Pedagogue Blog

22 Maths Mentals Games Ideas Resources

Mental math games provide an excellent way for students to practice and improve their calculation skills. Here are 22 ideas for mental math games and resources that can be used in the classroom or at home in the United States:

1. Math Bingo: A classic game where students fill out bingo cards with answers to math problems.

2. Speed Math Duel: Two players race to solve equations faster than the other.

3. 24 Game: Players use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to make the number 24 from four number cards.

4. Number Bond Battleship: A twist on the traditional Battleship game focusing on creating number bonds.

5. Math Jeopardy: Students answer questions in a quiz show format, with different point values for various difficulty levels.

6. Flashcard Relay Race: Teams of students race to solve flashcard problems as quickly as possible.

7. Mental Math Mania: A board game where players move spaces based on their ability to solve mental math challenges.

8. Sudoku Puzzles: These popular puzzles are great for practicing logic and problem-solving skills related to math.

9. Math Maze Runners: Solve mental math problems to navigate through a maze.

10. Estimation Station: Set up stations where students guess numerical quantities or measurements, then check their accuracy.

11. Fraction War Card Game: Like the traditional card game War but with fractions instead of numbers.

12. Multiplication Squares Game: A two-player game where you create a square on a grid by correctly answering multiplication questions.

13. Money Master Challenge: Students count mixed coins and bills under timed conditions.

14. Factor Frenzy: A time-based game identifying factors of different numbers.

15. Prime Number Hunt: Students have to identify prime numbers from a large grid under time pressure.

16. Equal Equation Search: Search for equal equations using given numbers and operation signs within a time limit.

17. Time Teller Bee: Compete in telling time accurately on clocks with varying difficulties (analog, digital, word problems).

18. Decimal Dash: Focuses on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals in a fun race format.

19. Percent Panic: Players quickly identify the correct percentage of numbers in different scenarios.

20. Ratio Round-Up: This activity involves finding equivalent ratios under time constraints.

21. Algebraic Expressions Excavation: A puzzle game that requires simplifying algebraic expressions correctly to ‘excavate’ treasures.

22. Geometry Jump: Incorporating geometric shapes and concepts into a physical jump rope or hopscotch-like game for active learning.

These mental math games are designed to make learning fun while enhancing arithmetic proficiency among learners of all ages.

How to Declutter Your Classroom the Marie Kondo Way 2

In recent years, Marie Kondo has become synonymous with the art of decluttering and organizing. Her KonMari method has inspired millions to revamp their homes and lives with joy at the center of the tidying process. Schools and classrooms, just as homes, can benefit greatly from this philosophy, transforming cluttered spaces into serene environments optimal for learning and creativity. Here’s how to apply the Marie Kondo way to declutter your classroom.

1. Begin With a Vision: Before you start tidying, visualize your ideal classroom environment. What does it look like? How do you feel when you walk into this space? This vision will guide you through the process and keep you motivated.

2. Commit Fully: Decluttering effectively requires commitment. Set aside enough time to thoroughly sort through everything in your classroom without interruption.

3. Tidy By Category: Instead of tidying by location, Marie Kondo advocates organizing by category. In a classroom setting, this might mean gathering all books, supplies, or teaching aids, irrespective of where they’re kept.

4. Does It Spark Joy?: Hold each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy or is essential for educational purposes. If it neither inspires joy nor serves an educational function, thank your item for its service and set it aside to donate or discard.

5. Decision Making: As a teacher, your decisions should also be student-centered. Will the item contribute to a positive learning experience? Is it useful for your students’ education or development? If not, let it go.

6. Organize Intuitively: Once decluttered, organize materials in a way that makes sense for daily use. Label storage bins and shelves so that both you and your students can easily find and return items where they belong.

7. Maintain Tidiness With Daily Routines: Implement a daily routine where students assist with maintaining order in the classroom. This could be a five-minute tidy-up session at the end of the day.

8. Reflect on Completed Work: After decluttering, reflect back on your vision for the classroom. Make adjustments if necessary to ensure your space remains conducive to learning and joy.

9. Inspire With Your Space: Let your decluttered classroom be an inspiration to students. A clean and organized environment promotes focus, discipline, and an appreciation for tidy spaces that they can carry into other aspects of their lives.

10. Continue The Journey: Decluttering is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. Reassess your classroom periodically to ensure it stays aligned with your educational goals and personal vision for a joyful teaching space.

By applying these principles from Marie Kondo’s method to your classroom, you create an environment that is not only clean but also embodies a sense of joy and purpose in education.

Unique Meet the Teacher Ideas Printables for Every Classroom

Meet the Teacher events are the perfect opportunity to create an inviting atmosphere in your classroom, and what better way to do this than with creative and unique printables? These versatile tools can not only facilitate introductions but also serve as memorable takeaways for students and parents alike. Here are several unique meet the teacher printable ideas that can work for every classroom:

1. All About Me Posters: Start with posters that introduce yourself. Instead of a traditional syllabus or welcome letter, use these posters to share fun facts, your educational background, hobbies, and even your favorite books or quotes.

2. Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Create a printable scavenger hunt that guides students and parents around the room to different stations. Each station could have a question or a fun fact related to the curriculum or classroom resources.

3. Icebreaker Bingo Cards: Make bingo cards with various statements that students can identify with. For instance, “Has traveled out of state,” “Loves science,” or “Has a pet fish.” This helps everyone find common interests while engaging in a fun activity.

4. Wish List Tree: Set up a wish list tree on one of your bulletin boards with printable apples or leaves that list items the classroom needs throughout the year (e.g., tissues, markers, books). Parents can pick an apple when they visit and contribute to your classroom supplies.

5. Parent Homework Assignment: A light-hearted printable that “assigns” parents a tiny bit of homework for the first day. This may include sharing their child’s favorite book or sending in a family photo for a class bulletin board.

6. Time Capsule Questionnaire: Hand out questionnaires for students to fill out about their current interests and aspirations. Seal these away and promise to open them at the end of the school year.

7. Goals Garland: Have each student fill out a star-shaped printable with a goal they have for the school year, then string them together and create a garland decoration with all students’ goals prominently displayed.

8. Student Info Cards: Provide cards where students can write in-depth information about themselves – their likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, and anything they think you should know about them as their teacher.

Infusing your Meet the Teacher night with these innovative printables not only makes the experience more dynamic but also establishes strong connections from day one. Customizing printables according to themes or subjects you’ll be covering through the year can also excite students about what’s ahead in their educational journey!

Meet Our Teacher, Janeen Holzberger — Teach Starter

When it comes to dedication and creativity in teaching, Janeen Holzberger shines as a remarkable example. A seasoned educator with over 25 years of experience, Janeen’s passion for teaching is evident in her commitment to inspiring her students.

Teach Starter, a platform dedicated to providing educational resources, showcases the unique and inspirational journey of teachers like Janeen. Through a candid blog post on their website, they introduce us to Janeen Holzberger, allowing us to delve into her experiences and teaching philosophy.

Raised in rural Pennsylvania, Janeen was inspired by her fourth-grade teacher’s impact on her life. This early influence sowed the seeds for her future career in education. She became a teacher herself and now works in an elementary school where she pours her heart into creating an engaging learning environment for her young learners.

Janeen believes in the transformative power of education and emphasizes the importance of building a strong classroom community. Her methods go beyond traditional lectures; they embody interactive learning experiences that encourage students to become active participants in their education. She strives to teach them not only academic skills but also life lessons that they will carry with them long after they leave her classroom.

In her interview with Teach Starter, Janeen shares valuable insights into effective teaching strategies and offers advice for new teachers entering the profession. With her infectious enthusiasm and wealth of knowledge, she serves as an inspiration for veteran educators as well as those just starting out.

Her story is just one among many featured on Teach Starter’s blog that illuminate the lives of educators and their profound impact on shaping future generations. By spotlighting teachers like Janeen Holzberger, Teach Starter emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting those at the heart of education — our teachers.

Light Up Your Classroom with Free Downloadable Light Box Inserts!

Are you looking for a way to brighten your classroom and engage your students? Teach Starter has come up with a wonderful solution that combines creativity with learning – downloadable light box inserts that you can print and showcase in your classroom!

Light boxes have become quite a trend in home decor, but they also have a place in the educational setting. They serve not only as an attractive feature in your classroom but also as a versatile tool for instruction and classroom management. The softly lit background with clear, bold text or images can capture students’ attention effectively, making them perfect for emphasizing key points, displaying learning goals, or just setting a warm, welcoming environment.

The good news is that Teach Starter is offering 21 freely downloadable light box inserts, each designed with educators and classrooms in mind. This blog post showcases some of the most creative and functional insert designs you can start using today.

The selection includes a variety of themes and messages such as inspirational quotes to motivate your class, calendars to keep track of important dates, birthday messages to celebrate students’ special occasions, and many more. Each insert comes in a standard size to fit most light boxes, and the designs are colorful and vibrant bringing energy and life into any classroom space.

Not only do these inserts look great, but they’re also an excellent resource for teachers aiming to create a dynamic learning environment. Such visually appealing tools can be incorporated into daily teaching routines or used during special events at school. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for teachers to discuss themes like positivity, motivation, time management, and recognition with their students.

What’s even better is the ease of use that comes with these light box inserts. Simply download the designs you like from Teach Starter’s website, print them on transparent sheets or regular paper if you prefer a non-illuminated option, and slide them into your light box – it’s that easy!

