High School

High School Literature Discussion Questions and Writing Prompts

Literature forms an essential part of a high school education, helping students develop critical thinking, empathy, and communication skills. Engaging in literature discussions and writing prompts is crucial for fostering these abilities and stimulating intellectual growth. This article highlights the importance of discussion questions and writing prompts in high school literature classes and provides some examples to integrate into your curriculum.

Literature discussions enable students to think deeply about the text, challenge their assumptions, and share their perspectives with their peers. These conversations foster a deeper understanding of the material, as well as build vital interpersonal skills. Discussion questions serve as fantastic starting points for such interactions. Here are five thought-provoking questions applicable to a wide range of texts:

1. How does the author use symbolism, imagery, or other literary devices to convey the theme or message?

2. Which character undergoes the most significant change throughout the story? How do their actions affect other characters or the overall plot arc?

3. How does the setting contribute to the atmosphere, tone, or theme of the story? Would a different setting impact the narrative significantly?

4. What are some potential motivations for a character’s behavior? Discuss at least two different interpretations.

5. How do social and cultural factors influence the characters’ actions, beliefs, or decisions?

In addition to discussion questions, writing prompts offer students an opportunity to creatively explore themes and ideas from class texts via written responses. Writing prompts challenge students to think critically about course material while also improving writing skills – an invaluable asset for academic success. The following five prompts can be adapted for various literary works:

1. Create an alternative ending for the story that aligns with its central theme but alters the outcome or consequences experienced by main characters.

2. Choose a key scene from the book and retell it from another character’s perspective. How does this change your understanding of that character’s motivations?

3. Think of an object or symbol that holds significance for one of the characters. Write a descriptive passage in which this object plays a central role, conveying its emotional or thematic importance.

4. Select a quote from the book that resonated deeply with you. Incorporate it into an essay that analyzes its relevance and implications concerning the story’s broader themes.

5. Write a letter from one character to another, discussing a pivotal decision or moment within the text, revealing their insights, reflections, and emotions.

Integrating discussion questions and writing prompts in high school literature classes not only deepens students’ understanding of texts but also equips them with essential analytical and communication skills for future academic endeavors. By encouraging open dialogue and creative written expressions, educators help mold insightful, empathetic individuals capable of engaging with complex ideas in the world around them.

8 “Would You Rather” Questions To Get Teens Thinking About Their Future Careers


Choosing a future career is undoubtedly a daunting task for teenagers. It is a decision that requires careful thought and contemplation. One great way to involve teens in discussions about their future careers is by engaging them in thought-provoking “Would You Rather” questions. Here are eight such questions designed to make teens give serious consideration to their future careers.

1. Would you rather have a high salary in a stressful job or a lower salary in a relaxed job?

This question helps teens think about the importance of work-life balance and how much they value financial prosperity versus their mental well-being.

2. Would you rather do a job that helps others but pays less or a job that has no social impact but pays well?

This question encourages them to reflect on whether they desire a purpose-driven career or prioritize financial stability over societal contributions.

3. Would you rather be your own boss or work under someone else’s leadership?

Considering this question allows teenagers to examine their aspirations, either as an entrepreneur building their own empire or as an employee climbing the corporate ladder.

4. Would you rather have an outdoor job with physical demands or an indoor job requiring lots of screen time?

Teens should ponder what type of work environment suits them best, taking into account long-term health effects and daily activities they would enjoy.

5. Would you rather work in your dream location but not in your preferred field, or work in your ideal field but not your dream location?

This question compels individuals to weigh the pros and cons of location preferences against their dream careers.

6. Would you rather constantly travel for work with few personal connections or stay rooted in one community while building long-lasting relationships?

Considering this query helps teenagers think about how much value they place on personal relationships versus exploration and adventure throughout their professional journey.

7. Would you rather have a stable 9-to-5 job with limited growth prospects or a less predictable job with significant growth potential?

This question makes teens evaluate their appetite for risk and whether they prioritize stability or potential growth in their professional life.

8. Would you rather work with people who are extremely smart but aren’t easy to get along with, or with people who are kind but somewhat inexperienced?

