Online Learning & eLearning

Best Practices for Implementing a SaaS Learning Management System

The utilization of technology in education has brought about significant advancements, with the emergence of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions being one of them. 

A SaaS Learning Management System (LMS) provides educational institutions and organizations with an efficient way to deliver and manage their learning programs. In this blog post, we will explore some best practices for effectively implementing a SaaS ely.

1. Assess Your Needs

Before diving into the implementation process, it is crucial to assess your organization’s unique needs and requirements. Evaluate factors such as the number of users, types of training modules needed, reporting capabilities, and integration with other systems. By understanding your needs upfront, you can select an LMS that aligns perfectly with your goals.

2. Conduct Thorough Research

There are various SaaS LMS options available in the market; care should be taken when selecting the right one for your organization. Spend time researching different solutions by reading customer reviews, engaging in product demonstrations, and seeking recommendations from peers or industry experts. Additionally, compare features, pricing plans, and customer support before making a final decision.

3. Ensure User-Friendly Interface

To ensure successful adoption and seamless user experience, prioritize an LMS solution that offers a user-friendly interface. The platform should be intuitive so learners can easily navigate the courses. Look for features such as drag-and-drop functionality, customizable themes/layouts, and mobile responsiveness to optimize accessibility across devices.

4. Implement Robust Training Programs

Implementing an LMS entails more than just putting together training modules; it also involves developing robust training programs to maximize effectiveness. Begin by defining clear learning objectives for each course or module within your curriculum framework. Use these objectives as guides when creating content that engages learners effectively.

5. Design Engaging Content

In order to keep learners motivated and engaged throughout their learning journey, pay attention to designing content that is both informative and interactive. Avoid long paragraphs of text and opt for concise, visually appealing content. Enhance learning experiences by incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, animations, quizzes, and assessments.

6. Leverage Multi-Device Compatibility

In today’s digital landscape, learners access information from a multitude of devices—laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It is essential to choose an LMS solution that allows seamless learning experiences across various devices. This flexibility enables learners to access training materials anytime, anywhere.

7. Provide Ongoing Technical Support

Throughout the implementation process and beyond, ensure good technical support is accessible to assist with any issues that may arise. Prioritize an LMS provider that offers comprehensive support channels like live chat, email support, or dedicated help centers. Timely resolution of technical difficulties empowers users to make the most out of the platform.

8. Establish Communication Channels

Clear communication plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of an LMS project. Hence, establishing effective communication channels within your organization is vital. Setting up periodic meetings or feedback sessions allows trainers or stakeholders to address concerns, strategize future improvements, and align goals amongst different departments. Modern collaboration tools can also prove handy for fostering continuous engagement among the LMS user community.

9. Data Analytics and Reporting

Another significant advantage of a SaaS LMS is its ability to provide valuable data analytics. With built-in reporting capabilities, you can track learner progress, popular courses, class completion rates, and more. These insights help evaluate training effectiveness, enabling educators to make informed decisions when fine-tuning their approach or modifying content.

10. Monitor User Engagement

An essential aspect of implementing a SaaS LMS effectively involves monitoring user engagement levels. Consistently measure how learners interact with the platform to identify areas that need improvement. Regularly review reports, survey feedback, and assess key performance indicators. This ongoing analysis will ultimately contribute towards making necessary adjustments to enhance the overall user experience on the LMS.


Implementing a SaaS Learning Management System is a strategic step toward efficient training delivery and management. By following these best practices, organizations can ensure a smooth implementation process and create engaging learning experiences for their users. Understanding organizational needs, choosing the right solution, designing engaging content, and providing ongoing support are among the key factors in maximizing the benefits of a SaaS LMS for educational institutions and organizations alike.

5 First Day Activities for Distance Learning


As more and more schools shift to distance learning, it’s important to find engaging and interactive activities to start the school year off on the right foot. In this article, we will explore five first day activities for distance learning that will help create a positive and interactive virtual classroom environment.

Activity 1: “Virtual Tour” Icebreaker

To help students get to know each other and their virtual classroom, consider organizing a “virtual tour” icebreaker activity. Provide students with a list of questions or prompts related to their surroundings and ask them to give a virtual tour of their learning space. This activity not only fosters communication and community building but also allows students to share a glimpse into their lives outside of the virtual classroom.

Activity 2: Collaborative Word Cloud

Encourage collaboration and creativity with a collaborative word cloud activity. Using a digital collaboration tool, such as Google Docs or Padlet, create a shared document where students can contribute words or phrases related to the upcoming school year. This activity not only promotes teamwork but also helps students reflect on their goals and aspirations for the year ahead.

