EdTech & Innovation

Forces Teaching Resources

Forces are one of the fundamental aspects of physics that govern the behavior of everything in the universe. When it comes to educational resources, teaching about forces can encompass a wide range of topics, from simple explanations of Newton’s Laws to complex discussions on quantum mechanics.

Here are some teaching resources that might help in explaining the concept of forces:

1. Interactive Simulations: Websites like PhET Interactive Simulations offer free online tools for students to see and interact with force-related concepts, such as gravity, friction, and motion.

2. Demonstrations: In-class demonstrations using simple tools like spring scales, toy cars, or balloons can illustrate how forces work in an engaging way.

3. Worksheets: Providing worksheets with problems and real-life scenarios can help students apply what they’ve learned about forces.

4. Videos: Educational videos can bring complex ideas to life and show real-world applications of forces, such as physics documentaries or YouTube channels like Vsauce or Veritasium.

5. Experiments: Hands-on experiments enable students to explore forces directly, like measuring how different surfaces affect friction or how mass affects gravitational pull.

6. Lesson Plans: There are numerous free lesson plans available online that cover various aspects of forces for different grade levels; these often include activities, discussion questions, and assessment ideas.

7. Textbooks: While traditional, textbooks remain a valuable resource as they provide structured content on the topic.

8. Science Kits: Science kits specifically designed around the theme of forces can provide all the necessary materials for experiments and demonstrations in an easy-to-use package.

It’s crucial for resources to be age-appropriate and aligned with curriculum standards to ensure they meet educational requirements while still being engaging for students. By utilizing a mixture of these resources, educators can create a rich learning environment where students can effectively grasp the intricate concepts that come with understanding forces.

Fun Printable Worksheets for Kids (New and Exciting Resources)

Keeping kids engaged with learning can often be a challenge, but fun printable worksheets are an excellent way to blend play with education. These new and exciting resources can transform how your child learns and perceives complex subjects by turning them into interactive games and activities.

One of the biggest advantages of printable worksheets is their versatility. They come in numerous forms, such as coloring pages that teach about different animals and their habitats or math puzzles that make arithmetic a treasure hunt rather than a tedious chore. The beauty lies in the ability to print these resources at home, allowing parents and educators to tailor the learning experience to each child’s individual needs.

Science can also become a thrilling exploration with printables. Watching children understand the solar system through a series of fill-in-the-blanks and diagram coloring sheets is both rewarding and effective. Not only does it encourage memorization, but it also instills an appreciation for the wonders of the universe.

Language arts haven’t been left out either. Word searches, crossword puzzles, and story-building templates help expand vocabulary, reinforce spelling skills, and foster creativity. Themed worksheets around holidays or seasons give a timely twist that keeps content fresh and exciting.

Additionally, the introduction of problem-solving worksheets teaches critical thinking from a young age. Kids love to play detective, and when you turn math problems into mysteries to solve or present logical puzzles for them to untangle, you’re training young minds to enjoy and approach problems with a positive attitude.

Health and physical education are also covered with printables that outline proper nutrition through interactive food pyramids, or exercise challenges that can be tracked day by day.

The best part about these resources is the fact that many are now available free online or at a minimal cost from various educational websites. Teachers can distribute them easily via emails or classroom blogs, parents can print them at home, and they can be reused multiple times for continued practice.

In summary, fun printable worksheets offer kids new ways to learn about any subject imaginable — from science to language arts, math to health, there’s something that will entice every young learner. Incorporating these resources into your child’s learning routine could not only improve their academic skills but also spark a lifelong love of learning.

11 Easy Ideas for Teaching with Technology

In the digital age, incorporating technology into the classroom is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Here are 11 easy ideas for teaching with technology that can enrich educational experiences and engage students in new and exciting ways.

1. Interactive Whiteboards: These modern chalkboards allow teachers to present interactive lessons where students can engage directly with the material, altering content or participating in digital activities.

2. Educational Apps: There are thousands of educational apps designed for teaching various subjects. Utilizing game-based learning apps keeps students engaged and makes learning fun.

