Online Learning & eLearning

Teachers Share The Hilarious Things Kids Have Done On Their Video Chats


In this time of digital transformation, online learning has become the new norm. While it comes with a set of challenges, there is a brighter side as well – the hilarious moments that occur during video chat lessons. As children adapt to the new way of learning, teachers have been sharing their funny encounters that have taken place during virtual classes. Here are some of the most amusing moments shared by our amazing teachers.

1. Pet Parade

A teacher reported that during a class session on animals, one enthusiastic student decided to show off his entire animal farm. He spent several minutes introducing each pet despite not sharing any photos or illustrations. From dogs and cats to hamsters and fish, the rest of the class was treated to a heart-warming and hilarious pet presentation.

2. Unexpected Guest Appearance

In one instance, a young student accidentally switched on his camera while he thought it was off, only to reveal he was sitting in front of his dad shaving his head! The entire class burst into laughter as the father realized he was now part of the lesson.

3. Costume Party

Another teacher recalled an incident where an eager student wore a superhero costume every single day for class. Although it initially seemed innocuous, it gradually became funnier when more and more students joined in – dressing up as different characters from superheroes to princesses.

4. Wear Your Background

A 4th-grade teacher remembered how her students loved to play around with virtual backgrounds. One student figured out how to wear her background as an outfit, creating a mirage-like effect that left everyone amused and bewildered at the same time.

5. Sibling Rivalry

As many siblings are stuck together at home, one teacher shared how siblings being in separate classes often led to hilarious interruptions by uninvited guests joining classes just for fun.

6. Snack Time

One teacher narrated how a student on mute unmuted himself to ask if anyone wanted a slice of their pizza in the middle of class. This hilarious moment made everyone hungry and spurred instant conversation about favorite pizza toppings.


While virtual classrooms can never replace the real experience of learning in a traditional school setting, it has also opened new opportunities for humor and entertainment. Students and teachers have found ways to adapt to this new environment while keeping their spirits high by embracing the lighter side. These amusing instances not only serve as an amusing diversion but also help in building a sense of connection amidst remote learning.

6 Surprising Benefits of My Online Tutoring Side Gig

As the gig economy continues to boom, many people have turned to various side hustles to supplement their income. Online tutoring is one such viable option, offering both financial gain and personal satisfaction. As a passionate educator, I’ve discovered several surprising benefits of my online tutoring side gig that exceeds my initial expectations. Here are six advantages that I’ve encountered in my journey as an online tutor:

1. Flexible Schedule

One of the most appealing aspects of my online tutoring side gig is the ability to create a schedule that suits my daily routine and other commitments. I can choose the hours that best fit, avoiding conflicts with my primary job or family obligations.

2. Expanding My Skill Set

As an online tutor, I’ve learned a lot about the subjects I teach, as well as enhancing my knowledge in other fields. This continual learning process expanded my expertise and helped me become a well-rounded professional in various disciplines.

3. Building Valuable Connections

By tutoring students from diverse backgrounds and regions worldwide, I’ve established strong connections with people beyond my geographical location. These relationships often lead to networking opportunities and potential collaboration prospects in the future.

4. Greater Autonomy

Unlike a traditional classroom environment, online tutoring allows me to design lesson plans and teaching approaches tailored specifically for each student’s individual needs. The flexibility it affords me has enhanced both creativity and autonomy in executing the teaching process.

5. Boosting Confidence by Helping Others

The core objective of any tutoring experience is supporting others in their academic journey; this is no different for online tutoring. Empowering students to overcome their challenges gives me immense satisfaction, knowing that I’ve made a positive impact on their lives and boosted their confidence along the way.

6. Additional Income Stream

While it may not be the primary motivation for undertaking an online tutoring side gig, the supplementary income it generates cannot be understated. It provides a degree of financial security and serves as a safety net during uncertain times or when considering transitioning into a full-time tutoring career.

The numerous benefits of an online tutoring side gig make it an attractive prospect for those looking to boost their career, knowledge, and bank account. It’s more than just a job; it’s a fulfilling and rewarding journey that can offer countless opportunities for personal and professional growth.

