Google Classroom

Google Slides Teaching Resources

In the modern classroom, educators are constantly seeking effective tools to engage students and enhance learning experiences. Google Slides has emerged as a powerful resource for teachers looking to bring versatility and creativity into their lesson plans.

With the advent of interactive digital platforms, teaching methods have evolved to incorporate more dynamic content. Google Slides is at the forefront of this educational revolution, offering a user-friendly interface that is both accessible and adaptable for a wide range of academic purposes.

Features such as real-time collaboration allow students to work together on presentations from any location. This promotes teamwork and helps develop communication skills as they collectively contribute to projects and assignments. Teachers can oversee progress live, providing immediate feedback and guidance.

The platform also supports multimedia integration, enabling instructors to add videos, images, and links directly into slides. This multimedia capability enriches lessons by catering to different learning styles and keeping students engaged with varied content.

Templates and themes available in Google Slides further aid in creating professional-looking presentations without requiring extensive design skills. Educators can customize these to fit their unique classroom needs, whether it’s for science reports, historical timelines, or literary analysis.

Moreover, Google Slides aligns with the growing importance of digital literacy. By incorporating technology into everyday learning sessions, students become more adept at using essential digital tools that will benefit them in both their academic and future professional lives.

For teachers who value innovation and efficacy in teaching resources, Google Slides is an invaluable ally in designing and delivering compelling educational content that resonates with the tech-savvy generation of learners.

Converting PDFs to Google Slides for Use in Google Classroom

In the diverse landscape of educational resources, teachers often come across valuable materials in PDF format that they would like to incorporate into their Google Classroom. However, to take full advantage of the interactive and collaborative features of Google Classroom, these PDFs need to be converted into Google Slides. This process not only makes it easier to present the information during live lessons but also allows students to interact with the content directly.

The conversion process is fairly straightforward. To begin with, teachers need to have the PDF file saved on their computer. They can then follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open Google Drive

Navigate to your Google Drive ( and log in with your Google account, which should be the same account associated with your Google Classroom.

Step 2: Upload the PDF File

In Google Drive, click on the ‘New’ button on the top left side of the page, then select ‘File upload’. Choose the PDF file you wish to convert from your computer and wait for it to upload.

Step 3: Open with Google Slides

Once uploaded, right-click on the file in Google Drive, hover over ‘Open with’, and then select ‘Google Slides’. This will automatically create a new presentation with each page of the PDF shown as an individual slide.

Step 4: Edit Your Slides

After opening with Google Slides, you can edit each slide according to your needs. You might want to resize or reformat text and images or add questions and interactive elements for your students to engage with.

Step 5: Save & Integrate into Google Classroom

After making the necessary adjustments, you’re ready to save and integrate this newly created Google Slides presentation into your Google Classroom. Simply add it as material or an assignment for your students to access and interact with.

By converting a PDF document into a set of slides, teachers can greatly enhance their ability to instruct virtually through compelling visuals and interactive slide elements. It becomes simpler for students to navigate through material when working independently or collaboratively in a remote learning environment.

This simple integration can drastically improve both teaching methods and learning experiences by harnessing the full power of digital tools available through Google’s suite for education, ensuring that even traditional resources like PDFs can find new life in today’s modern classrooms.

How I Use Google Forms for Formative Feedback


As both an educator and a lifelong learner, I have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to enhance the learning process. One product that has consistently stood out to me in this regard is Google Forms. At its core, Google Forms is a simple and intuitive tool for creating customizable surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires. However, in my experience as a teacher, I have found it to be an invaluable resource for formative feedback—a key means of improving student learning.

Why Formative Feedback Matters

Formative feedback plays a critical role in helping students understand their strengths and areas of improvement while providing targeted opportunities for growth. By incorporating their understanding of the material into lessons and homework assignments, students can take active steps toward mastering both the content and skills needed for future success.

Using Google Forms for Formative Feedback

So how do I use Google Forms to provide formative feedback to my students? Here are some practical strategies that have proven effective in my classroom:

1. Pre-Assessment Surveys: Before starting a new unit or topic, I create a simple Google Form with questions related to the material we will be covering. This allows me to gauge students’ prior knowledge and make adjustments to my lesson plan accordingly.

2. Exit Tickets: After each class session, I ask students to complete a brief exit ticket via Google Forms. This usually consists of one or two open-ended questions asking them to reflect on the content discussed during class or a specific concept they find confusing. These responses help me identify common misconceptions or areas where additional reinforcement might be needed.