This choice tests if they would prefer a more competitive, skill-driven environment or prioritize teamwork, camaraderie, and a supportive atmosphere.


“Would You Rather” questions serve as both engaging conversation starters and insightful tools to aid teenagers in contemplating their future career paths. Encourage open discussions and careful thought about each question to guide them towards making informed decisions regarding their professional aspirations.

Our Favorite High School Teachers Pay Teachers Sellers


Teaching high school students can be both challenging and rewarding. To make the job easier for educators, a wealth of resources and teaching strategies can be found on online platforms such as Teachers Pay Teachers. In this article, we highlight our favorite high school Teachers Pay Teachers sellers who provide creative, engaging, and effective materials for various subject areas.

1. Science With Mrs. Lau

If you’re looking for comprehensive, engaging materials for your science classroom, Science With Mrs. Lau is your go-to seller! Specializing in biology and chemistry resources, you’ll find everything from task cards and labs to PowerPoint presentations and exams, all designed to make learning fun and meaningful.

2. Tracee Orman

A veteran English teacher with over 20 years of experience in the classroom, Tracee Orman offers a variety of materials that integrate technology, literature, writing, and critical thinking skills. Her resources span across multiple genres from novels studies and movie guides to escape rooms and project-based assignments.

3. The Math Series By Pre-Alg———-

Wish teaching math was as easy as solving equations? The Math Series By Pre-Alg is dedicated to providing engaging math materials for high school teachers – from graphing calculators and algebraic functions to statistics activities and geometric proofs.

4. Oscar’s History Hive

As the name suggests, Oscar’s History Hive is all about history! As a passionate social studies teacher himself, Oscar creates resources tailored to World History, U.S. History, Government, Civics and Economics courses. His materials include simulations, primary source analysis activities, interactive lessons plans and DBQ essays that promote historical thinking skills.

5. Teach Like You Mean It

For educators looking to create an inclusive atmosphere in their classrooms, Teach Like You Mean It offers exception curriculum materials focused on diversity and cultural competence in literature choices! Topics covered include LGBTQ+ fiction, African American literature, women’s studies, and Hispanic perspectives in diverse formats like guided readings and film studies.


These top five Teachers Pay Teachers sellers have proven time and time again that they are dedicated to providing high-quality resources for high school teachers. Whether you teach science, math, English, history, or social studies, these talented sellers have something to offer. Check out their stores to enhance your lesson plans and make a difference in your students’ educational journey!

22 Cognitive Activities For High Schoolers


Cognitive activities are essential for high school students to develop their mental capabilities and enhance their overall learning experience. These activities help students improve their memory, decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. In this article, we present 22 cognitive activities that high school teachers can integrate into their lesson plans and activities to boost their students’ cognitive development.

1. Sudoku puzzles: Sudoku is a great way for students to improve their logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

2. Chess: Playing chess helps students improve their strategic thinking, planning, and concentration.

3. Memory games: Memory games like matching cards or sequences help enhance short-term memory and attention skills.

4. Crossword puzzles: Crossword puzzles help improve vocabulary, spelling, and critical thinking skills.

5. Debate club: Encouraging students to participate in debates helps develop their reasoning, persuasion, and public speaking skills.

6. Brain teasers: Riddles and brain teasers encourage critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

7. Essay writing contests: Writing essays on a variety of topics helps students practice organizing thoughts, structuring arguments, and using language effectively.

8. Group discussions: Engaging in group discussions encourages active listening, collaboration, decision-making, and communication skills.

9. Logic puzzles: Students can sharpen their reasoning skills with logic puzzles like grid-type problems or nonograms.

10. Math problems: Challenge students with math problems that require them to apply various concepts they have learned in creative ways.

11. Creative writing exercises: Inspire creativity in storytelling by having students create short stories or poetry based on prompts or themes.

12. Reading circles: Reading literature aloud in groups promotes reading comprehension and encourages thoughtful analysis of the material.

13. Science experiments: Hands-on science activities can teach high schoolers problem-solving, observation, and hypothesis-testing skills.