4 Inspiring Teens Using Photography to Change the World


In a world where images speak louder than words, photography has become an influential medium for self-expression and storytelling. Several young photographers have taken it upon themselves to wield this power in making a difference. Here are four inspiring teenagers using photography to change the world.

1. Joshua Fernandez – Wildlife Conservation Photography

Joshua Fernandez, a 17-year-old passionate wildlife photographer from Australia, uses his lens to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation. With striking images highlighting the beauty and vulnerability of endangered species, Joshua’s photographs inspire his followers to take action and care more about our precious ecosystems.

2. Malala Oladosu – Empowering Girls Through Photography

Malala Oladosu, a 16-year-old Nigerian girl, sees photography as an opportunity for female empowerment. Born in a community where girls often lack access to education and career opportunities, she teaches them necessary photography skills that help build their confidence and increase their chances of finding employment. Malala’s initiative not only emphasizes gender equality but also showcases the power of artistic expression in transforming lives.

3. Santiago Garcia – Raising Awareness on Climate Change

At just 15 years old, Santiago Garcia from Argentina captures the devastating effects of climate change in his local community through his stunning photography. By documenting melting glaciers and dwindling forests, he calls attention to our planet’s plight and advocates for sustainable living practices across the globe.

4. Emma Zhang – Capturing Humanitarian Stories

18-year-old Emma Zhang from Singapore utilizes her photographic skills to document humanitarian issues in her country and other parts of Asia. She has covered stories of poverty-stricken children in Cambodia, displaced communities in the Philippines, and vulnerable populations impacted by environmental problems in Indonesia. Her work demands change while humanizing pressing global issues through her heartwrenching images.


These talented teens show that age is no barrier when it comes to using photography as a powerful tool for change. By capturing impactful images and using their platforms to educate and inspire others, they remind us that art has the ability to call attention to essential causes, give voice to the voiceless, and ultimately make the world a better place.

Why Online Preschool Is a Mistake


With the rapid advancement of technology and the growth of online learning options, online preschool has emerged as a new educational format for young children. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that online preschool is not the most beneficial choice for this age group. In this article, we will discuss the primary reasons why online preschool is a mistake and why traditional, in-person early education is still the best choice for young children.

Lack of Social Interaction

One of the most significant drawbacks of online preschool is the lack of social interaction between children. At this age, learning to communicate with others and developing social skills is absolutely crucial. In-person preschool offers numerous opportunities for children to interact with their peers through group activities and playtime. Unfortunately, these interactions are severely limited or non-existent in an online setting.

Importance of Hands-On Learning

Preschool-aged children are tactile learners who thrive when they can physically engage with their environment and explore new concepts through hands-on activities. Online preschool relies heavily on screen time, leaving out numerous sensory experiences that are essential for learning. While some hands-on activities can be delivered virtually, it simply cannot replicate the richness and direct engagement offered by in-person learning experiences.

Limited Teacher Support

In a traditional preschool classroom, teachers are physically present to provide support and personalized guidance to every student. This level of attention isn’t possible when instruction occurs solely through a digital medium. Online teachers cannot monitor students’ progress as effectively or intervene at the right moment to help resolve issues that may arise during learning.

Screen Time Concerns

Excessive screen time can have negative effects on young children’s development, including sleep problems, decreased physical activity, and issues with language development. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than one hour of high-quality screen time per day for children aged 2-5 years old. With online preschool requiring daily access to digital screens, it can easily lead children to exceed their recommended daily limit, leading to potential developmental issues.

Loss of Learning Opportunities

Many valuable learning opportunities that take place at traditional preschools do not have a direct online equivalent. These may involve activities like building social connections, practicing motor skills through physical education and playtime, and engaging in spontaneous learning moments sparked by the natural curiosity of young children. Online preschool cannot offer these experiences in the same authentic way, leading to missed learning opportunities.


For all the advantages that technology brings to our lives and education, it is clear that online preschool is not a substitute for traditional in-person early education. While it may seem tempting to embrace this new educational format for its convenience and accessibility, the limitations presented above – such as reduced social interaction and hands-on learning – make it clear that online preschool falls short of meeting the unique needs of young children. For this reason, prioritizing in-person early education is still the best choice for laying a strong foundation for future academic success.

