EdTech & Innovation

Before You Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the Classroom

Every year on May 5th, people in Mexico and the United States celebrate Cinco de Mayo – a day that honors the Mexican army’s victory over France during the Battle of Puebla in 1862. While many people associate the holiday with festive parties, parades, and dancing, it is essential to remember that this day holds cultural significance for Mexicans. As educators plan to celebrate this event in their classrooms, here are some essential tips and insights to ensure a respectful and authentic representation of Cinco de Mayo.

1. Know the history behind Cinco de Mayo

Before incorporating any lesson or activity about Cinco de Mayo into your classroom’s curriculum, it is vital to be well-versed in its history. While many Americans mistakenly believe that it marks Mexico’s Independence Day (which is celebrated on September 16th), Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s unexpected victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla. This triumph was seen as a morale booster for Mexicans fighting against foreign intervention. To teach students effectively about the cultural significance of Cinco de Mayo, make sure that you can accurately discuss the event and its context.

2. Encourage cultural appreciation

Cinco de Mayo offers an excellent opportunity to discuss Mexican culture and traditions with your students. However, it is crucial to avoid cultural appropriation or reinforcing stereotypes. Encourage appreciation rather than imitation by discussing famous Mexican figures from various walks of life (artists, scientists, athletes), exploring traditional Mexican music styles, such as Mariachi, or sharing folktales from Mexico’s diverse regions.

3. Share authentic stories

In addition to understanding historical context, it is essential to incorporate an authentic depiction of life in Mexico during your Cinco de Mayo activities. Integrate books or resources by Mexican authors and illustrators that portray the experiences of Mexican people accurately and respectfully. This representation will enrich the learning experience and provide a more authentic understanding of Mexico’s culture.

4. Food as a window to culture

Food is an excellent way to explore Mexican cuisine during Cinco de Mayo. Rather than serving predictable options like nachos or tacos, try presenting traditional foods like chiles en nogada, tamales, or mole poblano, which are linked to the celebration and Puebla’s region. Providing students with a taste of authentic Mexican flavors can help them better appreciate the culture behind the holiday.

5. Collaborate

If possible, collaborate with Mexican families or community members to help plan your classroom activities. Their insights and perspectives can enhance your students’ understanding of Mexican culture and the significance of Cinco de Mayo.

By keeping these tips in mind, educators can create a respectful and mindful Cinco de Mayo celebration in their classrooms. Cultivating cultural appreciation and knowledge will not only enrich students’ educational experience but also promote understanding and diversity throughout your school community.

Top 10 Picture Books for Teaching about Germs

As a parent or educator, one of the best ways to teach kids about germs and personal hygiene is through engaging and educational picture books. Here are the top 10 picture books that will help your little ones understand the invisible world of germs and why it’s critical to keep them at bay.

1. Germs Are Not For Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick and Marieka Heinlen

This colorful book focuses on proper hygiene habits like hand washing, nose blowing, and overall cleanliness in a way that resonates with young readers.

2. A Germ’s Journey by Thom Rooke, M.D.

Follow the journey of a germ from its initial contact point to its eventual defeat by the immune system in this informative yet fun picture book that introduces kids to the basics of germs and immunity.

3. Do Not Lick This Book by Idan Ben-Barak and Julian Frost

An engaging interactive book that focuses on familiar microbes found in everyday items like a pencil or a toothbrush. This book helps kids grasp how even tiny things can have significant effects.

4. Sid the Science Kid: The Trouble with Germs by Jennifer Frantz

Sid learns about germs and how they can make people sick as he navigates through a school day filled with sneezes, coughs, and nose wipes.

5. Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes by Nicola Davies and Emily Sutton

Follow the microscopic organisms’ journey throughout our world, diving into what they are, where they live, and how they affect us.

6. Curious George Discovers Germs by H.A. Rey

Join Curious George as he uncovers the mysteries of germs! In this adventure-filled guide, children will learn all about viruses, bacteria, and vaccines.

7. The Bacteria Book: The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes by Steve Mould

This visually engaging book takes a fun look at the world of bacteria, from their many shapes and sizes to what they are, where they live, and what they do.

