EdTech & Innovation

Pros and Cons of Using Tables Instead of Desks

When it comes to deciding which kind of workspace furniture to use at home or in the workplace, there is an ongoing debate about the merits of tables versus desks. Both options have possible advantages and drawbacks, so let’s explore the pros and cons of using tables instead of desks.

Pros of Using Tables:

1. Versatility: Tables can be used for a range of purposes which is an obvious advantage over specialized furniture like desks. They provide a flexible workspace that can be used for activities such as crafting, eating meals, or even hosting meetings – all with the change in layout or accessories.

2. Space Efficiency: Unlike traditional office desks, tables often take up less space and allow for more seating options. This can lead to better utilization of available room in the workplace while also accommodating more employees comfortably.

3. Affordability: A simple table will generally cost less than a purpose-built desk, primarily because they don’t usually include features like storage compartments or integrated cable management. This can make tables an economical choice for those looking to furnish their working space without breaking the bank.

4. Encourages Collaboration: The open nature of a table environment may foster collaboration between employees or family members sitting together around it. This shared workspace has benefits such as increased creativity, better problem-solving and improved communication.

Cons of Using Tables:

1. Lack of Ergonomics: Traditional desks are designed to cater specifically to computer work with proper ergonomics in mind. By contrast, tables might not offer the same level of support for healthy body positioning during long hours at work leading to potential strain on the neck, shoulders, lower back and wrists.

2. Limited Storage: Unlike desks, tables typically don’t come with built-in storage options such as drawers or shelves. This means that you’ll need separate cupboards or filing systems to hold your documents and supplies, which may lead to clutter or a disjointed work area.

3. Less Privacy: The open layout of most tables can be both a blessing and a curse. While it encourages collaboration, it may also lead to a lack of personal space for workers craving individual, focused work zones.

4. Inadequate Cable Management: Desks often feature built-in cable management solutions which allow users to keep the workspace organized and free of messy cords. Most tables don’t have these features, presenting a challenge in keeping wires tidy and out of the way.

In conclusion, the decision to use tables instead of desks ultimately depends on your unique requirements for a workspace. Tables provide versatility, space efficiency, affordability, and collaboration opportunities while desks cater to improved ergonomics, sufficient storage, privacy and better cable management. Assessing your priorities will guide you in determining the best option for your specific workspace needs.

Tips for Making the Most of The USPS Pen Pal Project


In today’s digital-driven world, where instant messaging and emails have taken over traditional methods of communication, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has launched the Pen Pal Project to bring back the joy and excitement of exchanging handwritten letters. This initiative aims to connect individuals from different age groups, cultures, and backgrounds, promoting understanding, friendship, and the charming human experience associated with letter writing. Here are some tips to make the most of your USPS Pen Pal experience.

Tip 1: Introduce Yourself Creatively

Make your first letter stand out by introducing yourself in an engaging and creative way. Share interesting details about your hobbies, interests, and daily life while adding personal touches like pictures or drawings to create a visual understanding of your world.

Tip 2: Practice Active Listening

When you receive your pen pal’s first letter, read it carefully and attentively before responding. Take note of what excites them, their questions, and any similarities or differences in your experiences. This will help you craft a thoughtful follow-up.

Tip 3: Keep Communication Consistent

Maintain a schedule for exchanging letters; it develops trust and consistency between pen pals. Aim to send a letter at least once a month to ensure that both parties remain engaged in the conversation.

Tip 4: Expand Your Horizons

In your letters, discuss exciting topics like places you have visited or would love to visit, books you’ve read, cuisine you enjoy or want to try, music you love, etc. This sparks curiosity and creates opportunities for learning from your pen pal.

Tip 5: Develop Empathy

Learn more about your pen pal’s customs, values, and beliefs by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to share their thoughts and perspectives. This helps forge a deeper connection while fostering empathy and understanding.

