EdTech & Innovation

7 Ways to Create an Interactive Classroom Display

Creating an interactive classroom display can transform the learning experience and engage students in a unique and educational way. Here are seven creative ways to make your classroom displays more interactive:

1. Touch and Learn Walls: Convert a segment of your classroom wall into a touch and learn area. Use materials like felt, Velcro, or magnetic boards to create pieces that children can move around to match, solve puzzles, or even form sentences related to the subject matter.

2. QR Codes for Discovery: Integrate technology by including QR codes on your displays that link to educational videos, audio clips, or further reading materials. Students can use tablets or smartphones to scan the codes and embark on a self-guided learning adventure.

3. Reality Meets Virtual: Augmented reality (AR) apps can bring displays to life. Whether it’s a historical figure giving a speech or a 3D model of the solar system where planets can be explored, AR adds a thrilling dimension to education.

4. Interactive Whiteboards: Turn digital presentations into collaborative efforts by using interactive whiteboards. Students can contribute by showing their work, answering questions in real-time, or moving digital objects.

5. Feedback Stations: Encourage students’ thoughts and reflections by setting up feedback stations with sticky notes or digital comment boards near your displays. This not only fosters engagement but also allows for peer-to-peer teaching and learning.

6. Thematic Learning Corners: Designate areas of the classroom for specific themes that are relevant to what you’re currently teaching. These corners can include games, task cards, and role-play scenarios that require student interaction for solving problems or creating projects.

7. Rotating Student Curators: Involve the class in the creation and management of the displays by assigning ‘curator’ roles to different students each week or month. Let them decide which work gets showcased, come up with themes, or even design activities for their peers related to the display content.

These interactive strategies not only make learning more dynamic but also cater to various learning styles which help keep all students motivated and engaged in their educational journey.

Blended Learning | How to Make It Work

Blended learning, an education model that combines traditional classroom teaching with e-learning and other online activities, offers a robust educational framework that caters to diverse learning preferences. With the increasing integration of technology into everyday life, blended learning has become an influential approach in modern education. To effectively implement blended learning, here are some strategies to consider:

1. Define Clear Objectives: Begin with a clear understanding of your educational goals. Establish what you expect your students to achieve through blended learning, and make these objectives known to ensure that both instructors and learners are aligned.

2. Choose the Right Technology: Selecting appropriate digital resources is critical. These could range from learning management systems (LMS) to interactive apps and online collaborative tools. Ensure the technology is accessible, user-friendly, and supports the course objectives.

3. Foster Engagement: Encourage active participation by designing interactive and engaging tasks both online and in the classroom. Incorporate discussion forums, quizzes, polls, and group projects that require input from each student.

4. Personalize Learning: Use data gathered from online assessments and activities to tailor instructions to individual student needs. Blended learning allows you to differentiate teaching methods and content to cater to different learning styles.

5. Provide Support: Offer adequate support for students who may struggle with the online components of blended learning. This includes technical assistance as well as guidance on effective online study habits.

6. Train Educators: Educators should be well-prepared to manage a blended learning environment which might be different from traditional teaching approaches. Offer professional development opportunities focused on effective instructional strategies and technological proficiency.

7. Feedback Loop: Create mechanisms for ongoing feedback from students regarding the effectiveness of the blend between traditional teaching and online instruction. This allows for continuous improvement in content delivery and engagement strategies.

8. Continuous Assessment: Evaluate both in-class performance and online activity regularly to identify knowledge gaps or instructional areas that may need adjustment.

By integrating these elements into your strategy, blended learning can transform the educational experience into one that is more personalized, engaging, and dynamic, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes. With careful planning and execution, educators can not only make blended learning work but also help it thrive as an integral part of 21st-century education.

15 Books and Activities to Foster Grit in the Classroom

Fostering grit and resilience in students is essential for their personal growth and success both inside and outside the classroom. Grit, a term popularized by psychologist Angela Duckworth, describes the passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Here are 15 books and activities that can help educators teach and reinforce the concept of grit in their classrooms:

1. “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Duckworth – Start with the book that launched a deeper understanding of grit in the educational sphere. Use it to introduce the concept of grit to older students and inspire discussions about persistence.

2. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck – Teach students about growth mindset, the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

3. “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds – This book is perfect for younger students, demonstrating how to overcome a lack of confidence and display perseverance.

4. “The Most Magnificent Thing” by Ashley Spires – A story about a girl who learns that setbacks are a natural part of creating something great.