8. Germs Make Me Sick! by Melvin Berger and Marylin Hafner

Discover the basics of germs, how they spread, and what our body does to fight them off in this informative beginner’s guide to microbiology.

9. Meet Bacteria! by Rebecca Bielawski

A journey into the world of good and bad bacteria, introducing young readers to ideas about infection, cleanliness, and antibiotics in an entertaining way.

10. The Amazing World of Germs: A Children’s Guide to Microbes by Mike Clark

This colorful and engaging book teaches kids about bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa while also highlighting the importance of hand washing and keeping a clean environment.

These picture books offer an excellent starting point for teaching children about germs in a fun and engaging way. Grab one of these books for your next storytime and start spreading knowledge about germs while preventing them from spreading too!

22 Ways to Reduce Your Classroom’s Carbon Footprint

In recent years, environmental concerns have taken center stage, and educators have an important role to play in teaching the next generation about sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. With small yet impactful changes, you can make your classroom a more eco-friendly space. Here are 22 ways to reduce your classroom’s carbon footprint:

1. Go paperless: Whenever possible, use digital resources instead of paper handouts or worksheets.

2. Use natural light: Open blinds and turn off unnecessary lights during daylight hours.

3. Implement a recycling program: Provide separate bins for paper, plastic, and other recyclable materials.

4. Turn off electronics: Turn off computers, projectors, and other devices when not in use.

5. Encourage reusable water bottles: Set an example by bringing your own reusable bottle and encouraging students to do the same.

6. Plant a classroom garden: Teach children about the importance of plants in absorbing carbon dioxide by maintaining a small indoor or outdoor garden.

7. Use energy-efficient appliances: Replace older appliances with energy-efficient models when it is time to upgrade.

8. Unplug chargers: Encourage students to unplug chargers when their devices are fully charged.

9. Adjust the thermostat: Set the thermostat at a comfortable but energy-saving temperature during classroom hours.

10. Encourage carpooling or alternative transportation methods: Promote walking, biking, or public transportation as environmentally friendly ways to get to school.

11. Set up a composting system: Introduce compost bins for fruit and vegetable scraps and teach students about decomposition and the benefits of composting on the environment.

12. Use recycled materials for crafts: Utilize recycled materials for creative projects instead of buying new supplies.

13. Bring nature indoors with air-purifying plants: Add low-maintenance plants that help filter indoor air pollutants and increase oxygen levels.

14. Create a green club: Encourage interested students to form a club that promotes sustainability within the school community.

15. Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Switch to natural, non-toxic cleaners to minimize indoor air pollution.

16. Raise awareness: Teach students about climate change and the importance of reducing their carbon footprint.

17. Reduce waste: Avoid single-use items and encourage reusable or biodegradable alternatives.

18. Hold a tree-planting event: Organize an event where students can plant trees to help absorb carbon dioxide and improve air quality.

19. Promote energy-saving behavior: Teach students simple steps such as turning off lights when leaving a room or shutting down computers at the end of the day.

20. Start a zero-waste initiative: Encourage students to bring waste-free lunches and snacks in reusable containers.

21. Incorporate sustainable materials in your classroom design: Opt for furniture made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo or recycled plastic.

22. Share your successes and challenges with other educators: Blog or post on social media about your classroom’s green initiatives to inspire others and create a network of support.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to reduce your classroom’s carbon footprint and promote sustainability among your students. By implementing these strategies, you will create a more environmentally friendly learning environment and set an example for future generations.

The 9 Types of People Ruining Your School Email


It’s no secret that college and school email inboxes can be filled with an overwhelming amount of messages. While some emails are important, others can be a frustrating waste of time. There are certain culprits who seem to consistently make your life harder by clogging up your inbox. In this article, we will discuss the nine types of people responsible for ruining your school email experience.

1. The Chain Email Enthusiast

Never short on enthusiasm, the Chain Email Enthusiast is responsible for forwarding far-fetched stories and potential viruses disguised in promises of good luck or true love. Despite their good intentions, this person’s messages serve little purpose beyond cluttering up your inbox.

