for both students and staff

– Label each shelf or container to establish clear organization categories

5. Floors

– Sweep or vacuum floor areas daily to remove dirt, debris, or food crumbs

– Mop hard floor surfaces weekly using an appropriate cleaning solution

– Schedule regular professional carpet cleaning (if applicable)

6. Windows and Glass Surfaces

– Clean windows inside and out regularly for optimal visibility

– Wipe down glass surfaces like mirrors or display cases with a streak-free cleaner

7. Classroom Decorations

– Remove any outdated posters or displays, replacing them with relevant new content

– Dust shelves, light fixtures, and wall decorations to maintain a fresh atmosphere

8. Shared Materials

– Disinfect shared items like scissors, pencils, or calculators regularly

– Replace or refill consumable supplies as needed, such as glue sticks or paper

9. Trash and Recycling Bins

– Empty trash cans daily and sanitizing them weekly

– Clearly label and place recycling stations throughout the classroom

10. Air Quality

– Keep classroom windows open whenever possible to improve air circulation

– Regularly replace air filters or clean vents to ensure adequate air flow

With this handy checklist in place, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining an organized, clean, and productive learning environment for you and your students. Remember that a tidy classroom not only improves the feel of the space, but can also positively impact student success. Happy cleaning!

6 Books & Activities to Reinforce Classroom Community

Building a strong classroom community is critical to ensuring all students have a positive and meaningful educational experience. To help reinforce this sense of community, we have compiled a list of six books and complementary activities that promote respect, empathy, and acceptance in the classroom.

1. “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio

This heartwarming novel tells the story of Auggie Pullman, a young boy with facial differences who experiences both the challenges and joys of entering a public school for the first time. Activity: Host a “Choose Kind” campaign where students create artwork and messages encouraging kindness and inclusivity. Display these around the classroom to foster a positive atmosphere.

 2. “The Name Jar” by Yangsook Choi

In this story, a young Korean girl named Unhei struggles with adapting to her new American classroom where her classmates can’t pronounce her name correctly. Activity: Encourage students to research the meaning behind their names and share with the class. This helps develop understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity within the classroom community.

3. “Each Kindness” by Jacqueline Woodson

This book teaches an important lesson about the power of kindness through the story of Chloe, who learns she missed opportunities to be kind to her classmate Maya. Activity: Start a “Kindness Jar” in which students write down acts of kindness they witness in school. Read several examples during weekly circle time or class meetings to celebrate these positive behaviors.

4. “The Invisible Boy” by Trudy Ludwig

This touching tale highlights the importance of including everyone in the school community by telling Brian’s story – a quiet boy who feels invisible until he is finally noticed by a caring classmate. Activity: Have students create personalized cards or notes for each person in their class to remind them they are valued and important members of the classroom community.

5. “Last Stop on Market Street” by Matt de la Peña

This beautifully written and illustrated book tells the story of CJ and his grandmother’s journey through their diverse neighborhood to serve others at a local soup kitchen. Activity: Organize a class project to support a local charity or cause. This will teach students about compassion, empathy, and giving back to their community.

6. “The Big Umbrella” by Amy June Bates

This metaphorical picture book uses an umbrella as the central element to symbolize inclusion and acceptance. No matter how many people come under the umbrella, there is always room for more. Activity: Provide students with art materials to create their own unique umbrellas that represent themselves and their cultures. Display these around the room as a celebration of diversity.

Incorporating these books and activities into your curriculum can help build a stronger foundation in your classroom community, where all students feel respected, supported, and part of the group. By promoting respect, understanding, and empathy, you set the stage for students to thrive academically and socially.

Get These Four Free 15-Minute Icebreakers for Your Classroom


As a teacher, it can be challenging to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for your students, especially at the beginning of a new school year or semester. One way to bring everyone together and foster friendships is through icebreakers – activities designed to help participants get to know and connect with each other. Here are four free 15-minute icebreaker activities that you can use in your classroom to kick off the term on a positive note.

1. Two Truths and a Lie

This classic icebreaker requires no preparation and is perfect for getting students to share interesting facts about themselves. Have each person come up with two true statements and one false statement about themselves, then take turns sharing the three statements with the class. The other students must guess which statement is the lie. This game can be adapted for any age group – younger children may share simple facts, while older students could delve into hobbies or experiences.

2. Human Bingo

Create a 5×5 bingo grid template with various descriptions written inside the squares (e.g., “Has traveled abroad”, “Speaks more than one language”, “Has a pet”). Distribute the grid to each student, instructing them to find classmates who fit these descriptions and have them sign their name in the respective square. The first person to complete a row or column (or fill out the entire grid) wins! This activity encourages students to engage in conversation and discover common interests.