5. “After the Fall- How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again” by Dan Santat – A picture book that cleverly demonstrates overcoming fear after failure.

6. Vision Board Creation – Guide students in creating vision boards that represent their long-term goals and dreams to cultivate persistence.

7. Setting SMART Goals – Teach students to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals as a way to foster perseverance toward long-term objectives.

8. “Salt in His Shoes- Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream” by Deloris Jordan – An inspiring story illustrating Michael Jordan’s tenacity as he strives to become a basketball player despite early setbacks.

9. Perseverance Role-Playing – Have students enact scenarios where characters must show grit, discussing what choices demonstrate resilience.

10. “Thank You, Mr. Falker” by Patricia Polacco – A tale depicting the power of patience and determination when struggling with dyslexia.

11. Grit Journaling – Encourage students to keep journals about their personal experiences with perseverance to reflect on their growth.

12. Failure Fridays – Dedicate time each week for students to share failures and what they learned from them, normalizing setbacks as part of learning.

13. “Wilma Unlimited- How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman” by Kathleen Krull – The story of Wilma Rudolph overcoming polio demonstrates incredible determination.

14. Biography Research Projects – Have students research historical figures who exhibited grit, then present their findings to the class.

15. Resilience Debates – Organize debates on topics related to perseverance and grit where students must articulate their thoughts on overcoming challenges.

These resources offer various ways to engage students with the concept of grit through literature, practical exercises, and reflective practices that promote resilience in learning environments.

How to Use Would You Rather Questions for Kids to Spark Classroom Discussions

Using “Would You Rather” questions in the classroom offers a unique opportunity to engage students in discussions that can spark creativity, critical thinking, and camaraderie. Here’s how to leverage these intriguing prompts in an educational setting:

Understanding the Appeal: The allure of “Would You Rather” questions lies in their simplicity and the often-humorous choices they present. Students are faced with two options, sometimes zany and far-fetched, and they must choose which they would rather do, be, or have. It’s a format that naturally incites conversation and can be a fantastic icebreaker.

Setting the Stage: It’s essential to create a safe and open environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts without fear of judgment. Establish ground rules for respectful listening and turn-taking to ensure everyone’s voice can be heard.

Choosing Questions: Select questions that are age-appropriate and relevant to the interests of your students. Questions can range from silly to serious, but they should always be designed to stimulate thought and discussion. For example, “Would you rather read minds or have the power of invisibility?”

Integrating Learning Objectives: While fun is at the heart of this exercise, it should also serve an educational purpose. Tie questions to current lessons or use them to segway into new topics. “Would you rather live in ancient Rome or ancient Egypt?” This could lead into a history lesson on these civilizations.

Fostering Communication Skills: Encourage students to not only share their choice but also explain their reasoning. This practice helps develop persuasive speaking skills and allows students to practice constructing arguments and explanations.

Cultivating Respectful Debate: Sometimes students will disagree on their preferred choices. Use these moments to teach respectful debate tactics, acknowledging others’ perspectives while defending one’s own choice.

Enhancing Social-Emotional Learning: Prompt discussions about the emotions involved in decision-making. Ask how certain choices make them feel and why. This exploration can help build empathy and emotional literacy.

Documenting Responses: You could keep track of responses as part of a class project or study pattern in decision-making, which can then be analyzed for fun statistics (e.g., “75% of our class would rather fly than breathe underwater!”).

By integrating “Would You Rather” questions into the classroom environment thoughtfully, teachers can create memorable learning experiences that promote social interaction, critical thinking, and fun—a combination that fosters a love for learning and open-mindedness amongst students.

Monthly Mood Trackers for Students: The Essential 12-Tracker Bundle

Maintaining emotional well-being is crucial for students who face the pressure of academics, extra-curricular activities, and personal growth. Monthly mood trackers present a practical solution, offering an efficient way for students to monitor their emotional health throughout the academic year.

The concept of a monthly mood tracker is simple; it is a tool, typically in the form of a journal or calendar, where students can record their daily emotions and observe patterns over time. This practice not only encourages mindfulness but also pinpoints triggers and stressors, enabling students to address issues proactively.

The Essential 12-Tracker Bundle is specially crafted for students and consists of a variety of creatively designed monthly trackers that cater to different preferences and activities:

1. Classic Tracker: A straightforward grid where each day corresponds to a color based on the student’s mood.

2. Stress Tracker: Highlights periods of high stress, helping in managing assignments and study schedules.

3. Gratitude Tracker: Encourages daily reflections on positive experiences, fostering a more optimistic outlook.

4. Activity & Mood Correlation Tracker: Aligns daily activities with mood changes to identify what brings joy or causes anxiety.