Activity 3: “Would You Rather” Poll

To make the first day of distance learning more interactive and engaging, consider hosting a “Would You Rather” poll. Create a series of thought-provoking questions related to school or personal preferences and ask students to vote for their preferred option. This activity not only encourages critical thinking but also sparks meaningful discussions within the virtual classroom.

Activity 4: Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Bring the excitement of a traditional scavenger hunt into the virtual classroom with a virtual scavenger hunt activity. Provide students with a list of items or concepts they need to find within their learning environment or online resources. Students can collaborate and compete with each other to complete the scavenger hunt, fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Activity 5: Online Icebreaker Games

Engage students with online icebreaker games to break the ice and build connections in the virtual classroom. There are various websites and platforms that offer interactive icebreaker games, such as “Two Truths and a Lie” or “Virtual Bingo.” These games not only help students get to know each other but also create a fun and inclusive atmosphere from the very first day.


Starting the school year with engaging first day activities for distance learning sets a positive tone for the upcoming virtual classroom experience. By incorporating virtual tours, collaborative word clouds, polls, scavenger hunts, and online icebreaker games, teachers can create an interactive and inclusive virtual classroom environment that promotes engagement, collaboration, and community building. Let’s make the first day of distance learning memorable and exciting for students!

9 Essential Tips for Learning From Home

With the increasing availability of online resources and virtual classrooms, learning from home is more prevalent than ever. Whether you’re a student pursuing online degrees, a professional seeking further education, or simply interested in personal development, it’s essential to optimize your learning environment and habits. Here are nine tips to help you make the most of your home learning experience.

1.Designate a Specific Study Area: Establish a dedicated space at home for studying and attending online classes. This area should be quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions.

2.Create a Consistent Schedule: Set fixed times for studying to build a routine that mimics the structure of a physical classroom. Make sure to include regular breaks to avoid burnout.

3.Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with each study session and in your overall learning journey. Having clear objectives helps keep you motivated and focused on progressing.

4.Stay Organized: Keep track of assignments, deadlines, lecture times, and materials using planners or digital tools. Being organized will help you manage your time efficiently and stay on top of your studies.

5.Use Reliable Technology: Make sure you have access to a reliable computer and internet connection, as well as the necessary software or platforms required for your courses.

6.Engage with Peers and Instructors: Participate in forums, online discussions, and group projects to stay connected with classmates and educators. Networking can enhance your understanding of the material through different perspectives.

7.Take Notes Effectively: Whether you prefer handwritten notes or digital tools, develop a note-taking system that works for you. Good notes can be invaluable study aids when reviewing lessons.

8.Utilize Online Resources: Supplement your coursework with additional online materials such as scholarly articles, educational videos, e-books, and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).

9.Practice Self-Care: Remember to look after your physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating healthy meals, staying hydrated, and getting adequate sleep.

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine will help ensure an effective and enriching learning-from-home experience. Stay disciplined, stay curious, and never hesitate to reach out for help when needed!

How to Teach Online with Our Lesson Builder

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, online teaching has taken a prominent role, especially in times when face-to-face interaction is limited. Among the plethora of online resources, Teach Starter stands out with its innovative Lesson Builder, a tool designed to make online education both effective and engaging. In this article, we will explore how Teach Starter’s Lesson Builder is changing the game for educators worldwide.

Firstly, what makes Teach Starter’s Lesson Builder so useful is its user-friendly interface allowing teachers to create custom lesson plans that suit their teaching style and meet the specific needs of their students. With an intuitive drag-and-drop feature, teachers can easily select from a vast library of resources, such as educational widgets, worksheets, and interactive activities.

One of the key benefits of using Teach Starter’s Lesson Builder is its flexibility. Whether you’re looking to build lessons for a kindergarten class or craft more challenging content for older students, the tool can accommodate various educational levels and subjects. It also empowers teachers to be as creative as they like in presenting lessons—think vibrant images, interactive tasks, and multimedia elements to keep students engaged.

Moreover, collaboration is made simple with Teach Starter. Educators can share their customized lesson plans with colleagues which fosters a sense of community and encourages the pooling of knowledge and ideas. This feature is particularly useful for schools that adopt team teaching strategies or have teaching assistants who need access to upcoming lesson plans.

Another aspect where Teach Starter’s Lesson Builder stands out is in its alignment with curriculum standards. Teachers can rest assured knowing that the material they include in their lesson plans meets the required educational benchmarks. This saves time on cross-referencing with curricular requirements manually and ensures that teaching objectives are met effectively.