3. Online Collaborative Tools: Tools like Google Docs or Microsoft Teams enable students to collaborate on projects in real-time, fostering teamwork even when they’re not physically together.

4. Digital Field Trips: Gone are the days when field trips were confined to your geographic area. Websites and apps offer virtual tours of museums, historical sites, and even outer space!

5. Video Conferencing: Bring guests speakers into your classroom virtually, from authors to scientists, to give students a broader perspective and connect their learning to real-world experts.

6. Blogging or Podcasting: Encourage students to create their own blogs or podcasts on subjects they’re passionate about, which develops writing, speaking, and technical skills.

7. E-Books and Online Libraries: With access to digital libraries, students can explore thousands of books without needing physical space for storage—some even offer interactive features.

8. Flipped Classrooms: Record lectures for students to watch as homework, and then use class time for discussions and hands-on activities that reinforce the lesson.

9. Gamification: Turn curriculum content into games with points, badges, or leaderboards to foster a competitive spirit and encourage mastery through repetition.

10. Student-Created Videos: Assign projects where students make their own videos demonstrating their understanding of a topic which helps build creativity and technical competencies.

11. Personal Learning Devices: Utilize tablets or laptops where each student can follow along with lessons at their own pace or work on individualized skill-building exercises.

Integrating technology in teaching doesn’t have to be daunting—it offers varied ways to enhance the education process while making learning more appealing and accessible for all types of learners.

Try These Ridiculously Fun “Roll A Story” Halloween Worksheets!

As Halloween approaches, parents and teachers are always on the lookout for engaging activities to get children into the spooky spirit of the holiday. One such activity, which combines creativity, fun, and education all wrapped up in one delightful package, is the “Roll A Story” Halloween worksheet.

The concept behind these worksheets is simple but captivating. Each sheet contains a set of dice-rolling prompts that guide children in creating their own unique Halloween stories. The categories on these worksheets often include a setting, a character, a problem, and an object—each corresponding to a number on a die. When the die is rolled, whatever number it lands on in each category determines the elements of their story.

Imagine the fun as each roll of the die could create countless combinations—a witch lost in a haunted mansion looking for her magical cauldron or perhaps a ghost stuck at school trying to solve the mystery of his own disappearance. Every roll brings about new characters, scenarios, and plot twists that challenge children to stretch their imaginations and improve their storytelling skills.

These “Roll A Story” worksheets not only spur creativity but also are excellent resources for teaching narrative structure. As kids piece together their stories using the elements they’ve rolled, they learn about beginnings, middles, and ends; setting scenes; developing characters; and crafting resolutions.

Moreover, these activities can be tailored to suit different age groups and writing abilities. For younger children or those just starting to experiment with writing stories, visuals can accompany each prompt category to help spark ideas without requiring strong reading skills. For older students or more advanced writers, additional categories like ‘motivation’ or ‘obstacle’ can be added to deepen the complexity of their tales.

In classrooms or at home as part of Halloween celebrations or writing exercises, these worksheets offer a perfect blend of holiday-themed fun and educational value. Whether done individually or collaboratively as part of a group project—perhaps with each child contributing a piece—the resulting stories can be shared aloud in ghoulish storytime sessions that are sure to delight.

“Roll A Story” Halloween worksheets are easy to find online or can be created with minimal effort for those who prefer a DIY approach. All you need is a blank sheet of paper divided into sections with enough space for drawings or descriptions for story elements like characters and settings—and of course, plenty of imagination!

As they roll the dice and jot down their spooky tales this Halloween season, children won’t just be celebrating; they’ll be learning and stretching their creative wings all at once. So why wait? Grab a die, print out some worksheets, and get ready for some ridiculously fun story-rolling adventures!

Free Teaching Resources

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, free teaching resources have become an indispensable asset for educators around the globe. With budget constraints and the continuous need to innovate and engage students, teachers are frequently seeking out new materials and tools that can enhance the learning experience without incurring additional costs.

The proliferation of open educational resources (OER) has been a game-changer. OERs are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes. This means that educators can adapt and distribute teaching materials without any legal or financial barriers, fostering an environment of collaboration and sharing among educators.