5. Sleep Quality Tracker: Logs sleep duration and quality affecting mood, an essential aspect often overlooked.

6. Diet & Mood Tracker: Assesses how nutrition influences emotional states—vital for maintaining balanced energy levels.

7. Social Interaction Tracker: Evaluates how different social engagements affect emotional well-being.

8. Academic Performance Tracker: Correlates academic achievements with mood fluctuations, useful during exams.

9. Fitness & Mood Tracker: Observes how physical activity impacts mental health, perfect for student-athletes or those trying to stay fit.

10. Creativity Tracker: For those engaged in the arts, track how creative endeavors influence emotional states.

11. Digital Detox Tracker: Monitors time spent away from screens and its effects on daily moods.

12. Personal Growth Tracker: Tracks progress in personal goals and milestones alongside emotional responses.

Integrating these mood trackers into daily life empowers students to gain insights into their mental health trends and take actionable steps towards improvement. Schools could encourage this practice by offering workshops on how to effectively use these tools.

Mental health professionals can also utilize this data to support their student clients better by understanding their emotional patterns over time.

In conclusion, the 12-Tracker Bundle is an essential toolset for any student looking to proactively manage their emotional health. By regularly engaging with these trackers, students develop greater self-awareness and are better equipped to handle the ups and downs of student life with resilience and positivity.

How to Use the Seesaw App in the Classroom: Tips and Tricks From Other Teachers

The Seesaw app is an innovative digital portfolio tool that enables students to showcase their learning and teachers to enhance engagement and communication with families. Here’s how to effectively integrate Seesaw into your classroom, based on advice from experienced educators:

Step 1: Set Up Your Class

Begin by downloading the Seesaw Class app and creating your class. Add students manually or by sending home printable invite codes for parents.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with Features

Take the time to explore the app’s features. Understand how to post announcements, create assignments, and provide feedback.

Step 3: Introduce Seesaw to Students

Start with a class tutorial session to show students how they can document their work using photos, videos, drawings, text notes, links, and PDFs.

Step 4: Establish Rules and Expectations

Set clear guidelines on how and when to use Seesaw. Discuss the importance of online safety and respect for everyone’s work.

Step 5: Encourage Regular Use

Integrate Seesaw activities into your daily or weekly routines. This could be quick reflection questions, reading logs, or math problem-solving sessions.

Step 6: Involve Parents

Use Seesaw’s parent access features to connect with families. Provide them with updates on classwork and encourage them to view and comment on their child’s posts.

Step 7: Design Creative Assignments

Challenge students with assignments that require critical thinking. Teachers suggest using features like the drawing tool for labeling diagrams or the video function for demonstrating experiments.

Step 8: Personalize Feedback

Take advantage of the comment section to give personalized feedback. Encourage peer review by having students comment constructively on each other’s work.

Step 9: Share and Reflect as a Class

Regularly review Seesaw posts as a class to celebrate achievements and discuss what can be learned from each other’s work.

Step 10: Keep Learning

Stay updated on the latest Seesaw features by joining online communities of teachers using Seesaw and participating in professional development webinars.

By following these tips from seasoned teachers, you can create an engaging and interactive classroom environment that benefits students, teachers, and parents alike through the use of the Seesaw app.

Handwriting Worksheets Maker

In the digital age, the art of handwriting has seen a shift from necessity to novelty. However, educators and parents alike understand the significance of good handwriting skills, which play an essential role in early childhood development and educational success. As the demand for personalized educational tools grows, handwriting worksheets maker tools have become invaluable. These innovative programs allow users to create custom worksheets tailored to individual learning needs, thereby providing a unique and engaging way to improve fine motor skills and penmanship.

Handwriting worksheets makers are versatile online platforms that enable anyone—teachers, parents, or students—to generate printable practice sheets. The benefits of these tools are manifold. Firstly, they cater to various handwriting styles such as print, cursive, or D’Nealian. Each style has its own set of nuances and with customizable worksheets, learners can practice specific letters, words, or sentences that they find challenging.

Moreover, customization does not end with text selection—the aesthetics can often be adjusted too. From font size to line spacing and margin width, every element can be tailored to meet the needs of the user. This is particularly advantageous for children with special needs or those who require larger print sizes.

