Digital & Mobile Technology

5 Inspired Ways to Use Social Media as a Teaching Tool

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. There are over 3 billion users worldwide, making it an incredibly popular and powerful platform for communication and sharing information. As a result, educators have begun to explore the potential benefits of using social media as a teaching tool, both for in-person and online learning. Here are five inspired ways to use social media in the classroom:

1. Encourage collaboration through group discussions

Platforms like Facebook Groups offer an excellent space for students and teachers to engage in ongoing discussions on course materials, share relevant links, and collaborate on group projects. By fostering a sense of community outside the classroom, these groups can help students feel more connected to their peers and invested in one another’s success.

2. Utilize Twitter for real-time learning opportunities

Twitter is known for being a real-time platform where news breaks and trends emerge quickly. Teachers can use this platform to monitor current events that tie into their subject matter, engage students in discussions around these events, or even follow influential people in their field of study. Having students actively participate in topic-related conversations can greatly enhance the learning experience by providing fresh perspectives and strengthening critical thinking skills.

3. Share educational resources on Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that allows users to organize articles, videos, images, and other resources into virtual pinboards or ‘boards.’ Teachers can create topic-specific boards where they share essential resources with students or even encourage students to collaborate on boards by adding their own relevant findings.

4. Create classroom YouTube channels for student presentations

Video presentations are an effective way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic or express their creativity. Creating a classroom YouTube channel allows teachers to showcase student videos while also enabling other students to comment on each other’s work and learn about different perspectives.

5. Leverage Instagram to showcase student achievements

Many students value recognition for their hard work and achievements. Teachers can create Instagram profiles to showcase student accomplishments, such as exemplary essays, artwork, or even improvement in specific areas. Additionally, they could feature students’ behind-the-scenes glimpses into the learning process or highlight the classroom environment to establish a sense of pride and identity among the class.

In conclusion, social media networks offer a variety of opportunities to supplement and expand teaching methods in the classroom. By employing these innovative strategies, educators can foster creativity, facilitate collaboration, and enhance student engagement both inside and outside the traditional learning environment.

How To Do a Video Call with Your Partner Classroom

In today’s digital age, video calls have become an integral part of education, particularly for remote learning and collaboration between classrooms. Connecting your classroom with a partner classroom through video calls can create a unique learning experience for your students, promoting cultural exchange, peer-to-peer learning, and global awareness. In this article, we will explore the steps to set up and conduct a video call successfully with your partner classroom.

1. Choose a suitable video conferencing platform: There are several video conferencing platforms available, each with its features and capabilities. Some popular platforms include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Skype. Ensure that both classrooms have access to the chosen platform and that it supports the desired number of participants.

2. Schedule the video call: Communicate with the partner classroom teacher to decide on a date and time suitable for both parties. Consider factors such as time zones, class schedules, and availability of technical support if needed.

3. Plan your agenda: Discuss the goals and objectives of the video call with your partner teacher. Determine if there will be presentations from both classrooms or if it will be a more interactive session with Q&A or group activities.

4. Prepare your students: Introduce the idea of a video call with your students before the scheduled date. Encourage them to research their partner classroom’s country or region to develop an understanding of their culture, language, and customs.

5. Set up your equipment: Test your camera, microphone, internet connection, and speakers before the day of the call to avoid any technical difficulties. Choose a quiet location with good lighting so that both classrooms can see and hear each other clearly.

6. Teach digital etiquette: Remind your students to speak clearly into their microphones when talking, wait for their turn to speak without interrupting others, and use respectful language during interactions.

7. Get creative with activities: Plan engaging activities to make the video call more interactive, such as quizzes, storytelling sessions, or cultural presentations.

8. Monitor call-time: Keep track of the time to ensure the call does not run too long or affect other scheduled lessons. Designate a set amount of time for each activity or discussion topic.

9. Record the session: With permission from your partner classroom, consider recording the video call for future reference or to share with other teachers and students who could not join live.

10. Follow up after the call: Share your experience with your colleagues, seek feedback from your students, and analyze what worked best and what could be improved to optimize future video call sessions.

In conclusion, effectively executing a video call with a partner classroom requires careful planning, preparation, and collaboration between teachers. By following these steps, you can create an enriching learning experience that transcends geographical barriers and brings students together from around the world.