Teach Starter has thoughtfully put together these resources so teachers can save time while still providing an engaging class experience. So why not take advantage of these delightful educational tools? Head over to their blog using the provided link ( to browse through the collection of free downloadable light box inserts. Light up your classroom today and watch your students’ faces light up too!

The Value of Teaching Consonant Blends to Children

Teaching children to read is a fundamental part of early education, and one key aspect of this process is learning about consonant blends. A consonant blend is a group of two or more consonants sounded together in such a way that each consonant is heard, like the ‘bl’ in “black” or the ‘str’ in “street.” But are these blends really worth focusing on in the classroom? Let’s delve into the reasons why teaching consonant blends is indeed worthwhile.

Firstly, understanding consonant blends helps with the development of phonological awareness—an essential component of reading ability. Phonological awareness is the skill that allows children to recognize and work with sounds in spoken language. By learning how to navigate through blends, children naturally enhance their ability to dissect and comprehend words, making it easier for them to tackle new reading material.

Moreover, the mastery of consonant blends can increase a child’s reading fluency. When children can quickly decode the sounds within words, they are less likely to struggle with or stumble over them while reading. This results in smoother and faster reading, which boosts comprehension as well because there’s less pause between words and more continuous thought processes.

Another significant reason for teaching blends is that it can improve spelling skills. When children understand how letters combine to make distinct sounds, they are better equipped to spell unfamiliar words correctly. This is particularly useful for English language learners, who might not intuitively understand these sound relationships from their native language background.

Consonant blends also expand a child’s vocabulary as they become more adept at identifying and understanding more complex words. A solid grasp of consonant blends not only aids early readers with simpler texts but also prepares them for the challenges of more advanced literature as they progress through school.

Finally, engaging with consonant blends from an early stage encourages linguistic curiosity and love for word play by revealing patterns within words. Children who enjoy playing with language are likely to become lifelong readers and learners.

In conclusion, teaching consonant blends is a crucial part of literacy education that can have profound impacts on a child’s ability to read, write, understand complex materials and enjoy the world of words. It sets a strong foundation not only for academic success but also for a lifetime love of reading. Therefore, it’s clear that investing time in teaching these blends has extensive benefits and should be considered a valuable endeavour in every young learner’s journey.

STEM Education in the Classroom: Empowering Future Innovators

In recent years, the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education has been recognized as a cornerstone for future innovation and economic growth. As the world evolves at an accelerating pace, integrating STEM into classroom teaching is crucial in preparing students for the demands of the future job market and in fostering a new generation of problem-solvers and creators.

STEM education refers to a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — through an integrated approach. Instead of teaching these subjects separately, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm that mirrors real-life scenarios.

The rise of STEM in education is not merely a trend; it’s a response to the current and future demands of our technological societies. By immersing students in interdisciplinary projects, STEM education fosters an environment for students to develop critical thinking skills and encourages innovative approaches to problem-solving. It also provides an educational space where creativity meets functionality, allowing children to exercise their imagination while building a strong foundation in essential skills that transcend academic boundaries.

One of the key advantages of incorporating STEM into the classroom is its ability to provide context to theoretical concepts. This happens through hands-on experimentation, project-based learning, and inquiry-based activities. Students are more inclined to engage deeply with the subject matter when they see its relevance to everyday life. For example, understanding ratios and proportions becomes much more compelling when constructing a model bridge or calculating the right mixtures for a chemical experiment.

Moreover, STEM education promotes collaboration among students. Many STEM activities require teamwork as learners come together to solve problems, exchange ideas, and divide work according to individual strengths. These collaborative efforts help build communication skills and leadership qualities that are invaluable in all areas of life.

Another significant aspect of STEM teaching is its inclusivity. STEM subjects have historically been male-dominated fields; however, current educational strategies emphasize engaging underrepresented groups such as girls and minority students. By creating inclusive learning environments that challenge stereotypes, schools can encourage diverse populations to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Technology plays a major role too. In this digital age where tech is ubiquitous, integrating technological tools into education is paramount. From using tablets for research to programming robots for scientific experiments, technology enriches the learning experience and prepares learners for technologically driven workplaces.

Despite these benefits, there are challenges facing the integration of STEM into classrooms. These include training educators who can effectively teach an interdisciplinary curriculum and ensuring schools are equipped with the necessary resources. Moreover, measuring student success in these programs can be complex due to their dynamic and practical nature.

To tackle these issues head-on, it’s important for educational leaders to invest in professional development for teachers and procure classroom resources that facilitate interactive learning. Engagement with industry partners can also bring real-world expertise into classrooms while providing insight into current trends within STEM fields.

In conclusion, STEM education is not just about producing scientists or engineers; it’s about shaping adaptable thinkers who can contribute meaningfully to society with innovation at their core. Programs designed to incorporate STEM disciplines help students cultivate a diverse skill set that primes them for success no matter where their career paths may lead them. As we educate today’s youth with this forward-thinking approach, we pave the way for talented individuals who will spearhead progress across all sectors tomorrow.