3. Inside-Outside Circle

Divide your class into two groups, one forming an inner circle and the other an outer circle, with each student facing another student. Pose a discussion question and give each pair one minute to share their thoughts on the topic. Then, have the outer circle rotate clockwise so that everyone has a new partner. Repeat this process several times with different questions, enabling students to interact with multiple classmates while practicing active listening and conversation skills.

4. All About Me Bags

A week before implementing this icebreaker, ask your students to bring a paper bag filled with three to five objects representing their hobbies, interests, or important aspects of their lives. During the icebreaker, have each student present their bag and explain the significance of each item. This activity gives everyone the opportunity to share personal stories and find connections with fellow students.


These four 15-minute icebreakers serve as a fantastic foundation for building a strong classroom community. Not only do they encourage students to open up and find common interests, but they also create a welcoming environment that sets the stage for a successful school year. Consider using these icebreakers in your classroom to create lasting bonds and promote positive communication among your students.

You’re Going to Want to Steal This Teacher’s Super Easy Color-Coding System


Teachers are always searching for innovative ways to keep their classrooms organized and efficient. One groundbreaking approach that you simply must try is this teacher’s super easy color-coding system. It’s a game changer for both educators and students alike. Read on and discover why you’ll definitely want to “steal” this clever organization system for your own classroom.

Color-Coding System Overview:

The color-coding system begins with assigning a unique color to each subject. For example, Math can be blue, English red, Science green, and Social Studies yellow. To avoid confusion, make sure not to assign more than one subject the same color. This is the foundation of this brilliant organizational scheme.

Benefits of the Color-Coding System:

1. Easy Organization: With this color-coding system in place, students can quickly identify materials related to a specific subject. Teachers can also apply these colors to their lesson plan templates, making it easier for them to keep track of what has been covered and what’s coming up.

2. Reduced Stress: Juggling multiple subjects throughout the day can be stressful for both teachers and students. The color-coding system minimizes stress by visually separating subjects and making them easy to locate and differentiate from each other.

3. Increased Productivity: Students can instantly spot subject-related materials and get started on their work without wasting time searching for the correct papers or books. This streamlined approach boosts productivity and saves time in the long run.

4. Unification and Cooperation: The color-coding system also encourages collaboration among educators. By following the same coding methods, teachers can ensure smooth transitions between classes or when handing off assignments from one teacher to another.

5. Visual Appeal: Let’s face it – a colorful classroom is an inviting space! Integrating a visually appealing color scheme into the organization lends itself well to creating a more engaging environment for both students and teachers.

Color-Coding System Implementation Tips:

1. Use colored folders, binders, and labels: Store each subject’s materials in a color-coordinated folder, binder, or utilize color-coded labels. This not only makes it effortless to locate resources but also adds visual appeal to your filing system.

2. Mark your calendar: Apply the colors to your classroom calendar as well. This aids in quickly identifying which subject needs to be studied or reviewed on a specific day.

3. Color-code tech: If you’re using digital resources like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, organize shared documents with the subject’s assigned color. This provides seamless collaboration between educators and creates consistency for students accessing their assignments online.

4. Maintain consistency: Be sure to use the same color-coding system across the whole school year. Consistency is crucial for effectively implementing this organizational method.


The super easy color-coding system is an invaluable tool for teachers that allows them to maintain order in their classrooms while also promoting a more vibrant and engaging learning environment for their students. We highly recommend implementing this creative approach into your teaching methods – you won’t regret “stealing” this fantastic idea!

Help! I’m Tired of Disruptive Kids Coming Back From the Principal’s Office With Candy


Disruptive students in the classroom have been a common challenge for teachers for decades. However, a new problematic trend has emerged – these difficult students are sent to the principal’s office and often return with candy as a reward. This phenomenon raises concerns not only about the effectiveness of the current disciplinary strategies but also about the message being transmitted to both disruptive and well-behaved kids.

The Problem at Hand

Sending a disruptive student to the principal’s office is meant to serve as a corrective measure, an opportunity for the child to reflect on their attitude and behavior. When they come back with candy, various negative consequences arise:

  1. It undermines teacher authority: Students will perceive that there are no real consequences for their misconduct since they receive a treat instead of punishment.
  2. It can incentivize bad behavior: Some students may act out purposefully, believing that poor behavior will get them free candy.
  3. It is unfair to well-behaved kids: Hard-working and respectful students may feel neglected or undervalued when they see disruptive ones getting rewarded.