14. Historical analysis projects: Assign research projects where students analyze historical events and develop their own theories based on evidence.

15. Visual puzzles: Optical illusions and other visual puzzles help students improve spatial reasoning skills.

16. Mapping exercises: Mapping exercises in geography lessons can aid in developing spatial awareness, planning, and mental visualization skills.

17. Coding and programming: Introducing computer programming concepts encourages logical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving abilities.

18. Portfolio building: Have students create a portfolio that showcases their progress and achievements over time to help them reflect on their learning journey.

19. Goal setting: Encourage students to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to develop goal-setting skills.

20. Meditation and mindfulness activities: Teach techniques like meditation to promote focus, self-awareness, and stress management.

21. Foreign language classes: Learning a new language improves memory, listening skills, cognitive flexibility, and problem-solving abilities.

22. Current events discussions: Reviewing current events helps stimulate critical thinking while generating a sense of global awareness.


By incorporating these cognitive activities into the learning experience, high school students can become better equipped for academic success and personal growth. These skills will continue to serve them well beyond the classroom as they navigate life’s challenges and successes.

19 Creative Recycle Sorting Activities for High School Students


Recycling is a valuable habit that helps preserve our environment and reduce waste. By teaching high school students creative recycling techniques, you can help instill eco-friendly attitudes and skills to last a lifetime. Here are 19 different recycle sorting activities for high school students that are both educational and engaging.

1. Recycling Relay Race

Divide the class into teams and set up recycling bins labeled with different recycling categories. Students must quickly sort and deposit various items based on the appropriate category.

2. Trash Timeline

Ask students to create a linear timeline showcasing the decomposition time of various items, inspiring them to think critically about the lifespan of waste.

3. DIY Recycling Bins

Have students design and create their personalized recycling bins using recyclable materials for a fun, hands-on art project.

4. Environmental Bingo

Create Bingo cards with various recyclable items listed, allowing students to mark off spaces as they spot their classmates using those items responsibly.

5. Recyclable Scavenger Hunt

Instruct students to locate specific recyclable materials throughout the school grounds within a given timeframe.

6. Recycling Olympics

Host a fun-filled event with multiple recycling games and challenges that promote teamwork and friendly competition amongst classmates.

7. Sorting Station Race

Students race against the clock to accurately organize household items into corresponding recycling categories at designated sorting stations.

8. Upcycle Art Contest

Challenge students to create innovative artwork using only recyclable materials for an environmentally conscious twist on traditional arts-and-crafts contests.

9. Eco-Friendly Fashion Show

Students design outfits made from recycled materials, then showcase their creations in a school-wide fashion show highlighting sustainable style.

10. Trash Tower Building

Encourage teamwork by having groups of students build towers using only recyclable materials to see whose structure can stand the tallest.

11. Recyclable Materials Debate

Foster critical thinking skills by assigning students to research and debate the pros and cons of various recyclable materials in a classroom debate.

12. Recycling Trivia

Conduct a lively trivia game with questions about recycling statistics, facts, and environmental impact.

13. Jar Lid Memory Game

Create a memory game using repurposed jar lids and images related to recycling for an eco-friendly spin on a classic activity.

14. Electronic Waste Collection Drive

Organize a school-wide e-waste drive where students can contribute their old electronic devices for proper disposal and recycling.

15. Plastic Bottle Bowling

Set up a makeshift bowling alley using plastic bottles filled with sand; host mini-tournaments during breaks to encourage recycling awareness.

16. DIY Reusable Tote Bag Workshop

Teach students how to create custom reusable tote bags from old shirts as a fun, hands-on way to promote eco-friendliness.

17. Composting Corner

Set up a designated composting corner in the classroom or school garden where students can learn about incorporating composting practices into their daily routines.

18. Recyclable Poetry Slam

Inspire creativity by encouraging students to write and perform original poems themed around recycling and sustainability.

19. Green Film Festival

Screen environmentally-themed films or documentaries that highlight the importance of recycling, followed by thought-provoking discussions and activities related to each film’s contents.