Furthermore, for teachers transitioning from traditional classroom settings to online platforms, adapting lessons to an online format can seem daunting. Teach Starter eases this transition by offering ready-to-use templates that can be customized rather than starting from scratch. Thus, teachers can confidently move their classes online without sacrificing the quality or structure of their instruction.

Finally, Teach Starter provides access to tracking and assessment tools alongside its Lesson Builder. This means educators can track student progress and understand more deeply how effectively students are achieving learning outcomes. It adds a valuable feedback loop into the online teaching process that helps both teacher and student identify areas of strength and those needing improvement.

In conclusion, Teach Starter’s Lesson Builder is a comprehensive solution for educators looking to streamline their online teaching efforts. Through its easy-to-use design which incorporates important educational tactics like engagement through multimedia tools, collaboration amongst peers, adherence to curriculum standards, customizable templates for easy transition from offline to online learning environments, and monitoring student progress – it’s clear why this innovative tool has become an essential component for many educators around the globe as they navigate through the complexities of online teaching.

Cyber Safety is For Everyone: A Call to Action for Protecting Ourselves Online

In our increasingly digital world, the significance of cyber safety cannot be overstated. Every day, millions of people around the globe tap into the enormous power of the internet, using it for communication, entertainment, education, and commerce. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and that’s exactly where cyber safety comes into play.

The term “cyber safety” refers to the safe and responsible use of information and communication technologies. It’s about understanding and mitigating risks online to protect personal information and privacy. Cyber safety practices range from creating strong passwords to recognizing phishing attempts, from managing one’s digital footprint to knowing how to report inappropriate or harmful online behaviour.

It is a common misconception that cyber safety is only a concern for IT professionals or tech-savvy individuals. On the contrary, it’s a universal issue—relevant to children and adults alike across all demographics. Whether you’re a student using online platforms for learning, an employee sharing sensitive data over company networks, or someone enjoying social media platforms in your leisure time, cyber safety has implications for you.

To highlight its universal importance, educational resources like Teach Starter have initiated conversations around cyber safety and provided valuable information on how people can protect themselves online. Helpful hints such as being mindful of the personal details you share on social media platforms, keeping software up to date to fend off malicious attacks, implementing parental controls for young internet users, and educating oneself about one’s digital rights and responsibilities are just some of the key takeaways from Teach Starter’s insightful blog on cyber safety.

The call is clear: Cyber safety is not an optional extra but an essential part of using technology today. As much as we may enjoy the benefits that come from our technological advancements and connectivity, without proper precautions and knowledge about how to safeguard our online presence, we leave ourselves vulnerable.

The message Teach Starter conveys is that everyone—from teachers crafting lesson plans about digital citizenship to parents discussing the basics of online etiquette with their children—has a role in fostering a safer online environment. Their blog doesn’t just throw light on the dangers lurking in the digital shadows; it also offers actionable strategies that can lead to positive outcomes for both individuals and broader communities.

In conclusion, cyber safety education is everyone’s business. It empowers us all to make informed decisions about our online interactions while equipping us with tools for protection against potential threats. By valuing and integrating these practices into our daily digital routines, we can continue to harness the advantages of our interconnected world more securely and responsibly.

Teach Starter’s emphasis on cyber safety is a timely reminder: by actively participating in our own protection through information and awareness, we champion not only our well-being but also contribute towards building a safer digital world for all.


Assess: The Online Learning Tool For Teachers Free

In the digitally-driven landscape of education, tools that elevate the teaching experience are more important than ever. Among these tools is “Assess: The Online Learning Tool for Teachers,” a platform dedicated to streamlining the assessment process. Not only does it offer a suite of features to bolster pedagogical workflow, but it also does so at no cost—a compelling aspect for budget-conscious educational institutions and individual educators alike.

“Assess” positions itself as a multifaceted tool designed with user-friendliness in mind. Its core functionalities encompass everything from creating assessments to analyzing student performance. Let’s delve into what makes this tool worthy of consideration by teachers tapping into online resources.

The User Interface (UI): At first glance, “Assess” sports a clean, intuitive UI aimed at minimizing learning curves and maximizing efficiency. Its dashboard offers an at-a-glance view of the most critical pieces of information a teacher might need—upcoming assessments, recent student performance data, and easy-to-navigate menus for all major functions.

Question Bank Creation: One significant feature is the ability to craft a personalized question bank. With a comprehensive library of question types—from multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank to more complex formats like matching pairs—teachers can tailor assessments to match lesson objectives closely.