Addressing Root Causes

To counter this problematic trend, schools need to re-evaluate their disciplinary approaches. Here are some suggestions:

1. Train teachers in classroom management techniques: Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for educators on effective strategies to handle difficult behaviors and foster a positive learning environment.

2. Encourage communication between teachers and administrators: Ensure that school staff is on board with uniform disciplinary policies and implement them consistently.

3. Implement alternatives to traditional punishment methods: Consider applying techniques such as restorative practices that focus on fostering relationships, building empathy, and repairing harm done, over punitive measures that may further alienate problematic students.

4. Reward good behavior: Acknowledge well-behaved students by implementing reward systems that recognize academic achievements, kindness, or helpfulness.


Addressing the issue of disruptive kids coming back from the principal’s office with candy requires a united and proactive approach on behalf of teachers, parents, and school administrators. By re-examining the disciplinary methods in place and adopting alternatives that promote better communication and decision-making, it’s possible to discourage disruptive behavior, create a fair environment for all students, and maintain a positive school climate.

11 Incredible Classroom Cleaning Hacks That Really Work


Maintaining a clean and organized classroom is essential for creating a conducive learning environment. With children constantly in and out, classrooms can quickly become cluttered and messy. To tackle this challenge, we have compiled 11 incredible cleaning hacks that really work to keep your classroom sparkling clean.

1. Remove whiteboard marker stains with hand sanitizer

Applying hand sanitizer on a soft cloth and gently rubbing on the stubborn marker stains can remove them quickly. The alcohol in the sanitizer breaks down the stains, making it easy to wipe them away.

2. Use tennis balls to erase scuff marks on floors

Cut a small hole in an old tennis ball and slip it onto the end of a broomstick or mop handle. Glide the tennis ball over scuff marks to remove them from your floors easily.

3. Utilize baking soda and vinegar for sparkling windows

Combine equal parts water, white vinegar, and baking soda to create an effective window cleaner. Spray it onto windows and wipe away with a squeegee or lint-free cloth for streak-free windows.

4. Clean computer keyboards with a sticky note

Run the sticky edge of a sticky note through the crevices of your computer keyboard to pick up dust, crumbs, and other debris quickly.

5. Remove crayon marks from walls with toothpaste

Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on a cloth or sponge and gently rub it over the crayon marks. Wipe away with a damp cloth to reveal clean walls.

6. Organize classroom supplies using labeled bins

Assign specific bins for items such as pencils, markers, scissors, and glue sticks. This hack keeps supplies organized while also making cleanup time more efficient.

7. Use baby wipes for quick cleanups

Keep baby wipes handy for quick cleanups of spills, dusty surfaces, or dirty hands.

8. Disinfect toys with a vinegar and water solution

Regularly soak toys in a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water to disinfect them and keep germs at bay.

9. Use a lint roller to clean fabric surfaces

A lint roller is excellent for picking up dust, hair, and debris from fabric surfaces like chair cushions and carpets.

10. Create a daily cleaning checklist

Develop a daily cleaning checklist to ensure all tasks are completed consistently, promoting a community-driven effort to maintaining classroom cleanliness.

11. Use dryer sheets to clean and freshen up the air

Wipe down dusty surfaces with dryer sheets as they effectively pick up dust while leaving behind a fresh scent. You can also tuck dryer sheets in hidden corners or under trash bags to maintain a pleasant-smelling classroom.


By implementing these simple yet effective cleaning hacks, you can maintain a clean, organized, and inviting classroom environment. A well-kept classroom not only benefits the physical health of students but also enhances their ability to focus on learning.

Why We’re Ditching Classroom Jobs for Star Student of the Day


In recent years, educators have been reevaluating and rethinking traditional classroom practices. The age-old tradition of assigning students specific classroom jobs is one method that has been under scrutiny. As a result, many teachers are now choosing to ditch classroom jobs in favor of the new Star Student of the Day approach. This article will explore why this change is taking place and the potential benefits of embracing this new strategy in classrooms.

Why are we ditching classroom jobs?

Classroom jobs have been a staple in educational settings for decades. However, with changing societal norms and the evolving demands on 21st-century learners, many educators have started questioning their effectiveness. Some of the contributing factors for this shift include:

1. Redundancy: In modern classrooms, technology has streamlined many tasks that were once assigned as student responsibilities, leading to less meaningful or necessary jobs for them to complete.

2. Inequality: A rotating system often results in some students missing out on desired roles due to scheduling or absences, leading to a sense of exclusion or resentment.

3. Diminished Focus on Learning: Assigning specific tasks can take time away from lessons and distract students from focusing on their academic goals.