These 19 recycle sorting activities will foster both creativity and environmental awareness in high school students, preparing them to become responsible global citizens. By incorporating these engaging activities into lesson plans, educators can instill the value of recycling in fun, interactive ways that not only teach but inspire lifelong environmentally-conscious habits.

15 Thought-Provoking Thanksgiving Activities for High School Students


Thanksgiving is a special time when we come together with family and friends to celebrate, give thanks, and enjoy scrumptious meals. However, it’s also an opportunity for high school students to engage in thought-provoking activities that help them learn and grow. Here are 15 Thanksgiving activities that will stimulate their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

1. Gratitude Journals

Encourage students to maintain a gratitude journal where they can write down things they’re grateful for each day.

2. Cultural Exchange

Organize a cultural exchange program in which students learn about the Thanksgiving traditions of different cultures.

3. Food Drive

Coordinate a food drive for the less fortunate members of the community.

4. Debate on Thanksgiving Controversies

Engage students in discussions and debates about the history and controversies surrounding Thanksgiving.

5. Thanksgiving Trivia Night

Organize a trivia night focusing on Thanksgiving facts, history, and celebrations around the world.

6. TED Talks

Encourage students to watch TED Talks related to gratitude and positivity, followed by group discussions.

7. Volunteering at Local Organizations

Arrange volunteering opportunities at local shelters or food banks during Thanksgiving break.

8. Storytelling Competition

Hold a storytelling competition for students to share their most memorable Thanksgiving experiences or tales from various cultures.

9. DIY Thanksgiving Decorations

Create DIY Thanksgiving decorations from recycled materials, emphasizing sustainable living.

10. Acts of Kindness Challenge

Encourage students to perform random acts of kindness throughout the holiday season.

11. Pen Pal Exchange

Connect with another high school and initiate a pen pal exchange program between students discussing their Thanksgiving celebrations.

12. Heritage Potluck

Host a heritage potluck where students bring dishes representing their cultural backgrounds for everyone to enjoy together.

13. Historical Research Projects

Assign research projects focused on the historical aspects of Thanksgiving, such as the lives of the Pilgrims or relations between European settlers and Native Americans.

14. Gratitude Videos

Have students create videos expressing gratitude for different aspects of their lives, which can be shared on social media or within the school community.

15. Reflection Essays

Ask students to write reflection essays on the meaning of Thanksgiving and the importance of gratitude in their lives.


These 15 thought-provoking Thanksgiving activities will not only help high school students delve deeper into the concepts of gratitude and appreciation but also promote intercultural understanding and foster a sense of community. By participating in these activities, students can create long-lasting memories and valuable learning experiences during the Thanksgiving season.

120 Engaging High School Debate Topics Across Six Diverse Categories


Debate is an essential activity for high school students to engage in critical thinking, public speaking, and persuasive skills development. Choosing exciting and relevant topics can encourage students to participate and be fully committed to their debate experience. We have put together a list of 120 engaging high school debate topics distributed across six diverse categories to ignite your students’ passion for constructive discussions.


1. .Should healthcare be universal?

2. Does gun control reduce crime rates?

3. Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

4. Is military intervention justified in foreign conflicts?

5. Should drug consumption be decriminalized?


6. Can socialism work effectively as an economic system?

7. Does immigration boost economic growth?

8. Are cryptocurrency and blockchain reliable financial instruments?

9. What leads to income inequality and how can it be addressed?

10. Is investing in renewable energy beneficial to the economy?


11. Should single-use plastics be banned worldwide?

12. Can humans reverse climate change?

13. What is the most effective solution for water scarcity in developing countries?

14. How relevant are animal rights, and how far should they extend?

15. Are electric cars a viable solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions?


16. Are standardized tests a fair measure of intelligence and knowledge?

17. Should students wear uniforms at school?

18. Is distance learning as effective as traditional education methods?

19-20 Can private tutoring bridge the learning gap between students from different socio-economic backgrounds?


21-22 Should vaccination be mandatory for all children attending public schools?