2. The Class Over-Sharer

Although their emails may have started out as friendly reminders about assignments or projects, the Class Over-Sharer quickly devolves into an unfiltered stream of consciousness. Their lack of filter results in lengthy conversations about existentialism and weekend plans reaching your already-bursting inbox.

3. The Party Promoter

Whether it’s a club or fraternity event, the Party Promoter fills your email with invitations you inevitably delete or ignore. Despite how little interest you show, they are relentless in their pursuit to convince you to attend their next social gathering.

4. The Misdirected Inquiry

No matter how hard they try to get it right, the Misdirected Inquiry always seems to send their important question or comment to the wrong person – usually you. Your inbox pays the price as they apologize, try again, and still miss their target recipient.

5. The Spam Artist

The Spam Artist is a mysterious figure who somehow evades email security measures, sending their unwanted ads to every student on campus. From fake job offers to phony apartment rentals, this spammer preys on unsuspecting inboxes everywhere.

6. The Desperate Group Project Member

This person only emails when they desperately need something. With deadlines looming, the Desperate Group Project Member sends out frantic, last-minute messages begging for assistance or trying to delegate tasks at the eleventh hour.

7.The Campus Activist

While passionate about their cause, the Campus Activist’s constant petitions and event invitations can wear thin after a while. Their sheer volume of emails requesting your time and attention can feel exhausting and, sadly, often counterproductive to their cause.

8. The Overbearing Advisor

They’re supposed to guide you through your academic journey, but somehow it feels like they’re everywhere: in your inbox with assignment reminders, reminders to make an appointment, and excessive check-ins. It gets hard to feel autonomous when the Overbearing Advisor dominates your school email.

9. The Unsubscribable Club

Don’t remember signing up for that obscure club freshman year? Too bad; you’re on their email list forever. No matter how many times you request to be removed or unsubscribe, the Unsubscribable Club continues to haunt your inbox.


We’ve all encountered these nine types of people during our time in school. Though it may be frustrating to sift through their messages on a daily basis, it’s always important to remember that an organized inbox is just a few clicks away. So delete those unnecessary emails, add some filters, and conquer your school email once and for all!

5 Classroom Jobs You Should Outsource To Your Middle School Students

As a middle school teacher, managing the various tasks in your classroom can be a challenge. One way to lighten the load is to outsource some of the day-to-day jobs to your students. Not only will this help you maintain a smoothly run classroom, but it will also teach your students valuable lessons about responsibility and teamwork. Here are five essential classroom jobs that you should consider outsourcing to your middle school students.

1. Classroom Cleanup Crew

Keeping the classroom clean and tidy can be a daunting task when you’re trying to manage teaching responsibilities simultaneously. Assigning several students the responsibility of maintaining the classroom’s cleanliness will not only save you time but also cultivate good habits in your students. Duties can include organizing materials, wiping down surfaces, straightening desks, and collecting trash at the end of each day.

2. Technology Assistants

As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in our educational system, it’s vital that students become proficient in using various devices and software programs. Designate a few tech-savvy students as Technology Assistants who can help their peers troubleshoot issues, set up presentations, and ensure all devices are charged and ready for use. This role not only develops their problem-solving abilities but also nurtures their leadership skills.

3. Library Organizers

Many classrooms have an abundant collection of books and other educational materials that need constant attention and organization. Appointing Library Organizers is an excellent way to keep things in order while teaching students about proper book handling and the value of being well-organized. These individuals will be responsible for cataloging books, checking materials in and out, and keeping the library area neat.

4. Board Managers

Classroom boards are essential for both teacher-student communication and visual learning experiences. Delegating board management responsibility to your middle schoolers can keep things running smoothly as they maintain schedules, update announcements, and assist with the setup of learning materials. Assigning Board Managers helps students develop a strong sense of ownership for their educational environment.

5. Classroom Ambassadors

Fostering a positive, inclusive classroom atmosphere is essential for middle school students. Creating the role of Classroom Ambassadors allows students to take part in promoting kindness and inclusivity among their peers. These students will be responsible for greeting visitors, helping new students feel welcome, and assisting with conflict resolution when necessary.