Here’s a Fun New Way to Keep Your Students in Touch With One Another


One of the biggest challenges educators face today is keeping students engaged, both inside and outside the classroom. With the rapid growth of technology and social media, students are more connected than ever, yet true interpersonal connections are dwindling. Through innovative and engaging methods, educators can help foster deeper connections between students to strengthen their sense of belonging within the learning environment. Read on for a fun new way to keep your students in touch with one another.

The Idea: The Shared Journal

Introducing the concept of a shared journal; it is a creative and interactive method that provides students with a medium to express their thoughts and experiences while fostering connections with their peers. The shared journal represents an ongoing collaborative project where students can write entries on various topics or respond to prompts provided by the teacher.

How It Works:

1. Choose a notebook or create a digital platform exclusively for the shared journal project. Consider using platforms such as Google Docs or collaborative writing apps where multiple users can edit simultaneously.

2. Assign specific days for each student to contribute, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate. Spread out contributions over weeks or months, creating anticipation and excitement among students as they look forward to their day.

3. Provide prompts or themes for each entry, encouraging students to think deeply and reflect on various topics related to personal experiences, academic content, or current events.

4. Offer the option for anonymous entries if desired. This encourages honesty and vulnerability within the journaling experience while respecting privacy concerns.

5. Once entries have been added, set aside time for designated group discussions or reflective activities that engage students in meaningful dialogue about what has been shared in the journal.

Benefits of Using a Shared Journal:

– Fosters empathy and understanding among peers as they read and reflect upon each other’s thoughts, perspectives, and experiences.

– Builds bonds between classmates through shared experiences and understanding of different viewpoints.

– Encourages creative self-expression through writing and reflection, improving communication skills.

– Enhances problem-solving and critical thinking abilities as students delve deeper into various topics and challenges.

Dual Modes: In-person & Virtual

The beauty of the shared journal concept is its adaptability to fit both in-person and virtual settings. The use of digital tools makes remote implementation seamless, allowing students to connect with one another despite the distance. For educators looking to create a more cohesive classroom community, this fun new method can lead to significant improvements in student engagement and interpersonal connections.

20 Ways I Use My Interactive Flat Panel to Save Time and My Sanity

As a modern educator or professional, it’s crucial to find ways to streamline workflow and maintain your sanity. One of the most versatile and efficient tools available today is the interactive flat panel. Here are 20 ways I use my interactive flat panel to save both time and my sanity:

1. Lesson Planning: The interactive flat panel makes it easy to plan lessons by displaying relevant content and resources in real-time and allowing me to interact with them.

2. Collaborative Whiteboarding: Instead of using physical whiteboards, I use my interactive flat panel for brainstorming sessions and collaborative work, enabling group discussions with ease.

3. Remote Collaboration: With video conferencing capabilities, the flat panel allows me to connect with colleagues or students remotely, saving time on travel.

4. Accessing Online Resources: I can quickly pull up websites, videos, images, and other online content on the flat panel for immediate use in lessons or meetings.

5. Multimedia Presentations: The flat panel supports a variety of file formats for presentations, eliminating compatibility issues.

6. Interactive Quizzes: Creating interactive quizzes directly on the flat panel encourages student engagement and provides instant feedback.

7. Annotating Documents: I can easily annotate documents or files displayed on the screen during discussions or presentations.

8. Time Management Tools: Using built-in timers or clocks helps keep meetings and lessons on track.

9. Polling and Surveys: Instantly gather feedback from participants by creating polls or surveys directly on the panel.

10. Virtual Field Trips: Explore new locations without leaving the classroom through immersive virtual field trips.

11. Flipped Classrooms: Share lessons recorded on the flat panel with students to review at their own pace outside of class.

12. Document Camera Integration: Enhance lessons by connecting a document camera to the flat panel, displaying real-time images of objects or documents.

13. Saving and Sharing Notes: Notes taken on the flat panel can be easily saved and shared with participants electronically, reducing the need for paper handouts.

14. Managing Classroom Devices: Using the flat panel’s device management options, I can monitor and manage student devices with ease.

15. Voice Recognition: Speed up note-taking or command tasks using voice recognition capabilities.

16. Split-Screen Functionality: Display multiple windows simultaneously, making it easier to reference and compare information.

17. Customizable App Integration: Personalize the flat panel by integrating custom apps and software tailored to specific needs.

18. Easy Accessibility Features: The interactive flat panels support various accessibility options, ensuring all participants can fully engage in lessons or meetings.

19. Effortless Connectivity: Connect a range of devices such as smartphones and tablets wirelessly for seamless collaboration.