14 Online Summer Courses for Teachers That Are FREE (or Almost)!

Introduction: As a teacher, summer break is an excellent opportunity to take some time for personal and professional growth. Lucky for you, numerous online courses are available at little to no cost! These courses allow you to enhance your teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational trends. In this article, we share 14 online summer courses for teachers that are free or almost free.

1. Coursera’s Virtual Teacher Program: Coursera offers a Virtual Teacher Program composed of various courses designed to enhance your online teaching skills. This program is free, and you can pay a small fee if you want a certificate.

2. EdX’s School and District Leadership: EdX offers a course on school and district leadership for free, giving insights into effective administrative strategies for better student outcomes.

3. Google for Education – Teacher Center: Google provides various free tools and resources for educators to learn how to better use Google apps such as Classroom, Meet, and more in their teaching methods.

4. Alison’s Introduction to E-Learning Theory and Practice: Learn about e-learning principles and instructional design models in this free course that focuses on digital education and its benefits.

5. OpenLearn’s Inclusive Teaching Methods: OpenLearn offers this course for educators who wish to create more inclusive classrooms for diverse learners. This course is free to join, with optional paid certification.

6. Canvas Network’s Gamification in Education: Unleash your creativity by learning how to incorporate gamification techniques in your classroom through this engaging course from Canvas Network. The course is free to enroll in, with optional certification fees.

7. Microsoft Educator Center: The Microsoft Educator Center provides various self-paced courses on topics ranging from remote learning strategies to enhancing student engagement using PowerPoint or Minecraft, all for free!

8. FutureLearn’s Assessment Strategies in Online Learning: Create effective and engaging assessments for your digital classrooms with the help of this free course by FutureLearn.

9. Flipped Learning Network: The Flipped Learning Network offers a self-paced, free Flip Your Classroom workshop for educators looking to switch up their teaching style and create more engaging lesson plans.

10. Teachers Without Borders’ Introduction to Webquests: If you’re not familiar with Webquests, this free online course is a great starting point. You’ll learn how to create interactive and collaborative learning experiences for your students.

11. Udemy’s Blended Learning Essentials: Udemy offers this comprehensive course on blended learning essentials to help teachers make informed decisions about integrating technology into their classrooms. While not free, it’s frequently discounted or available at minimal cost.

12. Teachable’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Teachable provides a selection of MOOCs for teachers that cover topics like special education, social-emotional learning, and digital literacy. Prices vary, but many courses are available for free or at a low cost.

13. Project-Based Learning University (PBLU): PBLU offers project-based learning modules geared towards K-12 teachers. The courses are self-paced and vary in price, but many are available for free.

14. TED-Ed Innovative Educators: The TED-Ed platform offers an Innovative Educators course as part of its professional development provisions. Enrollment is free, which includes all resources throughout the course duration and access to a global community of educators.

Conclusion: With these 14 incredible online summer courses in hand, you have no excuse not to upgrade your teaching methods during the break! Don’t let summer fly by without taking advantage of these amazing, accessible resources to enhance your teaching skills and broaden your educational horizons.

6 Tips for Running Virtual School Clubs

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new reality that schools need to adapt to, and this includes school clubs. With the shift to remote learning, extracurricular activities are transitioning to online platforms and environments. Running virtual school clubs may be challenging, but it is important not to let it dampen students’ spirits or learning experiences. Here are six tips for successfully running virtual school clubs:

1. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives

To run a successful virtual club, it is essential to define its goals and objectives clearly. This helps both students and advisors better understand the club’s purpose, expectations, and outcomes. Setting clear goals also provides direction and motivation for club members.

2. Choose the Right Digital Platform

Choose a reliable platform that supports seamless communication, collaboration, and accessibility for all club members. Consider factors such as privacy policies, security features, user permissions management, video conferencing capabilities, and adaptability to different devices when selecting a platform.