Customizable Assessments: Flexibility is key when catering to diverse learning environments. “Assess” provides customizable templates ensuring that each quiz, test, or assignment can be uniquely structured not only to evaluate students’ understanding but also to accommodate different learning styles and needs.

Real-Time Feedback: Learning is iterative, and timely feedback is instrumental in supporting student growth. “Assess” offers real-time grading options, allowing students to immediately understand areas of success and those needing improvement, fostering a more responsive educational experience.

Data-Driven Insights: Beyond individual assessment outcomes, “Assess” aggregates performance data providing valuable insights into classroom trends, pinpointing areas where the majority may be struggling and thus informing future lesson planning and teaching strategies.

Accessibility & Integration: Recognizing technology’s varied landscape in education, “Assess” is built with compatibility in mind—it seamlessly integrates with popular educational platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS), ensuring that bringing it into the classroom is as straightforward as possible.

Privacy and Security: In an age where data privacy is paramount, “Assess” underscores its commitment to protecting both teachers’ and students’ data with stringent security measures aligned with education industry standards—giving users peace of mind.

Professional Development Resources: Lastly, aside from its core offerings aimed directly at classroom application, “Assess” provides educators with resources for professional development. It includes access to best practices guides, webinars on effective assessment strategies, and community forums for peer support.

In conclusion, “Assess: The Online Learning Tool for Teachers” presents a comprehensive suite of features that help educators create, administer, and analyze assessments—all within a user-friendly environment. The fact that it’s free only broadens its appeal, effectively removing barriers to entry for teachers everywhere seeking robust digital solutions amidst evolving educational challenges. As such tools become increasingly essential in modern teaching paradigms, “Assess” appears well-positioned as an accessible ally for educators worldwide.

How to Stay Connected with Students During School Closures

During school closures, staying connected with students is crucial for their academic progress and emotional well-being. It can be challenging to maintain the sense of community and support that students usually experience in a physical classroom setting. However, educators can leverage various strategies and tools to bridge that gap.

One effective method is setting up a regular communication channel. This could be through emails, messaging apps, or learning management systems like Google Classroom or Canvas. Teachers should establish clear communication expectations and schedule regular updates or check-ins.

Another key element is the use of video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. These platforms enable real-time interaction, closely mimicking the classroom environment. They can be utilized for teaching lessons, group discussions, or one-on-one meetings to provide personalized support.

Interactive online collaboration platforms like Padlet or Flipgrid can also facilitate student engagement. These allow students to share ideas, work on projects together, and give feedback to peers. Additionally, social media platforms can serve as informal spaces for maintaining class community.

To further support learning at home, educators can provide digital resources such as educational videos, e-books, and online exercises that students can complete at their own pace. Tools such as Khan Academy, Coursera, or specific educational YouTube channels cater to various subjects and grade levels.

Lastly, it is important to remain flexible and empathetic. Regularly seeking feedback from students on their preferences and challenges regarding remote learning will help tailor the approach accordingly.

By integrating these various methods and continually adapting to the needs of students, educators can ensure they stay connected with their class during school closures and provide continuous education and support.

Free Educational Videos Offer Teachers an Alternative to YouTube


In recent years, the internet has become a valuable resource for educators seeking new ways to engage and instruct their students. One of the most popular online tools for teaching is YouTube, which offers countless educational videos across various subjects. However, the platform isn’t without its drawbacks, particularly when it comes to ad content and other distractions. As a result, numerous free alternatives have emerged to provide teachers with high-quality, ad-free educational videos for classroom use. This article will discuss some of these alternatives and their benefits.

Why Seek YouTube Alternatives?

While YouTube can be an excellent teaching resource, it also comes with certain limitations that hinder its efficacy as a full-fledged educational tool. Pre-roll ads can create unwanted interruptions during lessons, while suggested videos often distract students from the primary content. Moreover, navigating through the vast array of non-educational content can be challenging and potentially expose students to inappropriate material.

Free Alternatives to YouTube for Educational Videos:

1. PBS LearningMedia

PBS LearningMedia provides teachers and students access to thousands of free classroom-ready videos, images, games, lesson plans, and interactive resources. The content spans various subjects and is produced by reputable sources like National Geographic and NASA.

2. TED-Ed

As an offshoot of the TED Talks organization, TED-Ed curates high-quality educational videos featuring expert speakers on various topics. They present information in engaging ways tailored for educating audiences through concise animated shorts.

3. TeacherTube

Specifically designed for teachers and education-focused audiences, TeacherTube offers user-generated content created by educators themselves. This resource includes tutorial videos, lesson plans, and even user-submitted lectures on different subjects.