Tip 6: Surprise Your Pen Pal

Everyone loves surprises! Send a small gift or souvenir from your hometown, include a postcard or photos, or share a traditional recipe. Thoughtful surprises show you care and bring joy to the pen pal experience.

Tip 7: Keep It Fun

Experiment with different letter formats, stationery, and creative ways of expressing thoughts. Decorate letters with stickers, pressed flowers, stamps, watercolors, or original drawings. Keep it fun to keep your pen pal engaged and excited about each new correspondence.

Tip 8: Respect Boundaries

Remember that people may not be comfortable sharing some information or answering certain questions. Always respect their boundaries and practice patience as they might open up over time.


The USPS Pen Pal Project offers an unparalleled opportunity to maintain human connection and cherish the age-old tradition of handwritten letters. Follow these tips for a fruitful pen pal experience that fosters understanding, empathy, and long-lasting friendships across cultural and geographical boundaries. Embrace the charm of snail mail and embark on this uniquely personal journey today!

GPS: Learn This Simple Acronym to Help Give Students Better Feedback

Education and student development are always at the forefront of teaching strategies. As educators, we are continuously searching for new and effective ways to provide our students with the feedback they need in order to succeed. One simple yet powerful acronym that can help give students better feedback is GPS. In this article, we will explore the significance of GPS and its application in a classroom setting.

GPS stands for Goals, Progress, and Strategies. Let’s break down each element of this feedback model and see how they can be incorporated to enhance the learning experience:

1. Goals

Clear, measurable goals are essential for students to achieve success in their education. Setting goals helps them understand what is expected from them, allows them to track their growth, and maintains motivation throughout the learning process.

To establish effective goals, teachers can collaborate with their students to create specific and achievable milestones. Collectively deciding on the goals not only encourages accountability but also fosters a sense of ownership amongst the students.

2. Progress

Monitoring a student’s progress is a crucial component of providing valuable feedback. Regularly discussing their achievements, or shortfalls, ensures that advancements are recognized and challenges are addressed in a timely manner.

Teachers can track progress by discussing grades, project completions or skill improvements with students at regular intervals. Moreover, they should synchronize their feedback methods with every student’s personal journey—acknowledging individual accomplishments while remaining attentive to areas requiring attention.

3. Strategies

Lastly, offering constructive strategies is an indispensable aspect of quality feedback. By providing actionable solutions aimed at addressing any obstacles inhibiting progress, teachers encourage continuous improvement among their students.

When presenting strategies for overcoming academic hurdles or approaching new learning objectives, teachers should draw upon concrete steps that align with each student’s unique needs. Possible strategies might include incorporating different study techniques or eliciting peer support as a means of fostering both personal and collective growth.

In conclusion, the GPS acronym—Goals, Progress, and Strategies—serves as an invaluable framework for delivering effective feedback to students. As teachers adopt and adapt this model to their unique classroom dynamics, there is significant potential for enhancing the educational experiences and outcomes of their students. By setting clear goals, regularly discussing progress, and providing actionable strategies for improvement, educators can foster a supportive learning environment that drives academic success.

Why “We’ve Always Done it This Way” Just Won’t Cut It Anymore for Schools


In an ever-evolving world, the approach of “We’ve always done it this way” no longer suffices in most industries, and especially not for schools. Education has undergone significant changes over the past decade, with advancements in technology and an increasing emphasis on meeting diverse learner needs. This article will explore the reasons why sticking to traditional educational practices is no longer viable and highlight the importance of adapting to new methods.

Embracing Change and Diversity:

Today’s classrooms are more diverse than ever. Students come from different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences – all factors that influence their learning needs. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in such a varied environment, requiring schools to adapt their teaching methods and curricula to better address individual needs. Acknowledging this diversity and implementing inclusive learning strategies can lead to a more enriching educational experience for all students.