The most impressive aspect of handwriting worksheets makers is perhaps their ability to incorporate personalization in learning. With the option to input custom text, children can practice writing their own names, addresses, or even sentences that resonate with them personally. This not only makes the learning process more enjoyable but also ensures that it is relevant.

Technologically advanced worksheet makers also offer guidance cues such as numbered arrows showing stroke order or dotted lines for tracing letters. Such features help beginners learn the correct movement patterns from the outset, establishing a foundation for consistent and legible handwriting.

Aside from enhancing penmanship skills, these worksheets also promote reading comprehension and vocabulary building. By practicing handwritten passages, learners are engaging in active reading—deciphering words and phrases as they write them out—an exercise that naturally aids in language retention.

With print-based exams still prevalent within education systems around the world, the need for legible handwriting persists. Handwriting worksheets makers not only facilitate preparation for these assessments but also foster a sense of accomplishment as learners visually track their progress through repeated practice.

Ultimately what stands out about handwriting worksheets maker tools is their adaptability. They are resources that grow with the learner—a tool just as suitable for an elementary student learning their ABCs as for an adult refining their cursive signature.

In conclusion, as society embraces tech-savvy modes of communication, traditional skills like handwriting must not be neglected. Handwriting worksheets makers serve as a bridge between old-school skills and modern technology; a tool ensuring individuals do not lose touch with the personal touch of a handwritten note while aiding in critical developmental milestones along the way.

Personalisation: what does it really mean?

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, personalisation has become a buzzword. Businesses, marketers, and technologists alike are racing to deliver tailored experiences to their customers. But what does personalisation truly mean? In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of personalisation, its benefits, and how businesses can effectively implement it.

Understanding Personalisation

Personalisation refers to the act of tailoring a product, service, or experience to meet the unique preferences and requirements of a customer. This can manifest in various forms; for example, by providing recommendations based on a user’s browsing history, customising marketing messages or advertisements, or offering customised content on a website.

Benefits of Personalisation

1. Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalisation brings a sense of familiarity and relevance to the users’ interactions with products or services. This makes for a smoother and more engaging experience that leaves them more satisfied.

2. Increased Revenue and Conversions: Businesses that effectively personalise their offerings often see increased sales due to better targeting and promotion of products that resonate with customers on an individual level.

3. Improved Brand Loyalty: By creating stronger connections with customers through personalised content and experiences, companies can foster long-term loyalty and build lasting relationships with their audiences.

4. Better Insights: Leveraging data analysis tools to understand user behaviour patterns helps unearth valuable insights that businesses can use for future strategies or product improvements.

Implementing Personalisation Effectively

1. Gather Relevant Data: To personalise effectively, businesses must have access to accurate data on customer preferences and behaviour patterns. Using both qualitative (e.g., questionnaires) and quantitative (e.g., web analytics) methods enables companies to paint a fuller picture of their users.

2. Develop a Customer-Centric Approach: Embrace the idea of placing customers at the core of all decision-making processes. Align team culture and company values with the goal of consistently striving to understand, empathise with, and cater to customers’ unique needs.

3. Leverage Technology: Utilise advanced data analytics tools and artificial intelligence (AI) systems to decipher vast amounts of data, identify trends, and personalise content or marketing messages accordingly.

4. Monitor and Measure Performance: Continuously track performance indicators such as conversion rates, customer satisfaction scores, and revenue growth to gauge the effectiveness of personalisation efforts. These insights can help businesses identify areas for improvement and adjust strategies as needed.

5. Maintain Privacy & Compliance: Respect the privacy of customers by ensuring that data is securely collected, stored, and processed. Be transparent about data collection practices and adhere to relevant privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) to establish trust with users.

In conclusion, personalisation is a powerful tool in creating meaningful connections with customers through highly relevant offerings that elevate their experience. Companies that recognise the importance of understanding their audience’s needs, adopting a customer-centric mindset, and leveraging technology will be better equipped to harness the full potential of personalisation for long-term success.

11 Social Media Marketing Word Search Activities

Social media marketing is all about engaging your audience, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by incorporating word search activities into your strategy. These simple yet entertaining games can help to increase user interaction and encourage sharing, ultimately leading to greater brand exposure. Here are 11 fun and creative social media marketing word search activities to try out for your business.

1. Branded Word Search

Create a custom word search featuring your brand name, services, or products. Offer a small prize or discount for the first few followers who solve the puzzle and share their results.

2. Trending Topics Word Search

Design a word search based on current events or trending topics, encouraging your users to engage with your content while staying informed about what’s going on in the world.