20. Increased Engagement: The interactivity of the flat panel keeps students and meeting attendees more engaged, leading to improved concentration and comprehension.

By leveraging the power of interactive flat panels, I have been able to save time, enhance my lessons, and maintain my sanity amid busy work schedules.

Solved! 8 Roadblocks in Creating Virtual Workspaces for You and Your Kids

The increasing need for virtual workspaces for both adults and children has many families struggling to create suitable environments. Overcoming the challenges that come with setting up virtual workspaces is essential to ensure a productive and harmonious environment. Here are eight roadblocks you might encounter and how to solve them.

1. Limited Space

One of the most common issues is the lack of space, especially in small homes or apartments. The solution is to engage in creative space planning to set up designated areas for you and your kids. Use room dividers, corner desks, or utilize vertical storage solutions to maximize available space.

2. Distractions

Another challenge is dealing with distractions that arise from working and learning in the same environment. Set rules for work time, encourage the use of headphones for everyone, and establish boundaries when possible.

3. Difficulty Scheduling

Juggling work calls, online classes, and other schedules can be difficult. Use shared calendars and planners to organize schedules collaboratively.

4. Poor Internet Connection

A weak internet connection causes frustration during video calls or online classes. Ensure a strong connection by upgrading your internet plan, using Wi-Fi range extenders, or investing in an ethernet cable for a direct connection.

5. Ergonomics

Sitting at a desk all day can lead to poor posture and discomfort. Invest in an ergonomic chair, keyboard, mouse pad, or desk setup to maintain good posture and prevent strain injuries.

6. Lack of Privacy

It’s essential to have some privacy when working or attending online classes. Set up workstations in separate rooms if possible or use noise-canceling headphones or white noise machines so that conversations can’t be easily overheard.

7. Disorganization

Clutter-free workspace ensures efficiency when working from home or learning virtually. Assign specific storage containers or shelves for task-related items – papers, books, and technology.

8. Creating Engaging Spaces

It’s important for workspaces to feel inviting and encourage learning. Add inspiring quotes or artwork, allow for personal touches like photographs, and provide comfortable seating or bean bags for more relaxed moments.

By addressing these eight roadblocks, you’ll be better equipped to create effective and enjoyable virtual workspaces for both you and your kids. It’s essential to provide a balanced environment that fosters focus, productivity, and creativity – helping your family thrive in this new era of remote work and learning.

9 Ways to Beat Zoom Fatigue


As we have adjusted to the new normal of working from home, Zoom meetings have become an integral part of our daily routine. However, constant virtual meetings can lead to “Zoom fatigue,” which stems from the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes with excessive video conferencing. Here are nine ways to beat Zoom fatigue and stay energized throughout your day.

1. Limit your screen time:

Set boundaries and limit your overall screen time. Plan your day efficiently to accommodate breaks between video meetings, avoid unnecessary calls, and establish a proper schedule to balance work and personal life.

2. Take regular breaks:

Taking short breaks between virtual meetings can help relax your mind and body. Step away from the screen, stretch your muscles, take deep breaths, or simply go for a short walk.

3. Adjust your settings:

Customize your Zoom settings for optimal comfort using features such as speaker view instead of gallery view which can reduce visual distractions. Moreover, try hiding your self-view video when you are not presenting.

4. Create a comfortable workspace:

Ensure that your workspace is conducive to productivity by setting up proper lighting, seating arrangements, and keeping a clutter-free environment to minimize distractions.

5. Focus on non-verbal communication:

Be aware of maintaining proper eye contact during meetings and minimize multitasking activities such as checking emails or using chat windows while others are speaking, so you can give them your full attention.

6. Opt for audio-only calls sometimes:

Change your video call into an audio-only conversational call whenever possible to reduce the mental strain from staring at faces on screen for an extended period.

7. Use the Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking work tasks into 25-minute intervals called “pomodoros,” followed by a short break. This technique helps increase focus while decreasing screen time and mental exhaustion.

8. Connect with coworkers outside of meetings:

Build an emotional connection with coworkers by engaging in casual conversations, sharing experiences, discussing hobbies and interests, and maintaining communication through chat groups or informal calls rather than relying solely on video conferences.

9. Practice self-care:

Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for combating Zoom fatigue. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.


Zoom fatigue can be challenging to beat, but with these effective strategies, you can stay focused and energized throughout your workday. Implementing these tips into your routine will not only help you combat Zoom fatigue but can also lead to increased productivity and overall well-being.