Technological Advancements:

The rapid development of technology has changed virtually every aspect of our lives, including how we learn. From digital whiteboards to online resources, schools must integrate these advancements into their classrooms to provide engaging experiences for 21st-century learners. Sticking to conventional teaching methods risks leaving students ill-equipped for modern society where technological proficiency is key.

Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial for students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that go beyond memorization and regurgitation of information. Schools must shift from traditional lecture-based teaching models towards more interactive methods that promote active learning, collaboration, and higher-order thinking. By doing so, they can prepare students for future challenges both in the workplace and in life.

Meeting Workforce Demands:

As industries evolve at breakneck speed due to globalization and technology, workforce demands are changing as well. Employers increasingly seek candidates with a wide range of skills, including those associated with interdisciplinary knowledge, adaptability, and strong communication abilities. To better prepare students for these new requirements, schools must rethink their approach to education and develop programs that emphasize collaboration and real-world problem-solving.


While change can be challenging, educators must recognize that the traditional ways of teaching are no longer sufficient to prepare students for the complex world in which we live. By embracing progressive educational practices and harnessing the power of technology, schools can offer more inclusive and engaging learning experiences that cater to diverse learner needs. In doing so, they can truly prepare students for success in the 21st century.

Our Free Pencil Alphabet Is the Best Thing To Happen to Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards have long been an essential tool for communication in schools, offices, and community centers. From displaying important announcements to showcasing student work, these simple, unassuming boards hold a special place in our hearts. As people continue to look for ways to enhance the visual appeal of these public spaces, a new resource has emerged that’s capturing the attention of bulletin board curators everywhere: our Free Pencil Alphabet.

The Free Pencil Alphabet is not only charmingly versatile, but it is also completely free for anyone who wishes to give their bulletin boards a fresh new look. These unique letters, designed as realistically textured pencils with eraser tips at the top and sharpened points at the bottom, are taking bulletin boards by storm and transforming mundane walls into vibrant art galleries.

One of the most appealing features of the Free Pencil Alphabet is its flexibility. The letters can be printed in any size, allowing them to suit various bulletin board dimensions and layouts. No longer must bulletin board creators feel limited by pre-made letter sets and predictable designs. With this alphabet at their fingertips, they can mix and match sizes to create an eye-catching collage or display.

The clever pencil design is not just visually engaging; it carries powerful symbolic meaning. Educators will appreciate how pencils represent creativity, learning, and progress—a perfect addition to any school’s bulletin board display. This alphabet can serve as a reminder for students to embrace their knowledge-seeking journey with enthusiasm and curiosity.

In an increasingly digitized world, it’s vital to maintain physical spaces where real connections can be made. Bulletin boards foster feelings of belonging and interconnectedness within communities. The Free Pencil Alphabet empowers people to enhance these communal spaces with striking visuals that invite engagement and interest from passersby.

As more users get inspired by this resource’s potential, new ideas continue to emerge on how best to apply the Free Pencil Alphabet on bulletin boards. Some have found innovative ways to blend it with other themes such as holidays, seasons, and school spirit. As this artistic alphabet works its magic on bulletin boards globally, it’s clear that our Free Pencil Alphabet is the best thing to happen to these cherished communication hubs in recent memory.

So go ahead and unleash your creativity, transforming your bulletin board into something extraordinary with the charming and versatile Free Pencil Alphabet.

What’s the Best Teaching Advice in Five Words or Less?

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of future generations. With such an important responsibility, it’s essential to be prepared with effective teaching strategies. Here, we present the best teaching advice given in five words or less that can help educators excel in their roles.

1. “Listen more, talk less.”

A truly powerful teaching approach involves more listening than speaking. By actively listening to students, teachers gain insight into their individual needs and understanding levels, allowing for tailored instruction and feedback.

2. “Lead by example always.”

As a teacher, your actions speak louder than your words. Set high standards for yourself in terms of professionalism and behavior to inspire your students.

3. “Engage, excite, and inspire.”