Enter: Star Student of the Day

As an alternative, the Star Student of the Day approach aims to celebrate and reward positive behavior while highlighting each student’s unique strengths and contributions. Instead of assigning daily tasks or jobs, teachers select a student who has exemplified positive behavior to recognize in front of their peers. This not only promotes a sense of pride and accomplishment but also provides other students with a model for success.

Benefits of adopting Star Student of the Day:

1. Encourages Positive Behavior: By recognizing exemplary conduct, other students have a clear example of behaviors worth emulating.

2. Boosts Self-Esteem: Being acknowledged as the Star Student of the Day can significantly improve a student’s self-image and confidence.

3. Emphasizes Individual Strengths: This approach allows teachers to recognize each student’s unique abilities and contributions, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.

4. Fosters Peer Recognition: Encouraging peers to recognize and support one another contributes to a culture of respect and camaraderie in the classroom.

5. Minimizes Classroom Distractions: Eliminating assigned tasks frees up time and energy for students to focus on their learning objectives instead.


As education continues to adapt to the ever-changing needs of students, it’s essential that we reevaluate traditional practices like classroom jobs. By embracing the Star Student of the Day approach, teachers can create a more inclusive, supportive, and engaging environment that promotes positivity and achievement. It’s time to leave outdated methods behind and celebrate the unique qualities of every student in the classroom.

15 Marvelous Classroom Organization Tips for Back-to-School

With the back-to-school season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about organizing your classroom for the upcoming year. A well-organized classroom can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth-running and productive learning environment. In this article, we will explore 15 marvelous classroom organization tips to help you kick off the school year in style.

1. Label storage areas: Clearly label storage spaces, such as shelves, drawers, and cabinets to help students know where supplies and materials can be found.

2. Color-code subjects: Assign a specific color for each subject and use that color for folders, binders, and other materials related to that subject.

3. Establish a homework station: Designate a specific area in the classroom for students to turn in their assignments and retrieve necessary materials.

4. Create a cozy reading nook: Set up a comfortable and relaxing space where students can read independently or in small groups.

5. Organize teacher materials: Keep your own materials, lesson plans, and resources organized with files or binders to ensure easy access when needed.

6. Maximize vertical space: Make use of walls, doors, and tall bookshelves to display student work, store items, or exhibit educational posters.

7. Use clear bins or containers: Store supplies in transparent containers to make it easier for students to locate items without having to rummage through drawers.

8. Organize paperwork with trays: Implement a tray system where each student has their own tray to manage their papers and assignments, or organize them by subject matter.

9. Utilize group seating arrangements: Arrange desks or tables by creating different seating areas that encourage student collaboration and social interaction during group activities.

10. Schedule clean-up time: Assign a specific time for students to tidy up their work areas at the end of each day.

11. Adopt flexible seating options: Offer a variety of seating options, such as bean bags, rugs, and cushions, to accommodate different learning preferences and needs.

12. Implement a lost-and-found box: Place a designated box in the classroom for misplaced items, encouraging students to check there first if they can’t find something.

13. Establish classroom routines: Implement routines for daily tasks, such as distributing materials and collecting assignments, to keep the classroom running smoothly.

14. Display a visible and organized schedule: Post the daily schedule and any important due dates in a prominent location that students can easily reference throughout the day.

15. Make use of technology: Use digital tools and apps to help manage tasks, such as taking attendance, tracking student progress, and sharing resources with students.

In conclusion, a well-organized classroom sets the stage for a successful school year. Implementing these 15 tips will not only make your teaching experience more enjoyable but will also create an environment where your students can thrive. Happy organizing!

These First-Day Teacher Rituals Will Help You Start the Year Strong


The first day of school can be intimidating for both students and teachers. For teachers, it’s crucial to start the year off strong and set the tone for a successful and engaging learning environment. In this article, we’ll explore several first-day teacher rituals that will not only help you feel more prepared but also support a positive classroom culture throughout the school year.

1. Prepare your classroom environment

Before the first day, take time to organize your classroom and ensure that it is an inviting and comfortable space for learning. This can include decorating bulletin boards with inspiring quotes or class rules, setting up seating arrangements that encourage collaboration, and clearly labeling all materials to make transitions throughout the day smoother.

2. Establish a morning routine

Having a consistent morning routine will help set the tone for a productive day. This may include activities such as journal prompts, meditating, reading aloud, or stretching exercises to get students energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.

3. Greet every student at the door

As students arrive in your classroom, make it a point to greet each one individually at the door. This simple ritual not only helps build rapport with each student but also sets a tone of care and warmth from the moment they step into your learning space.