Outsourcing these five classroom jobs to your middle school students not only simplifies your daily routine but also imparts valuable life skills and a sense of ownership in the learning environment. Encourage your students to take on these responsibilities and watch them grow as responsible and productive individuals.

OK, We Can’t Wait To Try This Secret Code Word Strategy


We all love games and puzzles, and we can’t resist the allure of solving a mystery – especially when it comes to secret codes. So when we first heard about the Secret Code Word Strategy, our interest was immediately piqued and we couldn’t wait to try it out. This intriguing technique is all about engaging your mind, boosting creativity, and enhancing communication within teams or among friends. Let’s dive deeper into how this strategy works and how you can easily adopt it for your own fun bonding experience.

Unlocking the Secrets of the Code Word Strategy:

This ingenious code word strategy is deceptively simple. You choose a word that becomes a “code” that only your group understands. It could be anything from an object in plain sight to a deliberate mispronunciation of a common phrase. The key is for everyone in your group to know the “code word” so they can use it as a basis for effective communication or as an inside joke.

Boosting Creativity:

One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Secret Code Word Strategy is that it encourages creativity and lateral thinking. The thrill of using this technique lies in using the code word in various ways without blatantly revealing its meaning to an outsider. This often includes employing puns, rhymes, or word associations – sparking innovative thinking in participants.

Enhancing Communication within Teams:

The Secret Code Word Strategy breathes life into group dynamics by fostering a lively and engaging atmosphere. It facilitates team bonding by unifying participants under the banner of shared knowledge. Moreover, by taking part in this covert linguistic game, individuals learn to appreciate their teammates’ quick wit and intelligence as they decode subtle hints dropped within conversations.

Sharing Laughs and Making Memories:

What’s better than sharing some lighthearted humor with friends or colleagues? The beauty of the Secret Code Word Strategy lies in its ability to light up any tense or dull social circumstance. Exclusively shared within the group, this laughter-inducing approach brightens up proceedings and loosens participants up for productive teamwork and cherished memories.

Taking the Secret Code Word Strategy for a Spin:

If you’re eager to try out this enticing strategy for yourself, simply follow these steps:

1. Choose your word: This could be a common word with a new meaning or even an entirely made-up one.

2. Communicate the code word to all group participants without attracting any outsider’s attention.

3. Begin incorporating the code word into conversations creatively. The more imaginative and subtle, the more rewarding the experience.

4. Revel in the shared excitement and inquisitiveness that comes with using secret codes among your team or friends.

Wrap Up:

It’s time to unleash your inner detective! Channel your enthusiasm for mystery-solving into this refreshing communication technique that challenges group members to think on their feet and come up with witty ways of using secret code words in conversation. Foster teamwork, enhance group dynamics, and create enjoyable experiences by adopting the fascinating Secret Code Word Strategy today! Who knows? Your team’s bond might just unlock new realms of success!

My Only Resolution This Year Is Not to Grade or Plan Lessons at Home

As we enter a new year, many of us are flooded with resolutions about what we want to accomplish, improve, or eliminate in our lives. Often, these goals pertain to personal health, relationships, and professional growth. However, as an educator, I have decided to take a different approach to my annual resolutions – this year, my only resolution is not to grade or plan lessons at home.

For educators, it’s no secret that our work doesn’t stop when the school bell rings. We often find ourselves bringing our tasks home with us – grading papers late into the evening and planning lessons over the weekend. While we may feel that this dedication is necessary to provide an optimal learning experience for our students, it can come at a significant cost to both our mental and physical well-being.

So why did I resolve not to grade or plan lessons at home this year? There are several reasons.

The Importance of Boundaries

Drawing clear boundaries between work and personal life is essential for maintaining balance and overall happiness. When we commit ourselves entirely to the job and neglect personal matters, it can quickly lead to burnout – which can be especially detrimental in the education field. This year I aim to preserve my personal space and focus on leaving school-related work where it belongs – within school hours.

Prioritizing Mental Health

The weight of responsibility that comes with teaching can sometimes feel overwhelming. In addition to engaging students daily and delivering educational content effectively, we must attend meetings and possess a detailed knowledge of each student’s progress. For the sake of my mental health – which greatly impacts my ability to teach with enthusiasm and support students’ learning – I have resolved to give myself permission to step back from the perpetual cycle of grading and planning while at home.