Enthusiasm for your subject should be contagious. Use engaging techniques and activities that spark curiosity and passion within your students.

4. “Teach respect, expect respect.”

Creating a respectful environment starts with modeling respect towards your students, peers, and yourself through consistent positive behaviors, language choices and genuine praise.

5. “Adaptability is everything.”

The best educators adapt to individual student needs as well as evolving classroom situations to provide effective support.

6. “Know when to pivot.”

Even the most well-prepared lesson plan sometimes encounters obstacles or distractions. Learn when it’s time to adapt or change course to maintain momentum and student engagement.

7. “Positive feedback fosters growth.”

Praise effort, success, determination and strategy. Empower students to believe in themselves by highlighting their strengths and areas needing reinforcement.

8. “Be willing to learn.”

Recognize that learning is an ongoing process, even for teachers. Continuously explore new strategies and acquire knowledge to benefit yourself and your students.

These short but powerful pieces of advice serve as reminders for educators in the challenging yet rewarding profession of teaching. Summarized in just a few words each, they carry profound meaning and can help shape both teaching approaches and personal development within your role as an educator.

Why Better Than Paper Is on Every Teacher’s Wish List

In today’s fast-paced world, technology is playing an ever-increasing role in both our personal and professional lives. Education is no exception to this trend, with the tech revolution reaching all spheres of academic life. One such innovation that’s making waves in the education space is Better Than Paper, quickly becoming an essential item on every teacher’s wish list. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the popularity and effectiveness of Better Than Paper in transforming classroom experience.

1. Enhances Learning Engagement

Better Than Paper allows teachers to create interactive and immersive learning environments that keep students engaged in their lessons. Its user-friendly interface lets educators customize content according to students’ needs, making the learning experience more personalized and enjoyable. This targeted approach helps maintain or increase student interest levels, leading to improved attention spans and better recall of the material covered.

2. Resource Saving

Traditional paper-based teaching methods are not only harmful to the environment but also place a constant burden on school budgets. By adopting Better Than Paper, schools can significantly reduce their carbon footprint by minimizing paper usage making it a sustainable and cost-effective choice for educational institutions.

3. Ease of Assessment

The platform provides real-time feedback on student progress through various tracking and reporting tools that make it easier for teachers to identify areas where improvement is needed. Assessments can be easily generated, graded, and shared with students within the application itself, making the entire process seamless.

4. Accessible from Anywhere

As an online platform, Better Than Paper ensures that teachers and students can access learning materials from anywhere across the globe. This invaluable feature particularly serves those from remote areas or homeschooled kids, granting everyone equal opportunities to quality education.

5. Promotes Collaboration

Better Than Paper fosters collaboration between teachers, students, and parents by offering spaces for communication about assignments or projects within the platform. This fosters a strong sense of community and allows for quicker resolution of issues that may arise during the learning process.

6. Continual Updates

The developers behind Better Than Paper constantly work on improving and updating the platform based on user feedback, ensuring that educators receive the best possible tools to meet their changing needs. This ongoing commitment to innovation sets it apart from traditional methods, which often become stagnant over time.

7. Time Savings

As any teacher knows, much valuable personal time is spent doing administrative tasks such as marking homework or formatting resources. Better Than Paper significantly reduces the time spent on these routine duties, giving educators more time to focus on enhancing their teaching skills or dedicating their attention to students who may require extra support.

If you’re a teacher in search of ways to revamp your classroom experience, it’s easy to see why Better Than Paper has become a must-have item on every wish list. By embracing this innovative tool, improving instruction becomes seamless and simple – you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

22 Life-Changing Goals for Teachers in 2018


As a teacher, setting goals is essential for personal and professional growth. In 2018, there were numerous life-changing goals that teachers around the globe aimed to achieve. By striving towards these objectives, educators could improve their teaching abilities, make meaningful connections with students, and foster a positive learning environment for all. Here’s a look back at the top 22 life-changing goals for teachers in 2018.