3. Effective Communication Strategies

Effective communication between club members plays a vital role in the success of virtual school clubs. Create dedicated chat rooms or channels for group discussions and files sharing on your chosen digital platform. Encourage open communication among all members and ensure everyone stays updated with the club’s activities.

4. Plan Collaborative Activities

Engage club members by planning interactive and collaborative activities that can be completed online. Virtual games, trivia nights, brainstorming sessions, or creative projects can help foster team spirit and encourage engagement among students.

5. Implement a Consistent Meeting Schedule

Organize regular meetings that follow a consistent structure to build routine in the virtual club environment. This helps improve accountability among club members while ensuring ongoing participation.

6. Proactively Seek Feedback

Gather feedback from club members regularly regarding their experiences, needs, or suggestions for improvement in the virtual setup. This will help you identify areas that require modification or enhancement for a better virtual club experience for all members.

In conclusion, running a virtual school club in these unprecedented times is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right tools, strategies, and mindset, these clubs can continue to be constructive and engaging platforms for students. Embrace the challenges and work collaboratively to create an impactful virtual experience for all club members.

Tips for Using Online Read Alouds During Distance Learning


Online read-alouds are a fantastic resource for distance learning, as they help students engage with the content and build communication skills. Teachers can utilize these tools to add variety and richness to their remote lessons while maintaining a sense of connection. Here are some practical tips for using online read-alouds during distance learning.

1. Choose Engaging Material:

Select books, articles, or passages that capture the interest of your students. Consider their age, reading level, and cultural background when making a choice. Diverse and culturally relevant materials will help students connect with the content and make learning more enjoyable.

2. Adjust Your Pacing:

Keep the pace of your read-aloud session appropriate for your audience. Younger children require a slower pace with frequent pauses, while older students may appreciate an engaging and lively reading style. Don’t be afraid to use different tones and expressions – this can make a significant impact on capturing your students’ attention.

3. Incorporate Visuals:

Make use of multimedia elements like video clips, images, or slides to supplement your read-aloud sessions. Providing visual aids helps maintain student engagement and aids in comprehension, especially for those who are visual learners.

4. Implement Comprehension Strategies:

To encourage critical thinking and comprehension skills, pause every few pages or paragraphs to ask open-ended questions or promote discussions related to the content. Encourage students to draw connections between the read-aloud material and their own life experiences.

5. Record Your Sessions:

Record your read-aloud sessions so students can access them at any time. This offers flexibility for those who missed the session or may need extra time to review the material at their own pace.

6. Involve Parents/Guardians:

When appropriate, share book titles or read-aloud links with parents/guardians as part of supporting collaborative learning efforts beyond school hours. This will encourage families to engage in literacy activities and reinforce learning from the read-aloud sessions.

7. Give Students the Opportunity to Select:

Empower students by allowing them some freedom in selecting the material they would like to hear/read. Providing options will allow students to take ownership of their learning and promote enthusiasm about reading.

8. Use Online Resources:

Many websites provide free read-aloud materials such as digital books or audio recordings. You can leverage these resources to save time and effort in preparing for your lessons, while still offering quality content for your students.


By utilizing these effective tips for online read-alouds, teachers can make distance learning more engaging, enriching, and enjoyable for their students. As a versatile teaching tool, read-alouds offer endless opportunities to adapt and support individual learning needs while promoting strong literacy skills and fostering a love for reading.

15 Virtual Teaching Supplies to Make Your Life Easier


In today’s digital age, virtual teaching has become an essential part of education for many teachers and students around the world. With the increasing demand for online learning, it’s crucial for educators to be equipped with the right tools and supplies to make their virtual lessons more effective and engaging. In this article, we will explore 15 virtual teaching supplies that can help make your life as an online teacher easier.

1. High-Quality Webcam

A high-quality webcam is crucial for virtual teaching, allowing you to present yourself clearly and professionally during online classes.

2. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Investing in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones can help you focus on your lessons, reducing background noise and providing clear audio quality for your students.

3. Digital Whiteboard

A digital whiteboard allows you to write, draw, and erase just like a physical whiteboard, making explanations and illustrations simpler during your virtual sessions.

4. Interactive Learning Platforms

Utilize interactive learning platforms such as Google Classroom or Blackboard to engage students, create assignments, and track progress.