Make Screen Time Meaningful With Teachers’ Favorite Educational iPad Games for Kids


With the rapid growth of technology, today’s children are spending more time in front of screens than ever before. However, screen time doesn’t have to be a waste of time; by choosing the right educational iPad games, parents can turn screen time into meaningful learning experiences. In this article, we’ll explore some teachers’ favorite educational iPad games for kids that combine fun and learning.

1. Toca Boca Life Series

The Toca Boca Life series offers several imaginative games that encourage creativity, storytelling, and problem-solving skills. Each installment lets kids explore a different environment, such as a school, city, or farm, and interact with various elements to create their own narrative.

2. Stack the States 2

Gamifying geography, Stack the States 2 challenges children to learn about state capitals, shapes, flags, and abbreviations while stacking states to reach a specific height goal. This game is designed to make learning engaging and entertaining for kids aged 9 and above.

3. Bugs and Buttons

Bugs and Buttons is an award-winning app that features 18 mini-games designed for kids aged 4-6. It helps improve children’s motor skills, counting abilities, shape recognition, and much more while keeping them entertained with colorful graphics and cute bug characters.

4. DragonBox Algebra

Demystifying algebraic concepts through fun puzzles and challenges, DragonBox Algebra introduces players aged five years and above to basic algebraic principles without them even realizing it. The game adjusts its difficulty based on the player’s skill level.

5. Endless Alphabet

Recommended for ages 3-6 years old, Endless Alphabet aims to expand kids’ vocabulary in an interactive way. The app features over 50 words related to animals and objects with corresponding animations that clarify each word’s meaning.

6. Math Bingo

Math Bingo combines the excitement of a classic bingo game with the challenge of solving math problems. Available for kids aged five years and older, this app helps them practice basic math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, through a fun and interactive medium.

7. ScratchJr

ScratchJr is an introductory programming language app designed for children aged 5-7. With ScratchJr, kids can create their own interactive stories, games, and animations using simple drag-and-drop commands – teaching them computational thinking skills and promoting creativity.


Educational iPad games can be an excellent tool for turning screen time into a constructive learning experience for children. By incorporating teachers’ favorite educational games like those listed above, parents can ensure their kids are both engaged and learning simultaneously. Give these apps a try to make your child’s screen time more meaningful.

Who’s the Impostor? 7 Ways To Use Among Us in the Classroom

Introduction: Among Us, the popular online multiplayer game, has taken the world by storm with its unique blend of mystery, teamwork, and deception. While it may seem like an unconventional choice for a classroom activity, incorporating this popular game into your lessons can promote collaboration, critical thinking, and motivation in students. Read on to discover seven creative ways to use Among Us in your classroom.

1. Vocabulary Builder:

Turn Among Us into a vocabulary review game by assigning students specific words they must use when discussing tasks or defending themselves as crewmates. This will help reinforce new vocabulary words and encourage students to practice using them in context.

2. Storytelling and Creative Writing:

Challenge your students to write short stories or scenes based on their experiences within the game. They can create a detailed narrative explaining their character’s motives, relationships with other crewmates, or even write a murder mystery.

3. Debates and Persuasive Skills:

The core mechanic of Among Us – convincing others of your innocence – is an excellent opportunity for students to practice their persuasive speaking skills. Host debates centered around gameplay scenarios, and have students defend themselves or accuse others while adhering to debate rules.

4. Team-building Activities:

Divide your class into teams and assign them designated roles within the game (i.e., impostors, crewmates). Encourage them to strategize and work together to win rounds efficiently. This will promote teamwork and communication among students.

5. Problem-solving Challenges:

Design custom tasks in the game related to your subject area that require problem-solving skills from players. For example, you can create math puzzles that players need to solve before completing tasks successfully.

6. Teach Digital Citizenship:

Use Among Us as a platform to address online safety, privacy issues, and good digital citizenship. Discuss how students can protect themselves from cyberbullying, safely communicate with others online and understand the consequences of their actions in virtual spaces.

7. Reflection and Discussion:

After playing a match, hold a group discussion with your students reflecting on their experiences, choices they made, and what they could do differently next time. Engage them in conversations about trust, teamwork, and effective communication to explore real-life situations outside of the game.

Conclusion: Among Us may be just a game at its core, but it holds the potential to be an effective educational tool when used creatively. These seven activities showcase ways to not only engage your students but to teach valuable learning concepts. Explore the possibilities of using Among Us in your classroom and watch as your students gain valuable skills while enjoying themselves.