1. Embrace mindfulness practices: Incorporating mindfulness exercises like meditation or deep breathing into daily routines could reduce stress and support mental well-being.

2. Create a classroom library: A classroom library filled with age-appropriate books fosters literary interest and helps students build reading skills.

3. Encourage higher-order thinking: Promote critical thinking by encouraging students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information.

4. Implement diverse teaching methods: Using various pedagogical approaches engages different learning styles and holds students’ interest.

5. Establish a reward system: A well-designed reward system acknowledges students’ achievements and motivates positive behaviors.

6. Attend professional development workshops: Regularly attending workshops or conferences boosts skills and expands one’s teaching toolkit.

7. Build rapport with parents: Establishing open communication with parents strengthens the relationship between home and school.

8. Improve classroom management techniques: Adopting effective classroom management strategies minimizes disruptions and creates positive learning environments.

9. Enhance technological integration: Incorporate technology or edtech tools to encourage student engagement and simplify lesson planning.

10. Develop culturally responsive curriculum: Adapting lesson content according to diverse cultural backgrounds promotes inclusivity and fosters learning opportunities.

11. Advocate for student needs: Champion initiatives that benefit a range of learners from those with special needs to gifted students.

12. Offer individualized feedback: Providing personalized feedback nurtures educational progress and bolsters self-esteem.

13. Create opportunities for cooperative learning: Encouraging students to collaborate fosters teamwork and enhances problem-solving skills.

14. Establish a growth mindset: Cultivate resilience and determination by teaching students that success is a product of continuous growth and effort.

15. Foster student autonomy: Allowing students to make choices and take ownership of their learning instills confidence and motivation.

16. Support social-emotional learning: Prioritizing emotional intelligence develops empathy and builds interpersonal skills.

17. Maintain work-life balance: Maintaining a healthy balance between one’s personal and professional lives leads to greater career satisfaction.

18. Join or form a teacher support group: Connecting with peers provides essential emotional support, guidance, and encouragement throughout the school year.

19. Conduct student-led conferences: Encouraging students to lead parent-teacher conferences empowers them to take charge of their learning experiences.

20. Remain organized: Consistently maintaining an organized classroom boosts productivity, reduces stress, and facilitates learning.

21. Reflect on teaching practices: Regular self-assessment highlights strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

22. Cultivate a love for learning: Make it your goal to foster a passion for learning that sparks curiosity and drives self-improvement in both you and your students.


These life-changing goals show that teachers in 2018 were continually striving for excellence, aiming to ensure each student’s success by providing high-quality education in an engaging and supportive environment. By reflecting on these objectives, modern educators can learn valuable lessons as they continue nurturing the future generation of leaders, innovators, and globally-aware citizens.

Teachers Reveal the Kindest Gestures from Their Students


There’s no denying that teachers have a significant impact on their students’ lives. They often serve as mentors, role models, and sources of inspiration. Thankfully, this impact can go both ways, with students occasionally going out of their way to show their appreciation for their teachers. In this article, we’ll explore some heartwarming stories shared by teachers about the nicest things students have done for them.

Story 1: A Custom-Made Quilt

One teacher fondly recalled a group of her students coming together to make a personalized quilt for her birthday. Each student contributed a square designed with the help of their families. The quilt not only displayed an array of beautiful colors and patterns but also represented the collective warmth and gratitude of the entire class towards their nurturing teacher.

Story 2: A Meal to Remember

An educator shared that her student’s family had noticed she had been working late hours with no time to cook meals. As a token of appreciation, they prepared a delicious home-cooked meal and brought it to school, along with enough portions for every member of the staff. This considerate gesture went a long way in brightening up everyone’s day and demonstrated how small acts of kindness could make a significant difference.