Connecting with Loved Ones

Our relationships with family members and friends play a significant role in fostering well-being outside of work. By dedicating time solely to our personal connections, we can create an essential support network that helps us navigate the stressors of teaching. My resolution aims to boost the quality time I share with my loved ones, resulting in a more well-rounded life experience.

Finding New Hobbies and Interests

Stepping away from school work at home provides opportunities to explore passions, hobbies, and new interests. These pursuits can offer an invaluable source of relaxation, personal fulfillment, and cross-disciplinary inspiration for teaching.

In conclusion, while my resolution may seem unexpected or counterintuitive in a profession that often demands so much of our time, it is rooted in self-care. As educators, we must recognize the importance of investing in ourselves and pursuing a balance that allows us to teach effectively for years to come. I believe that this intentional approach will not only benefit me personally but will also result in a richer, more impactful experience for my students.

17 Things That Will Make 2017 Your Most Organized Year Yet


As we head into 2017, many of us will be making resolutions and setting goals for the new year. One of the most common goals is to become more organized. With the right tools and strategies, you can transform your life into a well-oiled machine. Here are 17 things that will help you make 2017 your most organized year yet.

1. Create a daily routine

Having a daily routine can help you establish good habits, save time, and achieve more throughout the year.

2. Learn to prioritize

Understand the importance of prioritizing tasks and focus on completing high-priority tasks first.

3. Use planners or apps

Invest in either a physical planner or use an app on your smartphone to keep track of appointments, reminders, and deadlines.

4. Implement the “one-touch” rule

Don’t leave items out of place – put them back where they belong right after you use them.

5. Cut down on clutter

Regularly declutter your living and working spaces to avoid unnecessary stress caused by disorganization.

6. Set short-term and long-term goals

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for yourself throughout the year.

7. Break tasks into smaller steps

Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to tackle one step at a time.

8. Utilize the power of lists

Create lists for groceries, chores, errands, and more to help you stay on top of all your day-to-day tasks.

9. Organize your digital life

Clean up files on your computer or smartphone regularly to free up storage space, improve efficiency, and reduce stress.

10. Designate specific areas for specific items

Ensure that every item in your home or workspace has a designated spot to keep track of everything easily.

11. Plan your weekly meals

Planning your meals in advance can save you time and money while encouraging healthier eating habits.

12. Organize your finances

Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your expenses and savings, ensuring financial stability throughout the year.

13. Set designated “maintenance days”

Choose a specific day each week or month to address tasks such as cleaning, organizing, or updating files and documents.

14. Create an “inbox” system

Establish an inbox for physical items like mail and an email folder for digital messages to review and process regularly.

15. Use time management techniques

Incorporate methods like the Pomodoro Technique to better manage your time and increase productivity.

16. Develop routines for household chores

Develop consistent routines for household chores to maintain a clean and organized living space.

17. Learn to delegate tasks

Know when to ask for help or delegate tasks to others, enabling you to focus on more important tasks without burning out.


With these 17 organizing tips in place, 2017 can be your most organized and productive year yet. By adopting new habits, utilizing helpful tools, and developing efficient routines, you’ll be on the path to achieving all of your goals while enjoying the benefits of a well-organized life.

Our Favorite Kindergarten Teachers Pay Teachers Sellers

Teaching kindergarten is a unique and rewarding experience. It requires endless creativity and enthusiasm to keep up with the energy and curiosity of young learners. Fortunately, there are many talented teachers who share their knowledge and resources with others. One popular platform where these educators share their innovative ideas is Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT).

Below, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite kindergarten TpT sellers to help inspire your teaching journey.

1. Deanna Jump

As one of the most successful TpT sellers, Deanna Jump offers a wide range of educational resources for kindergarten students. Her store features fun activities for math, science, reading, and writing, making it easy for teachers to keep their curriculum engaging and interactive.

