Digital & Mobile Technology

Teach Internet Safety for Students With These 5 Lessons

As the internet continues to grow and become more integral in our daily lives, it has become important for students to understand how to navigate it safely and responsibly. Teaching children and teens about safe internet usage not only helps protect them from potential dangers online but also encourages appropriate behavior and thoughtful choices. Here are five lessons to teach students about internet safety.

1. Sharing Personal Information

Teach students that personal information should be kept private, especially online. Explain what personal information is, including their full name, address, phone number, password, photographs, and school name. Discuss the potential risks associated with sharing personal information online, like identity theft or cyberbullying. Offer guidance on how students can protect themselves by adjusting their privacy settings on social media platforms and using strong passwords.

2. Identifying Online Strangers

Make sure students understand the concept of a stranger—someone they don’t know personally—and that they can encounter strangers online as well as offline. Teach them not to accept friend requests from unknown people or share personal information with them. Emphasize the importance of being cautious when engaging in online forums or gaming platforms where they may interact with strangers.

3. Recognizing Cyberbullying

Explain to students what cyberbullying is and how it differs from traditional bullying. Discuss how cyberbullying can manifest through hurtful messages, rumors, or inappropriate images shared without consent. Teach them about the potential emotional consequences of such behavior and encourage them to report any instances of cyberbullying to a trusted adult. Foster an environment where open communication about these experiences is welcomed and supported.

4. Understanding Online Etiquette

Instill in students the importance of treating others with respect and kindness both in person and online. This includes avoiding offensive language or content, refraining from engaging in hurtful behavior or gossip, considering other people’s feelings before posting on social media, and giving credit when sharing someone else’s work. Encourage critical thinking about how their actions may impact others and the importance of maintaining a positive digital footprint.

5. Evaluating Online Content

Teach students how to evaluate the credibility of websites and the information they find online. Discuss how not all content is accurate or reliable, and explain the potential dangers associated with misinformation. Provide tools for identifying trustworthy sources, such as checking URLs for credibility, looking for author credentials, and cross-referencing information with multiple sources.

In conclusion, teaching students about internet safety empowers them to make informed decisions in this interconnected world. Building these lessons into your curriculum not only helps protect students but also allows them to develop digital citizenship skills that will last a lifetime.

Get Our Free Poster Set: Classroom Tech Rules


In the age of digital advancement and technological innovation, classrooms today are witnessing a significant transformation. Students and teachers alike are adapting to modern educational practices that involve the use of advanced devices, software, and tools. In such a scenario, it becomes imperative to establish a clear set of guidelines for students that ensure responsible and safe technology usage in the classroom. To help you with this, we are offering a free poster set: Classroom Tech Rules.

The Importance of Classroom Tech Rules

Classroom Tech Rules provide a visual reminder for students about using technology in a manner that promotes learning, safety, and productivity. These rules, when displayed prominently in a classroom, can benefit teachers in effectively managing technology usage while simultaneously fostering student self-regulation.

What’s Included in the Free Poster Set?

Our free Classroom Tech Rules poster set will provide you with engaging and informative posters that serve as gentle reminders for your students. The posters cover the following tech-use categories:

1. Device Handling – The poster emphasizes the importance of taking care of school devices by handling them appropriately.

2. Online Safety – Your students will learn about maintaining their privacy online, protecting their personal information, and being mindful of potential threats.

3. Respectful Communication – This poster teaches students how to engage respectfully via technology-based platforms.

4. Cyberbullying Prevention – Encouraging responsible online behaviour, this poster highlights the importance of standing up against cyberbullying.

5. Digital Citizenship – This poster promotes positive interactions among your digital community while emphasizing respect for other people’s ideas and perspectives.

6. Creative Commons – Help your students understand the concept of intellectual property rights and guide them to always cite their sources correctly.

How to Get Your Free Classroom Tech Rules Poster Set

Obtaining our free Classroom Tech Rules poster set is an easy process:

Step 1: Visit our website (provide link)

Step 2: Sign up with your email address

Step 3: Confirm your subscription through the confirmation email sent to your inbox

Step 4: Download the Classroom Tech Rules poster set after receiving the access email


Incorporating Classroom Tech Rules in your educational environment is an important aspect of addressing responsible technology usage. The free poster set offered will not only liven up your classroom space but also serve as a constant visual reminder for students to follow the rules and maintain a safe, respectful, and productive digital atmosphere. Download our free Classroom Tech Rules poster set today and help your students become more responsible digital citizens.