The Best Classroom Screensavers on YouTube


In recent years, screensavers have evolved from simple patterns and images to a wide range of engaging and educational content. Teachers and educators are now turning to platforms like YouTube to find dynamic screensavers that not only entertain but also inspire students and create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the best classroom screensavers available on YouTube.

1. Calming Aquariums

Aquarium screensavers are known for their soothing effects as they showcase mesmerizing underwater scenery. One popular channel for aquarium screensavers is “Aquariums – Beautiful Seascape,” which offers hours of relaxing footage featuring vibrant fish swimming gracefully among coral reefs.

2. Inspirational Quotes

Motivate your students with a screensaver featuring inspirational quotes from famous personalities, authors, and philosophers. Channels like “Inspirational Quotes Screensaver” present a series of thought-provoking messages backed by stunning images, helping to stimulate learning and generate discussions among students.

3. Nature Scenes

Exposing students to the beauty of nature can have a calming effect on their minds, making them more receptive to learning. Channels like “Nature Relaxation Films” provide videos with breathtaking visuals of forests, waterfalls, landscapes, and wildlife that will transport your students to serene natural environments without ever leaving the classroom.

4. Abstract Art

Introduce your class to contemporary art through abstract screensavers like those available on the channel “Start A Revolution Art.” These visually striking creations can spark creativity, encourage critical thinking, and potentially inspire artwork in your own classroom.

5. Educational Trivia

Boost your students’ general knowledge with trivia-themed screensavers such as the ones found on “Trivia Screensaver.” These engaging displays feature assorted questions across various categories like history, science, geography, literature, and pop culture.

6. Timelapse Videos

Timelapse videos are an excellent way to showcase dynamic events and transformations that take place over time. Channels like “The Timelapse Channel” offer intriguing videos that capture the beauty and wonder of the world in motion, thus fostering a spirit of exploration and inquiry in your students.


Utilizing engaging screensavers in the classroom can help create a stimulating learning environment for students of all ages. Whether you opt for calming nature scenes, educational trivia, or inspiring art and quotes, these YouTube channels will provide a wealth of options to suit your teaching needs. Transform your classroom into an immersive, interactive space with these captivating screensavers today!

Digital Citizenship Lessons for Kids with Cartoon Network’s We Bare Bears


In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever for children to learn about digital citizenship. Teaching young kids how to be responsible and respectful online is crucial in helping them navigate the digital world safely. Cartoon Network’s popular animated show, We Bare Bears, offers an entertaining and engaging way to teach these essential lessons. This article will explore the Digital Citizenship lessons for kids that can be found in We Bare Bears.

Lesson 1: Online Etiquette

In various episodes of We Bare Bears, viewers witness the importance of expressing oneself appropriately online. The three main characters, Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear, model respectful communication and demonstrate the consequences of poor online etiquette. Kids can learn how to collaborate with others online, embrace diverse opinions, and disagree respectfully.

Lesson 2: Privacy and Security

Privacy and security are vital components of digital citizenship. In We Bare Bears, the bears face numerous situations that teach kids about protecting their personal information and staying safe online. The bears’ adventures encourage kids to set strong passwords, avoid oversharing on social media, and recognize phishing scams.

Lesson 3: Cyberbullying Prevention

Cartoon Network’s We Bare Bears tackles cyberbullying head-on by showcasing various scenarios where the characters must stand up against or prevent bullying from happening online. Kids can learn to identify cyberbullying behavior and understand the importance of empathy and support for those affected by it.

Lesson 4: Digital Footprint

The concept of a “digital footprint” can be hard for young children to grasp fully. However, watching Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear maneuver their way through social media platforms gives kids a relatable way to think about their own digital footprints. As they watch the bears leave behind a trail of their actions online, children will begin to understand how they too are creating a lasting record of their digital lives.

Lesson 5: Copyright and Intellectual Property

We Bare Bears provides an interactive platform for children to learn about copyright and intellectual property. The characters encounter various challenges related to creating and sharing online content, which allows kids to better understand the importance of respecting others’ intellectual property and seeking permission when necessary.


Cartoon Network’s We Bare Bears is an entertaining way for kids to learn important Digital Citizenship lessons. Through the adventures of Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear, children can understand the significance of responsible online behavior. The show seamlessly introduces topics such as online etiquette, privacy and security, cyberbullying prevention, digital footprint awareness, and understanding copyright and intellectual property. We Bare Bears offers a fun and engaging method for educating children about how to be safe and respectful digital citizens in today’s increasingly connected world.