23-24 Do video games cause violence or addiction in adolescents?

25-26 Are GMO foods safe for consumption?


27-28  How crucial amongst educational reveals is a class tech gadget essential package inclusion?

18 Mind-Blowing 9th Grade Science Project Ideas

As a 9th grader, you’re just beginning to explore the fascinating world of science. This is the perfect time to start experimenting with creative, engaging, and educational science projects. Here are 18 mind-blowing ideas for your next 9th grade science project:

1. Build a Crystal Radio: Understand how a simple radio receiver works by constructing your own crystal radio set.

2. Investigate Bacterial Growth: Compare the bacterial growth on different household surfaces (e.g., kitchen countertops, door handles) and analyze which areas require more careful cleaning and sanitation.

3. Earthquake Simulation: Build a shake table to simulate earthquakes and test how various building designs perform under seismic stresses.

4. Food Chemistry: Experiment with chemical reactions in food by exploring how various acids and bases affect the taste and texture of certain ingredients.

5. Solar Oven Design: Learn about solar energy by constructing a solar oven using everyday materials and see how efficiently it can cook food.

6. DNA Extraction from Fruit: Practice extracting DNA from strawberries or other fruits using safe household items like dish soap, salt, and rubbing alcohol.

7. Tornado in a Bottle: Create a model tornado to understand how these powerful weather phenomena form and develop.

8. Homemade Glue: Research natural adhesives found in nature, then develop your DIY glue formula using household materials.

9. Invisible Ink: Study the chemistry behind invisible ink and test different methods for writing secret messages that can only be revealed with the right reactions or substances.

10. Self-Inflating Balloons: Discover the principle behind self-inflating balloons by experimenting with baking soda and vinegar reactions in closed containers like water bottles or balloons.

11. Taste vs. Smell: Observe the relationship between taste perception and olfactory senses with various flavors of jelly beans or other strong-tasting candies while blindfolded or with a friend.

12. Water Filtration: Design and test your water filtration system using household items, like coffee filters or sand, and assess its effectiveness in removing impurities from contaminated water.

13. Homemade Thermometer: Construct a simple thermometer using a clear straw, rubbing alcohol, and a water bottle to observe temperature changes in different conditions.

14. Rocket Launch: Investigate the principles of physics and aerodynamics by constructing DIY rockets using plastic bottles and fuel options like baking soda and vinegar or Alka-Seltzer tablets.

15. Grow Your Own Bacteria: Investigate the different types of bacteria that grow on various surfaces by swabbing them and cultivating colonies on agar plates in petri dishes.

16. Air Pressure Explorations: Discover how air pressure affects various objects like balloons, marshmallows, or vacuum-packed bags through controlled experiments.

17. Battery-Powered Items: Learn about voltaic cells by building simple batteries using lemons or potatoes to power LED lights or small electronic devices like calculators.

18. Illusions of Motion: Study how our brains perceive motion with visual illusion experiments using stroboscopes or simple animations created on a computer or smartphone app.

With these 18 mind-blowing science project ideas for 9th graders, you’re sure to find one that piques your interest and teaches you something new along the way! Happy experimenting!

Eco-school project at Kirkley High School

In an era where environmental conservation and sustainability have taken center stage, Kirkley High School has stepped up to the plate by embarking on an innovative Eco-school project. This program aims at engaging the student body in environmentally friendly practices and fostering a sense of responsibility towards protecting our planet for future generations.

The Eco-school project started with the creation of an Environment Committee composed of students, teachers, and support staff who share a passion for making tangible differences in the school community. Meetings are held regularly to discuss strategies for implementing sustainable changes within the campus and raising awareness about environmental issues.

One significant initiative within the Eco-school project is their recycling program that targets numerous recyclable materials like paper, plastics, and cans. By setting up collection points around the campus, students and staff have been encouraged to responsibly dispose of waste while simultaneously reducing their environmental footprint.

An important component of the project is to create spaces that provide both aesthetic appeal and ecological benefits. The school grounds now feature multiple green corners filled with local plants, wildflowers, and trees that have sprouted from repurposed materials. These green spaces not only contribute to a pleasant learning atmosphere but are also nurturing biodiversity within the campus.