How My Students Use Digital Workspaces to Show What They’ve Learned

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of technology in the classroom is not just a trend but a necessity. The modern teacher is responsible for empowering students to harness technological tools and digital platforms to demonstrate their understanding of various subjects effectively. One such digital platform that has revolutionized my students’ learning experience is the digital workspace. By leveraging these collaborative, virtual environments, they can showcase their knowledge and skills acquired throughout their educational journey.

A digital workspace is a cloud-based platform where students create, collaborate, and share information related to their coursework. With features like live chat, interactive whiteboards, audio and video sharing, and file storage and sharing capabilities, these platforms encourage active learning among students.

Here are some ways my students have utilized digital workspaces to exhibit what they’ve learned:

1. Collaborative Group Projects

Digital workspaces allow multiple users to access and edit documents simultaneously and in real-time. This feature has proven beneficial for my students as they break into groups for collaborative projects. They work together on presentations or reports using shared files within the workspace. As a result, they learn from each other’s inputs while showcasing their individual contributions.

2. Digital Portfolios

My students create digital portfolios on the workspace as a comprehensive record of their accomplishments throughout the academic year. Consisting of written work, multimedia presentations, and even self-recorded videos explaining complex concepts, these portfolios help them demonstrate their progress and growth in diverse subjects.

3. Interactive Assignments

I often assign interactive tasks to my students that involve creating presentations or designing infographics based on research. They use digital workspace tools to experiment with styles and formats that illustrate their understanding of the topic effectively.

4. Online Discussions

With built-in real-time chat and discussion forums features in many digital workspaces, my students actively engage in discussions about current topics or trends relating to their subjects of interest. These debates foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling them to exhibit their knowledge beyond the classroom.

5. Providing and Receiving Feedback

Digital workspaces serve as an ideal platform for students to receive feedback from their peers and educators. They upload their assignments onto the platform, allowing me to review their work and provide comments. In turn, students can access these remarks and make appropriate revisions, illustrating their grasp of the subject matter.

The incorporation of digital workspaces into our classroom has transformed the way my students exhibit what they’ve learned. Not only do they enhance collaboration and connectivity but also boost creativity and critical thinking skills. As an educator, it is heartening to witness my students using technology in pioneering ways that reflect their learning and growth throughout their educational experience. With digital workspaces playing a pivotal role in shaping future-ready learners, it’s safe to say that these platforms are an indispensable resource in modern education.

10 Places Kids Can Listen to Free Audiobooks


Audiobooks offer a convenient and entertaining way for children to immerse themselves in the world of storytelling. Not only do they enhance listening skills, but they also introduce kids to new concepts and vocabulary. Here are 10 places where children can access free audiobooks.

1. Storynory:

Storynory is a treasure trove of free audio stories for kids. From classic fairy tales and myths to original stories, the site adds a new story every week for its young listeners. (

2. Lit2Go:

Lit2Go offers a vast collection of audiobooks, poems, and other educational materials. The website provides downloadable MP3 files along with text transcripts, making it easy for kids to read along. (

3. Audible Stories:

During school closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Audible has made a selection of children’s audiobooks free to stream without requiring membership or login information. The collection includes titles for various age groups in multiple languages. (

4. Loyal Books:

Loyal Books has an impressive array of free public domain audiobooks suitable for kids of all ages, including classic tales by authors such as L. Frank Baum and Lewis Carroll. (

5. Learning Ally:

Learning Ally is a non-profit organization that offers free audiobooks specifically for students with dyslexia, blindness, or other learning disabilities. To access their wide selection of books, parents or educators must sign up on behalf of the student in need. (

6. Librivox:

Librivox is a volunteer-driven platform that provides free public domain audiobooks translated into various languages. There is a vast library of children’s classics to choose from. (

7. Project Gutenberg:

Project Gutenberg features over 60,000 free ebooks, including audiobooks, for children and adults alike. Browse through their children’s category to find age-appropriate content. (

8. Free Classic Audiobooks:

Free Classic Audiobooks hosts a modest selection of downloadable MP3 audiobooks for kids. Classics such as Treasure Island, Peter Pan, and Alice in Wonderland are readily available on their user-friendly website. (

9. International Children’s Digital Library:

While primarily an ebook platform, the International Children’s Digital Library also offers some audiobook versions of popular children’s books. Membership is not required to access this vast range of literature from different countries and cultures. (

10. MindWebs:

MindWebs is a great resource for middle-grade and high school readers interested in science fiction, as they offer old-time radio-style recordings of classic sci-fi tales by renowned authors such as Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.


With these 10 resources at your disposal, you’ll have no shortage of options for free audiobooks that cater to children’s needs and interests. Encourage your young ones to explore these platforms, providing them with hours of educational entertainment while nurturing their love for reading and listening to stories.