One exceptional example of free teaching resources is the Khan Academy. Offering practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard, Khan Academy allows learners to study at their own pace inside and outside of the classroom. Moreover, it covers a wide range of subjects from mathematics to humanities.

For language arts educators, websites like Project Gutenberg provide countless classic texts without charge. With access to thousands of books in the public domain, teachers and students can explore the works of great writers and thinkers from different eras.

For interactive learning experiences, platforms such as Quizlet enable teachers to create study sets with flashcards, games, and tests to assist students in mastering various topics while making learning fun.

Another vital resource is Google Classroom, which integrates with other free Google services such as Google Docs and Google Drive. This allows for seamless collaboration between students and teachers—and all one needs is a free Google account.

Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) also deserves mention; although not all resources here are free, there is a substantial “Free Downloads” section where educators share quality materials without expecting payment. This peer-to-peer sharing economy in education nurtures a supportive community where educators elevate one another.

Science teachers might gravitate towards PhET Interactive Simulations provided by the University of Colorado Boulder. These simulations allow for dynamic engagement with science concepts across physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and math at various grade levels.

PBS LearningMedia stands out for its wide range of subject-specific resources that are not only age-appropriate but also culturally relevant and aligned with curricular standards globally. The collection includes videos, interactive lessons, and full lesson plans.

Lastly, for educators in need of comprehensive curriculum guides or lesson planning frameworks, platforms like Share My Lesson offer well-structured plans mapped according to skills and content standards.

These aforementioned resources represent just a handful of what’s available online at no cost. By leveraging such tools effectively, educators can greatly enrich their curriculum without straining their budgets—a win for teachers and learners alike. Free teaching resources thus effectively support educational equity by making high-quality learning material accessible to all students regardless of socioeconomic status. As more teachers discover and contribute to these treasures troves of educational content online, students everywhere stand to benefit from richer learning experiences crafted from these shared innovations.

Behaviour Learning Ladder – Vertical Chart

The Behaviour Learning Ladder is a conceptual framework which provides a visual representation of the stages through which individuals learn and embed new behaviours or ways of working. The vertical chart, also known as a behaviour change ladder, is used to understand the gradual progression from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence.

At the base of the ladder is ‘Unconscious Incompetence,’ where an individual is unaware of the skill or behavior that needs to be learned. As a person recognizes their lack of ability in this area, they move up to the next rung, ‘Conscious Incompetence,’ where they become conscious of their inadequacies and learn from mistakes.

Climbing higher, learners reach ‘Conscious Competence,’ the stage where they can perform a behavior correctly, but only with effort and mindfulness. Practice is crucial at this stage as it is not yet second nature or automatic.

The top rung represents ‘Unconscious Competence,’ where an individual performs a behavior easily and automatically without having to think consciously about it. This level signifies mastery and habituation; the skill has become a natural part of one’s behaviour.

Overall, the Behaviour Learning Ladder serves as an insightful tool for individuals and organizations aiming to encourage skill development, self-awareness, and personal growth.

The Best Teacher Shoes: How to Find Them + Teaching Discounts

Teachers are on their feet all day. Whether it’s standing in front of the classroom, walking in the halls, or supervising recess, a teacher’s shoes need to provide comfort and support from the first morning bell to the last. In search of the best teacher shoes, here’s how to find them, plus some information on teaching discounts that can make your good find even better!

 Key Features for Great Teacher Shoes

When looking for teacher shoes, there are several features that you should consider:

1. Support: Good arch support is crucial to prevent foot pain.

2. Cushioning: Adequate cushioning can absorb the shock of walking on hard surfaces.

3. Durability: Shoes should be well-made to stand up to daily wear and tear.

4. Non-Slip: For safety reasons, soles should provide traction on slippery school floors.

5. Style: Shoes should be professional looking but allow for personal expression.

6. Breathability: This helps manage sweat and odor during long days.

 How to Find Best Teacher Shoes

Here are steps to help you find the perfect pair:

1. Research: Look at brands known for comfort such as Clarks, Skechers, or Dansko.

2. Read Reviews: Check out what other teachers have to say about different shoe models.

3. Consider Your Needs: Think about your foot shape, any existing conditions like flat feet or plantar fasciitis, and your personal style preferences.