5. Screen-Share Software

Employ screen-sharing software like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to showcase presentations or demonstrate processes on your computer to students.

6. Virtual Timers & Clocks

Keep your lessons on track and help students manage time effectively with virtual timers and clocks that can be displayed prominently during your sessions.

7. Online Quizzing & Assessment Tools

Make assessments a breeze using online quizzing tools such as Kahoot! or Quizizz that provide engaging ways to test student knowledge while allowing you instant access to results.

8. PDF Annotation Tool

Make use of a PDF annotation tool like Kami or Adobe Acrobat Reader DC so you can easily annotate documents or textbooks during online lessons.

9. Digital Planner

Stay organized with a digital planner app like Trello or Notion to keep track of your lesson plans, assignments, and deadlines.

10. Breakout Room Functionality

Facilitate group work in virtual environments using breakout room features on platforms like Zoom, allowing students to collaborate and discuss in smaller groups.

11. Online Polling Tools

Gather feedback from students in real-time using online polling tools like Mentimeter or Poll Everywhere.

12. Graphic Design Software

Enhance your lessons with visually appealing presentations and materials using graphic design software like Canva or Piktochart.

13. Online File Storage & Sharing

Share documents, images, audio files, and videos efficiently with online storage platforms such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

14. Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) Tools

Integrate immersive learning experiences into your lessons with VR & AR tools like Merge Cube or Google Expeditions.

15. Accessibility Tools

Ensure your online classes are accessible for all learners with accessibility software including text-to-speech applications and closed-captioning services.


Embracing the right virtual teaching supplies can make your online teaching experience more efficient and enjoyable for both you and your students. By incorporating these 15 essential tools into your virtual classroom, you’re well on your way to providing an engaging and seamless learning environment for everyone involved.

How to Make Project-Based Learning Work in a Virtual World:

1. Establish Clear Goals and Outcomes: Begin by outlining specific goals for both students and teachers. This ensures that everyone understands the project’s objectives, expectations, and evaluation criteria.

2. Leverage Technology For Collaboration: Utilize applications such as Google Docs, Zoom breakout rooms, or project management tools like Trello to facilitate seamless communication among team members.

3. Provide Accessible Resources and Materials: Ensure that students have access to helpful resources such as videos, websites, or e-books related to their projects for deeper exploration and understanding.

4. Offer Continuous Support and Clear Communication: Virtual classrooms can feel isolating for some students. Continue to provide support, either through synchronous or asynchronous channels, to address any questions or concerns students may have.

5. Foster Reflection and Self-Assessment: Encourage students to engage in self-reflection regularly and track their progress towards the project’s goals. This can be done through journals or one-on-one check-ins.

6. Showcase Student Achievement: Celebrating success and showcasing online projects not only boost students’ confidence but also helps them connect with their peers’ work, fostering a sense of community.


As virtual learning becomes more common, it is essential for educators to adapt project-based learning techniques for the digital age. The strategies mentioned above can create meaningful educational experiences for students while fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Indeed, project-based learning can not only survive but also thrive in a virtual world.

You Can Absolutely Make Project-Based Learning Work in a Virtual World


Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that encourages students to learn through active exploration and problem-solving. This approach has long been associated with hands-on learning, group work, and in-person collaboration. But, with the rapid shift towards digital education and remote classrooms brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators are struggling to adapt project-based learning to the virtual world. We’re here to show you that it’s not only possible but highly effective.

Benefits of Project-Based Learning in a Virtual World:

1. Adaptable to Various Learning Styles: One of the most prominent benefits of PBL is its ability to cater to a wide array of learning styles. Online learning tools can complement this by offering multimedia resources, interactive content, and self-paced schedules.

2. Increased Access to Resources: A virtual environment allows students to access vast online repositories and collect information from different parts of the world without geographical constraints.

3. Enhanced Collaboration Opportunities: In a virtual setting, students can engage with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds, opening doors for global collaboration and cross-cultural understanding.

4. Real-world Connections: Through digital platforms, learners can connect their projects with real-world issues and collaborate with professionals in various industries.