Check Out This Dairy Farm Virtual Field Trip


In this age of technology and social distancing, virtual field trips have become a popular way for students, families, and curious individuals alike to explore new places and learn about different industries without leaving the comfort of their homes. What better way to kick off the adventure than by visiting a dairy farm from your living room? With this virtual field trip, you’ll get an inside look at a dairy farm operation, learn how these farms contribute to our daily lives, and even gain some fun trivia knowledge along the way!

An Overview of the Dairy Farm Virtual Field Trip:

The dairy farm virtual field trip is a carefully curated online experience that takes you through various aspects of a dairy farm’s operations – right from cow milking to cheese-making. The tour offers plenty of resources including videos, interactive games, quizzes, and lessons tailored for different ages to help you learn about the essential role that dairy farming plays in modern agriculture.

What to Expect from the Tour:

1. An In-Depth Look at Daily Operations

The virtual tour takes you into the heart of the dairy farm’s daily activities. You will see firsthand how cows are milked using advanced equipment, how they are fed and housed to create optimal living conditions for them, and how much milk is typically produced each day on the farm.

2. The Cheese-Making Process

How does milk go from cows to your favorite block of cheese? The virtual field trip demystifies cheese-making techniques by showing you step-by-step processes involved in transforming fresh milk into delicious cheese varieties.

3. A Lesson in Environmental Stewardship

Dairy farms take great care to implement sustainable practices and protect the environment. You’ll learn about how farmers utilize resources such as water and solar power efficiently, in addition to their efforts towards recycling waste products.

4. Educational Resources for All Ages

The dairy farm virtual field trip caters to everyone – children, students, and adults alike. With interactive quizzes, videos, lessons, and games designed for different age groups, learning will be a fun and engaging experience regardless of your current knowledge about dairy farming.

5. A Direct Line to Dairy Farmers

One of the most significant benefits of a virtual field trip is the ability to interact with dairy farmers and have your questions answered by experts in the field. By using the online portal, you can engage with farmers who are more than happy to share their experiences and clarify any doubts you may have.


The dairy farm virtual field trip offers an invaluable opportunity to learn about dairy farming industry from the comfort of your home. So grab your digital device, put on your farmer’s hat, and embark on an exciting learning adventure filled with engaging lessons, fun games, and live interactions with dairy farmers. This experience is sure to change the way you look at a glass of milk or a block of cheese forever!

Bitmoji Lockers Are the New Bitmoji Classrooms—and a Great Icebreaker for Students!


In recent years, technology has greatly impacted the education system, leading to the emergence of new and innovative ways to engage students. One of these exciting developments is the use of Bitmoji Lockers in the virtual learning space. These virtual lockers have taken over from Bitmoji Classrooms as an entertaining and useful tool in keeping students engaged, functioning as an excellent icebreaker for both teachers and students.

What are Bitmoji Lockers?

Bitmoji Lockers are virtual representations of a student’s locker, which can be customized with various items, decorations, and their personal Bitmoji avatar. They serve as a platform for students to express themselves creatively while fostering a sense of belonging within the online community. Similar to Bitmoji Classrooms that were widely used during remote learning, these lockers help bridge the gap between traditional and virtual schooling.

Why are Bitmoji Lockers effective icebreakers?

1. Personalization: Bitmoji Lockers allow students to showcase their interests, hobbies, and personalities by selecting different items and designs. This personal touch helps break down barriers between students, encouraging them to engage in conversations about their shared interests or unique choices.

2. Simplicity: Creating a Bitmoji Locker is easy and accessible for both teachers and students. With user-friendly platforms such as Google Slides or PowerPoint at their disposal, they simply need to insert images and props onto their locker’s background.

3. Creativity: Designing a virtual locker provides an opportunity for students to unleash their creativity without any physical limitations.

4. Interaction: With interactive elements like Zoom or Google Meet interactions built into the lockers’ designs, Bitmoji Lockers help foster real-time communication in a fun manner between students or student-teacher pairs.

5. Community Building: As every student contributes their Bitmoji Locker to a shared virtual space, the sense of belonging to a community is strengthened, diminishing the social distance often felt in online environments.

Best Practices for Creating Bitmoji Lockers:

1. First, choose a suitable platform for your locker, such as Google Slides or PowerPoint. Begin with a basic background template before layering on any personalized elements and your Bitmoji avatar.

2. Use clear photographs or illustrations to represent personal items. Keep in mind that these objects should be school appropriate and reflect each student’s genuine interests.

3. Integrate interactive elements such as Zoom or Google Meet links, encouraging real-time communication within the class.