3. Online Quizzes: While traditional paper-and-pencil quizzes can be effective assessment tools, online quizzes created with Google Forms offer several advantages. For one, they enable instant feedback, allowing students to recognize their mistakes immediately and adjust their thinking accordingly. Additionally, teachers can easily track student progress using the platform’s data analysis features.

4. Peer Review: Encourage students to review and provide feedback on each other’s work using Google Forms. This can be particularly useful for group projects, presentations, or essay drafting. By structuring the form so that respondents must provide specific examples of both positive and constructive feedback, students can gain a more objective perspective on their work while practicing critical evaluation skills.

5. Teacher-Student Conferences: I use Google Forms to collect feedback from my students before holding one-on-one conferences, giving me a clear picture of their progress and areas where they might need additional support. Not only does this streamline the process, but it also helps foster open and honest communication about each student’s learning journey.


Google Forms has become an indispensable tool in my approach to teaching and formative assessment. By offering targeted, real-time feedback to my students through various methods such as pre-assessment surveys, exit tickets, online quizzes, peer review, and teacher-student conferences, I have witnessed marked improvements in both student engagement and academic achievement. While technology itself may not be the ultimate solution to all educational challenges, tools like Google Forms can undoubtedly play a significant role in fostering meaningful growth for learners at all stages of their education.

What is Google Classroom? Tips and Tricks for Teachers


Google Classroom has become an indispensable tool for educators worldwide since its launch in 2014. Designed to simplify the process of sharing files and resources between teachers and students, it offers several features that enhance collaboration, organization, and communication—ultimately improving the learning experience for both parties. In this article, we will explore what Google Classroom is, how it works, and share helpful tips and tricks for teachers to make the most of this innovative platform.

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a free web-based platform that works seamlessly with Google apps like Docs, Sheets, and Slides. It enables educators to create online classrooms, distribute assignments, organize folders, manage deadlines, monitor student progress, and provide real-time feedback—all in one place.

Tips and Tricks for Teachers

1. Utilize Google Drive Integration: One immense advantage of using Google Classroom comes from its tight integration with Google Drive. When creating assignments or sharing resources with students, files uploaded are automatically saved in a dedicated folder within the teacher’s drive. This helps keep things organized and makes it easier to access shared resources later.

2. Organize with Topics: As you create assignments and resources within your classroom, organize them by using “topics.” This feature allows you to group related materials together under a specific theme or unit. Ultimately, your students will find it much simpler to navigate through your courses.

3. Schedule Posts Ahead of Time: If you want to organize your class activities ahead of time without overwhelming your students with many posts at once, schedule them to appear at specific dates/times. This way, you can plan your lessons better and provide your students with a more structured learning experience.

4. Enable Guardian Summaries: Keep parents or guardians involved by enabling guardian summaries in Google Classroom settings. By doing so, guardians receive regular email updates on their child’s progress—including missing work, upcoming assignments, and class announcements.

5. Streamline Communication with Students: Google Classroom offers several communication options. Use the ‘Stream’ tab to post announcements and reminders for the whole classroom. Make use of private comments for one-on-one conversations with your students. This feedback is visible only to you and the student, allowing for personalized guidance or support.

6. Create Reusable Assignments: If you have assignments that are used multiple times throughout the school year or across different classes, you can save time by creating reusable assignments. Copy existing tasks within Google Classroom or create a new assignment and opt to reuse the post in different classes.

7. Encourage Peer Collaboration: Take advantage of features like collaborative documents, presentations, and virtual discussions to engage students in group work. This encourages active participation and fosters collaboration among classmates.


By integrating Google Classroom into your teaching strategy, you will be able to streamline and enhance your educational process more than ever before. The ability to efficiently organize resources, manage deadlines, and monitor progress helps improve learning outcomes for all students involved. Experiment with these tips and tricks to harness the full power of Google Classroom, ultimately transforming the way you teach—and the way your students learn.

8 Ways to Get the Most Out of Google Meet for Teachers

As a teacher, you’re always looking for ways to enhance your online classroom experience and keep students engaged. Google Meet offers a variety of features that can help you make the most out of your virtual meetings. Here are eight tips to effectively use Google Meet in your teaching.

1. Schedule and Share Meetings in Advance

Plan your virtual classes ahead of time by scheduling meetings using Google Calendar. This allows students to see upcoming sessions, topics, and corresponding resources before the class starts. Send out invitations via email or share the meeting links on a learning management system to ensure students have access.