Awareness campaigns form the backbone of the program at Kirkley High School. Through interactive workshops, guest lectures, and exhibitions, students have been provided with valuable information about environmental problems and feasible solutions applicable in their daily routines. By empowering young minds with knowledge and understanding, the school hopes to combat climate change at its root.

Another notable aspect of the program is collaborating with other local schools to exchange ideas, stories, and practices that further nurture environmental consciousness in wider society. Networking events, such as eco-conferences for students from different institutions, are beneficial environments for sharing learnings about making a tangible impact on Earth’s health.

The success of Kirkley High School’s Eco-school project has been recognized by various organizations. Recently, the school was awarded the prestigious Green Flag by the environmental charity organization, Keep Britain Tidy. This accolade not only symbolizes the dedication of the school in promoting sustainability but also serves as a benchmark for other educational institutions.

In conclusion, Kirkley High School’s Eco-school project is a shining example of how educational institutions can take proactive steps towards a greener future. By incorporating environmental stewardship into the curriculum and school culture, students are being equipped with the tools they need to create a more sustainable tomorrow.

20 Goal-Setting Activities for High School Students


Goal-setting is a fundamental skill that high school students should develop to help them succeed in the future. By actively working on setting and achieving their goals, students become more focused, confident, and better prepared for college or their chosen careers. Here are 20 goal-setting activities designed specifically for high schoolers.

1. Vision Board Creation: Students can create vision boards using magazine clippings, printed images, and drawings representing their short-term and long-term goals. This visual representation helps with constant motivation.

2. SMART Goal Workshop: Teach students to create Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals as a foundation for goal-setting.

3. Daily Goal Sheets: Encourage students to write down one specific goal each day and reflect on their progress at the end of the day.

4. Mentorship Program: Pair up students with older mentors to discuss aspirations and work together on setting achievable objectives.

5. Progress Journal: Ask students to maintain a progress journal where they record goals, steps taken, and accomplishments.

6. Group Goals: Assign small groups a mission or goal that requires collaboration, ensuring they’re continuously working together towards a common objective.

7. Vision-to-Action Plan: Encourage students to create action plans by breaking their goals into smaller tasks over time.

8. Mind Mapping: Teach students how to use mind maps as a brainstorming tool for identifying how multiple goals intersect.

9. Monthly Share Sessions: Organize monthly presentations where students discuss their achievements and challenges relating to goal-setting throughout the month.

10. Guest Speakers: Invite professionals from various disciplines who can discuss how goal-setting contributed to their success.

11. Vision Letters: Have students write letters to their future selves detailing the achievements they hope to accomplish by then.

12. Growth Mindset Workshop: Teach students about embracing challenges, persevering through setbacks, and the importance of continuous learning to foster a growth mindset.

13. Accountability Partners: Pair up students to share goals, check in on progress, and provide support for one another.

14. Design a Personal Road Map: Create a visual timeline of milestones, career and personal goals, so students can track progress over time.

15. College/Career Planning: Organize programs providing resources and assistance in researching college or career paths that align with individual goals.

16. Reading Challenge: Initiate a monthly reading challenge where students choose books that help with specific goals like self-improvement, learning new skills, or exploring new cultures.

17. Goal-setting Workshops Using Role Models: Assign projects where students research figures who have achieved specific objectives they’ve set for themselves and learn from their methods.

18. Goal-Setting Apps: Introduce various goal-setting apps available on smartphones to help students track daily tasks and set reminders.

19. Time Management Seminar: Teach time management techniques to maximize productivity while working towards academic goals alongside extracurricular activities.

20. End-of-Year Reflection: Motivate students to look back on their achievements throughout the year, celebrating successes and recognizing areas for improvement in the next academic year.


Incorporating goal-setting activities into high school curricula equips students with valuable skills needed to thrive academically, professionally, and personally. By regularly participating in these activities, they develop habits ensuring continued growth even after high school graduation.