3. National Days Word Searches

Develop unique word searches celebrating different national or international days – whether it’s National Pizza Day or International Women’s Day – these themed puzzles can tap into widespread interests.

4. Emoji Word Search

Switch things up by creating an emoji-based word search, where participants need to find emoji sequences that denote particular words or phrases relevant to your brand or niche.

5. Hashtag Word Search

Combine the world of hashtags with a word search activity by challenging users to find specific hashtags related to your industry or brand hidden within the game.

6. Influencer Collaboration Word Searches

Partner with prominent influencers in your industry and create a combined word search featuring terms relevant to both of your audiences for mutual exposure and increased engagement.

7. Customer-Generated Word Searches

Encourage user-generated content through competitions where followers submit their own custom word search designs around your brand or product; be sure to feature and reward the best creations!

8. Seasonal & Holiday-Themed Word Searches

Celebrate various seasons and holidays throughout the year with custom-made word searches that promote seasonal products, offers, or content.

9. Niche-specific Word Searches

Delve into your industry by creating word searches that cater specifically to your niche, featuring keywords or phrases relevant to your target audience’s interests.

10. Pop culture Word Searches

Include elements of pop culture in your word search activities to engage users who may relate to specific movies, TV shows, or celebrity personalities.

11. Educational Word Searches

Turn a word search into a learning experience by covering topics related to your industry, product, or niche – this will not only entertain but also educate your audience on valuable information.

Incorporating these 11 social media marketing word search activities into your strategy can help boost engagement and improve brand awareness while providing an enjoyable experience for your audience.

5 Cricuts for Teachers and Fun Cricut Projects To Try


Teaching can be a creative endeavor, and the use of Cricut machines has opened up new possibilities in recent years. These cutting machines are transforming the way educators prepare materials for their classrooms, allowing them to create eye-catching and engaging projects that enhance the learning experience. In this article, we will introduce five fantastic Cricut models suitable for teachers and share several fun projects you can try using these creative tools.

Top 5 Cricut Machines for Teachers:

1. Cricut Explore Air 2

The Cricut Explore Air 2 is a popular choice among teachers due to its versatility and user-friendly interface. It can cut a wide variety of materials, including paper, vinyl, cardstock, fabric, and more. Bluetooth capabilities make it an excellent option for those who work in classrooms without easy access to USB ports.

2. Cricut Maker

The Cricut Maker is another reliable option for educators. With ten times the cutting force of the Explore Air 2, it easily handles thicker materials such as foam sheets or balsa wood. The Maker also enables teachers to use additional tools like the Rotary Blade and Scoring Wheel to create even more intricate designs.

3. Cricut Joy

If you’re looking for something compact and portable, the Cricut Joy is perfect for you. This small machine can cut Smart Materials without needing a cutting mat, making it efficient and perfect for on-the-go projects or smaller classroom spaces.

4. Cricut Explore 3

The newer sibling in the Explore family offers faster cutting speed than its predecessor, allowing teachers to create multiple items in less time. With compatibility with Smart Materials, as well as engraving tools and foiling pens, the possibilities are virtually endless.

5. Cricut Maker 3

The latest generation of the Cricut Maker boasts cutting speeds up to twice as fast as the original Maker. With more power and the ability to cut through thicker materials with ease, this machine is perfect for teachers who want the ultimate cutting machine experience.

Fun Cricut Projects for Teachers:

1. Personalized Classroom Décor

Create unique and personalized decorations for your classroom using a Cricut machine. Design custom nameplates, inspiring quotes in vinyl, and thematic wall décor.

2. Educational Flashcards

Make your own flashcards for various subjects like math, reading, or science using colorful cardstock and Cricut pens. This not only saves money but makes your lessons more engaging with the personalized touch.

3. Custom T-Shirts

Design and create custom t-shirts for school events, field trips, or sports teams by cutting heat transfer vinyl with your Cricut.

4. Stickers & Decals

Add some color and fun to your classroom by creating individualized stickers or decals to reward hardworking students or personalize their supplies.

5. 3D Science Projects

Use the Cricut Maker to cut intricate designs into foam sheets or light wood for science fair projects. Assemble decorative figures demonstrating scientific principles or concepts.


Cricut machines have revolutionized the way teachers prepare creative materials for their classrooms. Armed with one of these powerful machines and a wealth of ideas for engaging projects like those listed above, educators can enhance the learning experience by bringing fun elements to their teaching methods. Choose a suitable model from our list and let it help you unleash your creativity in the classroom!