2. Kinder Craze

Maria Manore Gavin of Kinder Craze creates visually appealing materials that can easily be incorporated into any classroom. Her resources focus on literacy, math, and classroom organization— including colorful decor that will bring joy to the learning environment.

3. Kim Adsit

Kim Adsit’s extensive background in early education provides her with the necessary skills to create practical kindergarten resources. Her TpT store offers numerous tools that address reading comprehension, phonics, numeracy, and other essential skills.

4. Cara Carroll

Cara Carroll’s teaching materials are playful and designed to foster creativity while focusing on academic development. Known for centers like “Write the Room” and “Read the Room,” Cara makes learning fun and engaging for kindergarten students.

5. The Moffatt Girls

Annie Moffatt combines her experience as a teacher with her role as a parent to create useful resources grounded in both educational expertise and parental perspective. The Moffatt Girls’ TpT store includes resources that cater to reading, mathematics, handwriting practice, and more.

6. Little Minds at Work

Tara West’s Little Minds at Work offers a comprehensive blend of learning tools that incorporate creativity, critical thinking, and learning through play. With an emphasis on literacy and math, her store makes selecting resources for your kindergarten class a breeze.

7. Miss Kindergarten

For classroom visual appeal and playful design, the TpT store of Miss Kindergarten (Hadara Hockensmith) is a must. Specializing in hands-on activities that develop fundamental skills, her resources will captivate your students’ hearts and minds.

8. A Teachable Teacher

Lauren consistently provides high-quality resources that are visually appealing and easy to use. Her TpT store contains valuable educational printables ranging from reading comprehension to sight words, making it an excellent resource for kindergarten teachers.

As a kindergarten educator, you’ll find these sellers among the best on Teachers Pay Teachers. Their passion for early childhood education shines through their work, which is as entertaining as it is informative. Be sure to check out their stores for exciting teaching tools that will help you and your students grow together in learning.

Teachers, Stop Being Available 24/7


The teaching profession can be immensely rewarding as well as incredibly demanding. In today’s rapidly evolving information age, teachers are often expected to be available for their students virtually around the clock. While dedication to students’ needs is commendable, it is crucial for teachers not to lose sight of the negative repercussions that being available 24/7 can have on both their well-being and professional effectiveness.

1. Importance of Work-Life Balance for Teachers

Teaching isn’t just about delivering lecture materials – it also involves grading papers, preparing lessons, and providing guidance to students on an individual basis. Consequently, many teachers find themselves staying late or constantly checking their emails without considering the need for personal rest and relaxation. Establishing a healthy work-life balance is essential not only for mental health but also for long-term job performance and satisfaction.

2. Setting Boundaries with Communication Channels

One way to prevent yourself from being available to students all the time is by setting clear boundaries when it comes to communication channels. In order to do this, establish designated methods—such as email or a dedicated messaging platform—for reaching you outside of school hours. Moreover, consider setting a strict schedule for answering non-urgent student queries; this will let you manage your time while showing your commitment to addressing student concerns.

3. Prioritizing Self-Care

Frequently sacrificing personal time for instructional duties could lead to burnout – a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress. Self-care is essential not only in maintaining your mental health but also in enhancing your ability to perform consistently at work. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation and ensure that your evenings or weekends aren’t entirely engulfed by work.

4. Harnessing Technology For Balanced Availability

Instead of being constantly accessible, utilize various online tools to create a consistent yet manageable level of availability. This includes online forums, project management software, and educational platforms that keep students engaged in their studies while freeing you up from the constant barrage of questions and tasks.

5. Collaboration and Support Networks

Lean on your professional community—your colleagues and administrators—for support and advice. Sharing tasks, ideas, and strategies with fellow teachers can help reduce the pressure to be available 24/7. Importantly, a functioning school support network can facilitate a sustainable environment where healthy work-life balance is acknowledged and prioritized.


While it is essential to be accessible for students, teachers must recognize the limits of their endurance and energy. The benefits of a balanced lifestyle extend far beyond personal well-being; it also allows you to become a more effective educator, role model, and mentor for your students. By setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, harnessing technology, and relying on peer support networks, you can create sustainable habits that will ensure long-lasting success in your teaching career.