4. Ensure that privacy settings are enabled when sharing lockers with the class to prevent unauthorized access.

5. Finally, foster engagement and discussion by setting aside time for students to showcase their lockers and share details about their chosen items.


With students around the globe adapting to new learning formats, tools like Bitmoji Lockers help bridge the gap between traditional physical classrooms and online learning spaces. As an engaging icebreaker for students, these easily customizable lockers create a sense of community while enabling teachers to learn more about their students through personal expression and interaction.

5 Ways to Fix Apple Watch Face Keeps Changing


The Apple Watch is designed to be versatile and customizable, allowing users to change watch faces as per their preferences. However, there have been instances where the Apple Watch face keeps changing on its own, which can be frustrating for users. The following article discusses five ways to troubleshoot this issue and potentially fix the problem.
1. Update Your Apple Watch Software:

Before attempting other fixes, check if your Apple Watch is running the latest software. Outdated software can cause various issues, including unexpected watch face changes. To update your watch, navigate to the Watch app on your iPhone > General > Software Update and follow the prompts.

2. Check Your Customized Watch Faces:

Sometimes a software glitch in one of your customized watch faces may cause it to switch automatically. To resolve this, try removing all the custom watch faces from your collection except for one. Then, monitor if the issue persists; if it doesn’t, you can add back the other watch faces one by one until you identify which one causes problems.

3. Disable ‘Face Gallery’ Setting:

The Face Gallery feature allows you to browse and choose different Apple Watch faces, but it can sometimes cause issues with face changes. To disable this feature:

a. Open the Watch app on your iPhone.

b. On the “My Watch” tab, tap ‘Face Gallery.’

c. Scroll down and tap ‘Edit.’

d. Toggle off any problematic faces or customization options.

4. Unpair and Repair Your Apple Watch:

Sometimes unpairing your watch from your iPhone and then repairing it can help resolve issues like unexpected watch face changes.
To unpair your device:

a. Open the Watch app on your iPhone.

b. On the “My Watch” tab, tap your watch at the top of the screen.

c. Tap the “i” icon next to your connected watch.

d. Tap ‘Unpair Apple Watch.’ Follow the prompts to complete the process.

e. To re-pair your watch, turn it back on and follow the standard pairing procedure with your iPhone.

5. Reset Your Apple Watch to Factory Settings:

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to reset your Apple Watch to factory settings. Keep in mind that this step will erase all data and settings, so you should backup any important information beforehand.

a. Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch.

b. Scroll down and tap ‘General.’

c. Tap ‘Reset’ at the bottom of the screen.

d. Choose ‘Erase All Content and Settings.’ You may need to enter your passcode to confirm.


If your Apple Watch face keeps changing automatically, try employing one or more of these troubleshooting methods. Updating your watch software, checking customized faces, disabling Face Gallery, unpairing and pairing your watch, or resetting it are ways you can fix this issue. Nevertheless, if problems persist, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

How to Retrieve Text Messages from a Cell Phone Carrier


In today’s digital world, text messages play an essential role in communication. There are times when you may need to retrieve old text messages for various reasons, such as legal issues or personal reasons. Fortunately, it is possible to access your text message records through your cell phone carrier. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways you can retrieve text messages from your carrier.
Requesting Text Message Records:

One way to retrieve your text messages is by contacting your cell phone carrier directly. Most carriers retain records of text messages for a certain period (usually 60-90 days) and require a written request to release them.
Follow these steps:

1. Contact your cell phone carrier’s customer support line and ask for their specific guidelines on how to request your text message records.

2. Provide the required information, including your full name, address, and account number.

3. Specify the dates and time frames for which you want the records.

4. If required, obtain a notarized letter or subpoena if it’s part of a legal matter.

5. Submit your request via mail or fax according to the carrier’s guidelines.
It’s essential to know that carriers may charge fees for obtaining these records, and processing times can vary depending on the provider.

Recovering Deleted Messages with Cloud Backup:

Another method to retrieve texts is if you have opted for cloud backup services provided by the
same cell phone carrier. These services store backups of your messages in encrypted form as part of their data protection policies.
Here’s how you can recover deleted texts using cloud backup:

1. Log in to your carrier’s website with username and password provided during the time of registration for cloud services.

2. Go to the “Restore” or “Backup” section within your account settings.

3. Review all available backups of your text messages and select the one you wish to recover.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to restore your text messages.
Keep in mind that this method works only if you’ve enabled cloud backup for your texts before deleting them.

Third-party Applications:

There are numerous third-party applications available that can assist you in retrieving text messages from your carrier. These apps typically require you to authenticate with your carrier account credentials and access message records on your behalf.
While using third-party apps, it’s crucial to verify the app developer’s reputation and security policy to ensure the safety of your data.