4. Try Them On: Always try shoes on later in the day when your feet are most swollen to get a true fit.

5. Walk Around: Wear them around the store or house before using them at work to ensure they’re comfortable.

 Teaching Discounts

Many companies offer teaching discounts which can help you purchase high-quality shoes without breaking the bank:

1. Madewell offers a 15% discount for teachers in-store and online.

2. J.Crew provides a 15% discount in-store with a valid school ID.

3. New Balance has discounts through their NB Reward Program with email signup.

4. Clarks occasionally offers special discounts for teachers during back-to-school promotions.


The best teacher shoes combine comfort, support, and style—crucial for those long hours educating the next generation. With research, trial-and-error, and taking advantage of teaching discounts, you’re sure to find that perfect pair that will keep you comfortable throughout your day.

Remember: Investing in a good pair of shoes is not just about fashion; it’s about health and comfort too. A quality pair of shoes can make all the difference in your teaching experience!

Interactive Measurement Game With Puzzles And Riddles

Measurement and mathematics can often seem intimidating to students and enthusiasts alike. However, when combined with the thrill of gaming, the daunting veil of numbers and formulas can transform into an engaging learning experience. ‘Measure Up!’—the latest interactive measurement game—is a shining example of such edutainment that incorporates puzzles and riddles to teach players the intricacies of measuring various quantities.

Designed for learners of all ages, ‘Measure Up!’ takes you on an educational adventure through different worlds, each themed around specific measurement concepts such as length, volume, weight, and temperature. The game cleverly integrates real-world scenarios with fantastical elements to captivate the player’s attention while enforcing practical learning.

In the ‘Enchanted Forest’, players face riddles requiring them to measure lengths using the mystical units specific to this world. For instance, instead of meters or inches, measurements are given in ‘fairy footprints’ or ‘unicorn horns’. This not only fuels the players’ imagination but also encourages them to think about comparative sizing and unit conversion.

The ‘Ocean Abyss’ level focuses on liquid measurements where players must solve pouring puzzles ensuring they have just enough potion to advance. Here, players learn about volume and capacity as they avoid waking the sleeping Leviathan beneath the waves through their precise actions.

‘The Mountain of Scales’ is where weight becomes pivotal. Players use antique scales to weigh out correct amounts of gems to unlock ancient doors or trade with goblin merchants. This section is interactive in a way that it provides a basic understanding of balance and mass.

Temperature plays a key role in the ‘Volcanic Valley’, where players encounter hot-headed dragons whose mood swings depend on the ambient temperature measured in ‘flame breaths’. Gamers must navigate temperature scales correctly to keep from getting burned — literally!

Interwoven within these levels are exciting riddles and brain-teasers that test logical thinking and measuring skills. From discerning the weightiest object without a scale to deciphering cryptic clues that lead to hidden measurement tools, ‘Measure Up!’ offers an ample variety of challenges.

‘Measure Up!’ successfully turns what might be dry textbook material into a vibrant puzzle-solving quest, ensuring that knowledge about measurements won’t just be learned — it’ll be lived and enjoyed. By playing this game, one not only sharpens their measuring acumen but also develops critical thinking skills essential both inside and outside the realm of education. With its innovative approach to learning measurement through interactive play, ‘Measure Up!’ stands out as a beacon for educational games done right.

10 Olympic Inspired Classroom Activities Resources

Incorporating the excitement and global camaraderie of the Olympics into classroom activities can be an inspiring way to engage students in a variety of subjects. Whether it’s history, geography, math, physical education, or teamwork, here are ten Olympic-inspired resources and activities that educators can utilize to bring the spirit of the Games into their lessons:

1. Olympic Country Research Projects: Assign each student a country participating in the Olympics to research. Students can present information on the country’s culture, history, notable Olympians, and past Olympic performances.