4. Icebreaker activities

Plan short icebreaker activities that encourage students to learn about one another and foster new connections. This can be as simple as asking them to share something about themselves or engaging in team-building exercises that illustrate the importance of collaboration.

5. Set clear expectations

Establish high yet attainable expectations for your students from day one. Clearly communicate your expectations for behavior, participation, and work ethic both in discussions with your students and in writing through class rules or syllabi.

6. Get organized early

Model strong organizational skills by using tools like lesson plans, agendas, or digital tools in the classroom. This practice ensures that you are prepared and organized, setting a strong example for your students to follow.

7. Engage parents and guardians

Begin building relationships with your students’ families by sending out a letter, email, or newsletter that introduces you, outlines course expectations, and provides contact information. Maintaining open lines of communication with parents and guardians can be helpful when addressing any concerns that may arise throughout the year.

8. Set personal goals

Take some time to reflect on your teaching practices and what you hope to accomplish this school year. Setting achievable, specific, and measurable goals for yourself can help drive continual growth and improvement in your teaching abilities.

9. Make time for self-care

As a teacher, it’s essential not to neglect your well-being. Whether it’s through exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, remember to set aside time for self-care to remain energized and maintain a positive outlook throughout the school year.


Incorporating these first-day teacher rituals will not only help establish a strong foundation for the school year but also create a nurturing, inclusive environment that supports student learning and success. By being prepared, setting expectations, and fostering connections with students and their families, teachers can create an engaging academic experience that benefits all involved.

18 Classroom “Before and Afters” to Inspire You


Everyone loves a good makeover, and classrooms are no exception. Upgrading your classroom can not only rejuvenate the learning environment but also provide that much-needed inspiration for students and teachers alike. We’ve gathered a collection of 18 inspiring classroom “before and afters” guaranteed to get you excited about your next classroom transformation!

1. Modern reading nook: Transform that empty corner into a cozy reading nook with comfy seating, bookshelves filled with enticing reads, and warm lighting.

2. Creative collaboration center: A simple configuration of desks with a whiteboard or chalkboard in the center encourages group collaboration and brainstorming sessions.

3. Nature-inspired classroom: Integrate natural elements such as wooden furniture, potted plants, and nature-based artwork to create a calming space for focused learning.

4. Tech-friendly space: Upgrade your classroom with modern technology such as interactive smartboards and comfortable seating on casters for easy movement during group activities.

5. Bright accent walls: Help energize and enliven the room by adding bright-colored accent walls or inspirational quotes to motivate students.

6. Makeover for science lab: Bring new life to an outdated science lab with appealing STEM-focused posters, organized storage containers, and additional workstations with up-to-date equipment.

7. Interactive word wall: Update your standard word wall by making it interactive with movable letters that students can use during word work sessions or games.

8. Welcoming entrance: Revamp your entryway with colorful bulletin boards, a cheerful doormat, and an organization station where students can grab supplies on their way in.

9. Art-focused space: Create an inspiring art area by adding splashes of color through paint or fabric-covered furniture, along with display areas for student masterpieces

10. Global learning zone: Encourage multicultural understanding by incorporating world maps, flags, and artifacts from different countries into your classroom design.

11. Inviting library area: Turn bookshelves against walls into a central hub by adding a comfortable rug, bean bag chairs, and eye-catching signage with book recommendations.

12. Mindfulness corner: Help students find peace with a designated quiet area filled with comfortable seating, soothing decor, and calming activities like coloring or yoga.

13. Active seating options: Upgrade traditional seating with alternatives like yoga balls or wiggle cushions to encourage movement and help students focus.

14. Streamlined storage solutions: Keep your supplies organized and easy to find with labeled cubbies and storage bins in uniform colors.

15. Outdoor learning space: Offer students the option to take their learning outdoors with an inspiring outdoor zone equipped with benches, clipboards, and fun activities that create an open-air learning environment.

16. STEM zone makeover: Enhance your STEM area by incorporating vibrant colors, engaging resources, and hands-on materials that encourage exploration and creativity.

17. Student-centered bookshelves: Involve students in your furniture-refresh project by adding wheels to low-standing bookcases, allowing them to reposition during group work or independent reading time.

18. Eco-friendly classroom: Build sustainability awareness by inviting natural light into the room, adding recycling bins for easy waste management, and incorporating reused or repurposed furniture items as part of the redesign project.


These 18 inspiring classroom “before and afters” demonstrate the incredible impact small changes can have on a learning environment. No matter your budget or resources, you can transform your classroom into an inspiring space where students are excited to learn and grow every day!