4. Smithsonian Channel and National Geographic

Both Smithsonian Channel and National Geographic offer a large selection of their video content freely on their official websites or through dedicated apps. These resources cover topics such as history, science, nature, and culture, providing an inside look into reputable research institutions.

5. BrainPOP

While BrainPOP offers a subscription with premium features and resources, they also have a selection of free educational videos geared towards young students. Their content is designed to engage children through fun and interactive learning experiences.

6. Vimeo

Though not explicitly geared towards education, Vimeo – known for its high-quality content – is home to numerous instructional and educational videos created by professional institutions, organizations, and filmmakers.


The internet has revolutionized the way we teach and learn, providing a vast range of tools and resources that foster engaging and effective learning experiences. Free educational video platforms offer a valuable alternative to YouTube’s ad-laden content while still harnessing the potential of multimedia learning experiences. By exploring these options, teachers can bolster their lesson plans with high-quality videos tailored for education without disruptions or distractions.

More Parents are Considering Established Online Schools for the Fall

As the fall season approaches, there is growing concern among parents about the uncertain atmosphere that persists in conventional educational institutions due to the ongoing pandemic. As a result, more parents have been considering established online schools for their children as a means of ensuring academic progression with minimized health risks.

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of unconventional means in everyday life, and education is no exception. In recent years, online schools have gained momentum by providing quality education through digital mediums. For parents who are hesitant in sending their children back to physical classrooms, established online schools have come to present a reliable alternative.

Established online schools boast a well-structured curriculum that aligns with state standards while offering flexibility for personalized learning. These schools employ qualified teachers, many of which have experience in both online and traditional settings. Furthermore, these institutions have learnt from past experiences and are now equipped to handle any potential learning gaps associated with remote education.

Another advantage offered by these online platforms is that they enable students to continue their education in a safe environment without hindering academic progress. This factor is especially crucial for families with immunocompromised members who would be directly affected by the risk factors of traditional schooling during the pandemic.

One significant aspect to consider when choosing an online school is its digital infrastructure. Established online institutions excel at providing secure platforms to facilitate seamless virtual communication between students, educators, and families. Consequently, parents can monitor their children’s progress closely and participate in parent-teacher conferences virtually.

Additionally, these institutions often promote social interaction and emotional well-being through live classes that allow for peer-to-peer communication opportunities. These enriching experiences help recreate the classroom atmosphere remotely while fostering friendships and collaboration amongstudents.

All things considered, established online schools are presenting themselves as a viable alternative for parents concerned about safety measures this fall. They provide a comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond just academics and supports the social-emotional development of children. With the potential to strike a balance between education and health within the comfort of their homes, more parents are gravitating towards established online schools for their children’s future education.

Some Schools Are Holding Zoom Detention And Twitter Is Not Having It

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and institutions around the world were forced to adapt to remote learning, incorporating technology like Zoom to bridge the gap. However, with this new virtual learning environment came a few hiccups, one of which is “Zoom detention.” As it turns out, Twitter users are not thrilled about this digital disciplinary approach.

The concept of Zoom detention is fairly straightforward: students who have misbehaved during online classes are required to log in and sit through a virtual detention session. Educators argue that it is an essential tool to restore order in an otherwise chaotic virtual learning environment.

However, Twitter users did not hold back on their opinions on the matter. Many have questioned the efficacy of such an approach and labeled it as ‘overkill,’ believing that students should be given some leniency considering how stressful remote learning has been for both educators and students alike. Others see it as representatives of an outdated institution attempting to assert control where it may not be practical.

Some tweets highlighted that Zoom detention might not be as effective as its in-person counterpart. One user noted that while sitting in a virtual room for an hour or two might be boring, it certainly doesn’t carry the same weight as physical confinement within school premises during a traditional detention session. The deterrent effect may simply not be there.

Others on Twitter pointed out that there might be more appropriate methods of disciplining students while still valuing the challenges they face during remote learning. Some suggested offering constructive feedback on their work, engaging parents more actively in addressing behavioral issues, or utilizing alternative consequences such as temporary restrictions from extracurricular activities during in-person sessions.

While schools set up Zoom detention intending to maintain a semblance of authority and reinforce rules, it’s clear that Twitter users see things differently. The consensus suggests reevaluating these disciplinary efforts and finding ways that support the emotional wellbeing of students while still addressing the issue at hand.

It remains to be seen whether Zoom detention will become a permanent fixture in educational institutions as they continue to grapple with the challenges presented by remote learning. However, one thing is for sure: Twitter users will continue to express their opinions and engage in open dialogue as the subject evolves.