2. Olympic Math Challenges: Create math problems and statistics challenges based on Olympic data. For example, students can calculate scoring averages, medal counts by countries, or even design graphs and charts based on Olympic results.

3. Olympic Ring Art: Using the iconic five colored rings of the Olympics, art activities can focus on color theory and symbolism. Students can create their own Olympic-themed art by incorporating these rings and discussing their significance.

4. Host Your Own Classroom Olympics: Organize a series of mini-games that capture the essence of different Olympic sports. Events can include paper plane javelin, desk chair racing or straw “shooting” for target practice.

5. Physical Education: Try New Sports: Introduce students to sports they may not be as familiar with that are part of the Olympics such as handball or table tennis. This could inspire interest in learning new physical skills.

6. World Languages Through Anthems & Flags: Use the national anthems and flags of various countries to inspire lessons in languages and geography. Students could learn to sing an anthem in a foreign language or design their own flag that represents a fictional country they create based on certain cultural elements learned.

7. History of The Olympics: Explore ancient Greece where the Olympics originated and compare it with modern-day versions of the events. This project enhances knowledge in world history and helps develop timeline skills.

8. Literature & Writing: Athlete Biographies: Have students select an Olympian and write a biography that highlights their journey to compete at The Olympic Games, including personal challenges faced along the way.

9. Science & Technology: Equipment Design: Delve into design challenges faced by athletes in sports technology by having students research how equipment is made for various sports such as bobsled or cycling, then coming up with their own invention ideas for equipment improvements.

10. Values & Teamwork Activities: Use principles exemplified by The International Olympic Committee (IOC) such as excellence, friendship, respect, determination, inspiration and courage to host discussions or team-building exercises reflecting these values within classroom groups.

These activities not only bring an international view into your classroom but also offer opportunities for cross-curricular learning experiences; fostering deeper understanding and participation amongst students who will be proud to carry the spirit of inclusivity and ambition represented by The Olympics.

How to Use The Seesaw App in the Classroom

Seesaw is an innovative application that provides an interactive learning experience for students and a comprehensive teaching and communication tool for educators. To use Seesaw in the classroom in the United States effectively, follow the steps below:

1.Sign Up:

– Start by creating a free Seesaw account on web.seesaw.me or through the Seesaw app.

– Choose the option for teachers and set up your profile.

2.Set Up Your Class:

– Click on the “+ Class” button to create a new class.

– Enter your class name, grade level, and subject area.

– Generate a class code that students will use to join.

3.Add Students:

– Share the class code with your students.

– They can sign up using their Google accounts or email addresses if they’re older than 13.

– For younger students, you can create student accounts that don’t require an email.

4.Create Activities:

– Use the “Add Activity” button to create custom assignments.

– You can add instructions, attach worksheets, or include links to resources.

– Assign it to the whole class or customize it for individual students or groups.

5.Student Interaction:

– Students can document their learning by taking photos, drawing, recording videos, or writing text.

– Encourage them to “Show What They Know” using these multimedia tools.

6.Provide Feedback:

– Once students submit their work, you can review it within the app.

– Offer constructive feedback through text comments, voice notes, or grades.

7.Family Engagement:

– Invite families to join Seesaw Family, a separate app that lets families see their child’s work and communicate with the teacher.

– Use the Announcement feature to send out class updates or reminders.

8.Use Seesaw Blogs:

– Share student work with a broader audience by setting up a class blog within Seesaw.

– Students can post to the blog and engage with comments under your supervision.


– Encourage students to leave peer feedback on classmates’ posts in a respectful and supportive way.

– Facilitate group projects where students can collaborate on shared assignments within Seesaw.

10.Professional Development:

– Take advantage of Seesaw’s professional development resources to become proficient in various features and teaching strategies compatible with Seesaw.

Incorporating Seesaw into your classroom routine can maximize student engagement and provide you with insightful data about your students’ learning processes. Remember to regularly explore new updates and features that Seesaw rolls out so that you keep leveraging this tool’s full potential in your classroom practices.