Story 3: My Favorite Daydream

A young student surprised her teacher by presenting her with a handwritten poem entitled “My Favorite Daydream.” The poem described the teacher’s classroom as the student’s favorite place to be and included vivid imagery highlighting all that she appreciated about her learning environment. This unexpected gift touched the teacher deeply and reinforced her commitment to creating an enjoyable learning space for all students.

Story 4: Meeting Educational Needs

An inner-city school teacher confessed that many children in their class faced financial challenges at home, with limited resources for books and stationery. An exceptionally empathetic boy in their class took it upon himself to organize a drive to collect used books and materials from his friends and neighbors. Thanks to his initiative, the school’s library received a much-needed boost, while the boy’s kindness earned him a special place in his teacher’s heart.

Story 5: I Am Grateful

One of the most moving stories came from a teacher who taught English as a second language to refugee students. After months of struggling with the language barrier, one student proudly handed in an essay written flawlessly that expressed her gratitude towards her devoted teacher. She explained how the challenges they overcame made her stronger and more determined to succeed. The essay ended with two simple but powerful words: “I am grateful.”


These touching accounts shared by teachers display that even small acts of kindness from students can make a-lasting difference in their lives. Each story serves as a reminder that in an age marked by disruptions and technological advancements, human connection still lies at the core of what makes learning incredible. Let us not forget that a few heartfelt words or gestures can transform the hearts and minds of both students and teachers alike.

16 Faces All Guided Reading Teachers Will Recognize

Guided reading is an integral part of the learning process for children. As teachers, we have the unique opportunity to shape young minds and witness a variety of emotions over the course of our careers. Here are 16 faces all guided reading teachers will undeniably recognize in their students.

1. The “Eureka!” Face: The moment when a child finally grasps a concept or masters a challenging word, their eyes light up with excitement and pride.

2. The “Determined” Face: When a student furrows their brow and focuses intently on decoding words and comprehension.

3. The “Confused” Face: Often accompanied by furrowed brows and their head tilted to one side, this face represents the moment a student encounters an unfamiliar word or idea.

4. The “Frustrated” Face: It is easy to spot as teeth grit, eyebrows furrow, and the student sighs heavily – a sure sign they’re struggling with the material.

5. The “Aha!” Face: Often occurring post-confusion, this face displays understanding as their eyes widen, and they nod in agreement with newfound knowledge.

6. The “Bored” Face: Loose body language, frequent yawning, and staring into space signal disinterest or lack of engagement in the current reading material.

7. The “Shy” Face: This child may be extremely introverted or hesitant to participate in group activities, showing visible discomfort in social situations.

8. The “Curious” Face: Their eyes dance over the page as they hunger for knowledge; this student seeks answers to questions raised during reading time.

9. The “Bookworm” Face: A mix between curiosity and delight, these students immerse themselves in books completely, always eager for more reading time.

10. The “Amused” Face: Laughter fills the room as this student enthusiastically engages with the text, reacting positively to funny or entertaining aspects of the reading material.

11. The “Nervous” Face: Students may appear panicked or anxious when they are faced with a difficult task or pressured to perform well.

12. The “Sleepy” Face: Droopy eyes, head hanging low on hands – we’ve all come across students struggling to stay awake and focused during reading time.

13. The “Cheerleader” Face: This student supports and encourages their fellow classmates with smiles, nods, and words of encouragement.

14. The “Chatty” Face: With a grin on their face, these students eagerly engage in conversations with their classmates during group discussions or share their thoughts out loud.

15. The “Skeptical” Face: A raised eyebrow and questioning side-glance indicate skepticism regarding a concept or theme introduced in the reading material.

16. The “AccomplishedFace: Exuding confidence and self-assuredness, these students are proud of their accomplishments as they face challenges head-on and emerge triumphant.

These varying emotional expressions demonstrate the wide range of learning experiences children undergo daily. As guided reading teachers, we watch as our students tackle challenges, overcome obstacles, get lost in literature, and celebrate their achievements!