2. Customize and Organize Your Layout

Google Meet’s adjustable layout lets you choose how you want to view participants during class discussions. You can switch between tile, spotlight, sidebar, or full-screen view depending on your preference. Organizing the layout can help in focusing on specific students for effective communication.

3. Utilize Breakout Rooms

To encourage student collaboration and boost class engagement, use breakout rooms to divide participants into smaller groups. This feature allows students to discuss topics independently and then return to the main session to present their findings.

4. Mute Unwanted Noise

Keep classroom disruptions at bay by muting participants’ microphones whenever necessary. This helps maintain an organized environment during lessons and presentations while reducing distractions from unwanted background noise.

5. Use Polling Questions

Make your lessons interactive by creating polls within Google Meet. You can easily make multiple-choice questions that gauge student understanding and track progress throughout a lesson.

6. Share Your Screen

Google Meet’s screen-sharing feature enables you to effectively conduct lectures by sharing slideshows, documents, or websites with students during class sessions. Additionally, it allows you to annotate on-screen content for further explanation or guidance.

7. Record Your Sessions

Recording class sessions enables teachers and students to review material later when needed. Students who miss a live session or need to rewatch the class for better understanding will appreciate this feature. Always inform participants when recording begins and ends, and remember that consent may be necessary depending on your location.

8. Leverage Accessibility Features

Ensuring all students have access to learning materials is vital. Use Google Meet’s accessibility features, such as closed captioning and keyboard shortcuts, to make the virtual classroom experience more inclusive for students with disabilities or language barriers.

By utilizing these Google Meet features, you can create engaging and productive online learning sessions for your students. Embrace the flexibility this virtual platform offers in order to foster a more inclusive and dynamic educational environment.

What a Teacher’s Google Search History Really Looks Like


As technology continues dominating different aspects of our lives, modern teachers are heavily relying on search engines for their educational and professional needs. With Google being the search engine of choice for many, one can’t help but wonder: what does a teacher’s Google search history really look like? In this article, we will explore the weird and wonderful world hidden behind a teacher’s Google searches.

1. Classroom Management Techniques:

In an era where students can freely unleash their energy and curiosity with a simple click on their smartphones or tablets, teachers are constantly searching for better strategies to maintain an optimal learning environment. They may look up queries like “how to handle noisy students” or “classroom management ideas.”

2. Lesson Plan Resources:

With countless websites offering lesson plans and teaching materials, the quest for high-quality content is never-ending. Teachers might look up phrases such as “creative lesson plans for history,” “biology experiments for class,” or even “project ideas for calculus students.”

3. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods:

Continuous growth is as essential for teachers as it is for their students; hence they often explore new theories and best practices in education. This could translate into searches like “constructivist teaching methods,” “student-centered learning activities,” or “ways to promote critical thinking in the classroom.”

4. Lifestyle Tips:

Balancing personal life with their professional duties often sends teachers down the rabbit hole of time management hacks and wellness affirmations. Some typical searches include “self-care tips for teachers,” “how to stay organized during the school year,” or simply “quick meal prep ideas.”

5. Grading Solutions:

There’s no escape from the inevitable: grading papers. Teachers are always looking to find more efficient grading methods or rubrics that align best with their curriculum standards, leading them to search terms like “time-saving grading techniques” and “essay rubric templates.”

6. Educational Technology:

In today’s technology-driven classrooms, teachers need to step up their game by adapting to the latest tools and apps in education. Thus, they are likely to search for “best classroom apps for students,” “interactive videos for teaching,” or even “how to create online quizzes.”

7. Coffee Shops and Quiet Spaces:

To escape the hustle and bustle of school life, teachers might also seek solace in a serene environment outside their classroom. As a result, phrases like “quiet coffee shops near me” and “places to grade papers in peace” might pop up in their search history.


A teacher’s Google search history is a treasure trove of information that provides a fascinating insight into the challenges and interests of modern educators. While some searches may seem mundane at first glance, they all paint a vivid picture of dedicated professionals striving for excellence in teaching and nurturing the next generation of learners.

Help! My Colleague is Stealing My Work From Google Classroom. How Should I Handle It?


Discovering that a colleague is stealing your work from Google Classroom can be frustrating and disheartening. It is important to address this situation in a professional and constructive manner. The following article provides tips and advice on how to handle this delicate issue.