Retrieving text messages from your cell phone carrier may be necessary for legal matters or personal reasons. By contacting your carrier directly, using cloud backup services, or employing third-party applications, you can access these records. Always consult with a legal professional if you’re unsure about any steps or need assistance dealing with sensitive matters.

Reasons Why the iPhone X is Still a Great Buy in 2023


As technology keeps advancing, the market is constantly flooded with newer and better smartphones. But even though newer models keep emerging, some classics remain as popular choices for users. One such classic is the iPhone X. Originally released in 2017, it continues to be a great buy in 2023, and here’s why:

1. Timeless design:

The iPhone X introduced a radical change in design featuring the now-iconic edge-to-edge screen and no home button. Its bezel-less style has aged gracefully, maintaining its sleek appeal in the modern phone market.

2. Consistent performance:

Despite being several years old, the iPhone X continues to deliver impressive performance. With Apple’s A11 Bionic chip, it can still keep up with daily tasks and runs iOS smoothly.

3. Regular software updates:

Apple is known for providing long-term software support for their devices. iPhone X users can be assured of receiving consistent updates, thus keeping their phones secure and up-to-date with the latest features.

4. Dual camera system:

The iPhone X boasts a dual-camera setup which includes a 12MP wide-angle lens and a 12MP telephoto lens, enabling users to capture quality photographs and videos even years after its release.

5. Face ID technology:

As the first iPhone model to introduce Face ID facial recognition technology, the iPhone X
provides solid security features for users who prioritize privacy.

6. Wireless charging capability:

Compared to other devices at its age, the iPhone X supports wireless charging with any Qi-compatible charger. This future-proof feature allows for convenient charging experience without grappling with cords.

7. More affordable price:

Since newer models have been released, including those from the iPhone 13 lineup, the iPhone X’s price has gone down, making it a relatively affordable option for those keen on obtaining an Apple smartphone without breaking the bank.

8. Eco-friendliness:

Buying a used iPhone X contributes to reducing the impact on the environment by prolonging its device life cycle and delaying its disposal as e-waste.


With its blend of classic design, reliable performance, and continued support through software updates, the iPhone X has stood the test of time. Its range of features combined with its affordability makes it an attractive choice for those looking to invest in a reliable smartphone without breaking the bank. So if you’re on the fence about which phone to purchase, consider giving the iPhone X a second look – we’re sure it’ll give you great value for your money.

How to Charge a Samsung Galaxy Watch Without a Charger


The Samsung Galaxy Watch is a popular smartwatch with various features, such as tracking your fitness, receiving notifications, and making phone calls. However, the only downside of using a smartwatch is that it needs to be charged regularly. But what happens if you lose or forget your charger? Don’t worry! Here are some alternative methods for charging your Samsung Galaxy Watch without its original charger.

1. Use a Wireless Charging Pad:

One of the simplest ways to charge your Samsung Galaxy Watch without its charger is by using a wireless charging pad. Most wireless charging pads are compatible across various devices, including the Samsung Galaxy Watch.

Steps to charge using a wireless charging pad:

a. Place the wireless charging pad on a stable surface.

b. Connect the pad to a power source using its cable and adapter.

c. Position your watch’s back onto the center of the pad while ensuring that its charging coil aligns with the charging coil of the pad.

d. Wait until you see the watch display the charging icon and hear an audible tone indicating successful connection.

2. Utilize Power-Sharing Feature on Samsung Smartphones:

Some Samsung smartphones have a feature called PowerShare (also known as Wireless Powershare), enabling them to charge other compatible devices wirelessly. This can be your solution if you have access to a Samsung phone with this feature.

Steps to charge using PowerShare:

a. Enable ‘Wireless PowerShare’ from your smartphone’s settings.

b. Lay your smartphone down on its face on a stable surface.

c. Place your watch on top of the backside of the phone in such a way that their respective charge points align.

d. Your smartphone will begin sharing power with your watch once it detects it.

3. Try Out Third-Party Chargers:

Apart from using wireless methods, you can try third-party chargers designed explicitly for Samsung Galaxy watches. These chargers are available in a wide variety at both online and brick-and-mortar stores.

Keep in mind that although they might not be as efficient as the original charger, using them occasionally won’t harm your watch.


Charging your Samsung Galaxy Watch doesn’t have to be restricted to using its original charger. With these alternative methods like wireless charging pads, PowerSharing with Samsung smartphones, or third-party chargers, you can extend the battery life of your watch even when the official charger is not readily available. Always ensure you use reputable brands or devices for safety while charging your smartwatch.