1. Assess the Situation

Before taking any action, ensure that you have proof that your colleague is indeed stealing your work. Gather evidence such as screenshots or copies of your original work and their plagiarized work. Analyze whether this is a one-time incident or a recurring pattern.

2. Confront Your Colleague Privately

Arrange a private meeting with your colleague to address the issue calmly and professionally. Present your evidence, and ask for an explanation without making accusations or threats. Give them a chance to tell their side of the story, as there might be an honest misunderstanding or miscommunication.

3. Offer Solutions

If your colleague admits to stealing your work, discuss potential solutions for resolving the situation – this could mean giving you credit for your work, removing plagiarized content, or finding ways to improve collaboration in the future. Encourage open communication and a teamwork-centered environment.

4. Speak with Your Supervisor or HR

If your colleague denies the allegations or refuses to resolve the situation amicably, consider bringing the issue to the attention of your supervisor or the human resources department. Provide them with all necessary evidence and keep the focus on resolving the issue professionally.

5. Request Additional Security Measures

With help from your institution’s IT department, request additional security measures in Google Classroom for protecting your work from unauthorized access. Encourage them to implement features like access control, comment moderation, or plagiarism detection tools to prevent further theft.

6. Learn Best Practices for Protecting Your Work

In order to avoid similar situations in the future, educate yourself on best practices for protecting your work online. Appreciate the importance of regularly backing up your files, using strong and unique passwords, and avoiding sharing sensitive information on unsecured networks.

7. Seek Peer Support

Connect with colleagues who experienced similar issues and gain valuable insights from their experiences. Build a support network to help maintain a positive work environment, despite any challenges.


Dealing with a colleague stealing your work can hinder productivity and mar your professional relationships, however tackling the situation appropriately is crucial. By adopting a calm, professional approach and implementing measures to protect your intellectual property, you can overcome this challenge and maintain a healthy working environment.

Google Earth Classroom Hacks You’ll Want to Try ASAP


Google Earth has revolutionized the way we teach and learn about geography, history, and various other subjects in the classroom. Gone are the days when students had to rely solely on static maps and textbooks. With Google Earth, you can now virtually explore the world right from your classroom! In this article, we’ll be sharing some fantastic Google Earth classroom hacks that you will want to try as soon as possible.

1. Start with a virtual field trip

Why not start by taking your students on a virtual field trip using Google Earth? Explore historical landmarks, famous locations, or even places related to your current lesson plan. From ancient ruins to modern marvels, Google Earth allows you and your students to step outside the confines of the classroom and learn more about our world firsthand.

2. Embark on an interactive treasure hunt

Create an engaging treasure hunt activity using Google Earth by having your students search for specific locations or landmarks. Provide clues for them to follow, and integrate questions related to their findings for an extra learning twist.

3. Follow historical voyages and migrations

Want to teach your students about famous expeditions or ancient civilizations’ migration patterns? Use Google Earth as a tool to trace these voyages and migrations alongside studying relevant events that took place during these journeys.

4. Create collaborative projects

Encourage teamwork among your students by assigning collaborative projects using Google My Maps. This feature enables them to create their maps by adding markers, images, videos, descriptions, etc., from various locations related to a specific theme or subject matter.

5. Integrate multimedia resources

Along with exploring locations using satellite imagery on Google Earth, make sure you use multimedia resources as well! Students can access photos, videos, articles, and other content specific to any location right through the platform. This will give them a deeper understanding of the subject matter and keep them engaged.

6. Utilize Google Earth VR

Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular in classrooms, and Google Earth’s VR feature is definitely a game-changer! With VR headsets, students can immerse themselves in a 3D experience, allowing for a unique and unforgettable learning opportunity.

7. Explore climate change impacts

Google Earth can be an excellent tool to teach about the implications of climate change. Explore melting polar ice caps, receding glaciers, deforestation rates, and other environmental changes happening globally. Students can witness these consequences first-hand, creating a more profound understanding of the issue.

8. Customize your own KML layers

Encourage students to dive deeper into data analysis by creating custom KML file layers. These files can include markers, images, descriptions, and more within Google Earth to display data related to specific themes or subjects.

In Conclusion

The possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating Google Earth in classroom activities. Take advantage of this technology to engage your students in creative, collaborative, academically-driven projects that provide unique and immersive learning experiences. Don’t wait another day – start incorporating these Google Earth classroom hacks today!