Back-to-School Teaching Resource Pack: A Must-Have for Year 1 Teachers in Australia

As the beginning of the school year approaches, educators across Australia are eagerly preparing their classrooms and curriculum to welcome a new cohort of Year 1 students. The transition from kindergarten to Year 1 is a significant step for young learners, and it’s essential for teachers to have the right resources at hand to ensure a smooth and engaging start to the school year. One such resource is the comprehensive “Year 1 Back-to-School Teaching Resource Pack” offered by Teach Starter, an incredible asset for Australian teachers.

Teach Starter, known for its innovative and curriculum-aligned teaching resources, has curated a resource pack specifically designed to meet the unique needs of Year 1 classrooms. This compilation of educational materials aims to support teachers as they establish routines, introduce new concepts, and create an enriching learning environment. From literacy and numeracy activities to beautifully designed classroom decor, this pack contains everything needed to captivate young minds.

The resource pack includes a variety of worksheets and activities that align with the Australian Curriculum, ensuring that teachers can effortlessly incorporate them into their lesson plans. Engaging exercises in maths, writing prompts, reading activities, and more are ready for use straight out of the box. Addressing key learning areas such as English, Mathematics, Science, and Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), the pack offers versatile tools tailored to Year 1 students.

Additionally, classroom management resources within the pack help teachers establish clear expectations from day one. Decorative elements not only brighten up the classroom but also serve educational purposes; for example, alphabet and number charts reinforce fundamental skills in a visually appealing manner. The vibrant colours and fun designs are sure to capture students’ attention and promote a love of learning.

Organisation is also a core component of the “Year 1 Back-to-School Teaching Resource Pack.” Customisable labels make it easy for educators to keep materials sorted while teaching students about responsibility when it comes to personal belongings. Job charts facilitate cooperation by assigning roles among students that rotate throughout the school year.

The pack’s inclusive design ensures that all children feel represented and valued in their learning community. Resources celebrate diversity and encourage respect amongst classmates—an important aspect of social development at this stage.

In summary, Teach Starter’s “Year 1 Back-to-School Teaching Resource Pack” is an indispensable collection of tools for any Year 1 teacher in Australia looking to kick off the school year on the right foot. By providing engaging materials that meet curricular standards while also aiding classroom management and organisation, this resource pack allows educators to focus on what they do best—teaching and inspiring young learners.

Embrace the Sloth Craze in Your Classroom with These Adorable Resources!

In recent years, the charm of sloths has captured the hearts of people worldwide, and it’s no surprise that this fascination has made its way into the classroom. Teach Starter has introduced an adorable sloth-themed classroom resource collection that promises to bring a sense of calm and delight to any learning environment.

The new blog post from Teach Starter titled “We’ve Been Hanging Out For This Sloth Classroom Theme & Resources!” showcases a variety of resources that educators can use to decorate their classrooms and engage students. The sloth-themed collection includes everything from welcoming banners and birthday charts to name tags and job charts, all adorned with cute and sleepy sloth illustrations.

These resources do not only add a touch of whimsy to the classroom decor but are also designed to be functional and educational. For instance, the ‘Sloth Schedule’ allows teachers to outline the day’s activities while maintaining an engaging theme. Likewise, the ‘Sloth-Themed Grouping Posters’ provide a fun way for teachers to organize students into groups for activities or projects.

The blog post highlights how incorporating a theme that students are enthusiastic about, such as sloths, can enhance engagement and create an inviting learning atmosphere. This is particularly effective for younger students who find such adorable themes appealing and memorable.

Furthermore, Teach Starter provides information on how educators can effectively use these resources in their classrooms. It recommends several creative ideas catered towards making learning more enjoyable through this delightful theme.

Overall, Teach Starter offers a fresh take on classroom decoration and student engagement with its sloth-themed resources. By capitalizing on this trendy animal, teachers can introduce a sense of fun, fascination, and relaxation into their classrooms which can greatly benefit both teaching and learning experiences.

Whether you’re a seasoned educator looking for novel ideas or a new teacher eager to establish an engaging classroom environment from day one, these sloth-inspired resources from Teach Starter could be just what you need. So why not let these laid-back creatures inspire your teaching methods and help create an educational space where students feel motivated and at ease? With Teach Starter’s latest collection, your classroom is set to become the coolest ‘hangout’ spot!

Positive New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers to Inspire Change and Growth

As the New Year approaches, people around the world are setting their sights on personal transformation and improvement. It’s a time for reflection and forward-thinking, and teachers are well-positioned to harness this opportunity to influence both their professional practices and the lives of their students.

Here are some uplifting New Year’s resolutions for teachers that can bring about positive change in the classroom:

1.Cultivate a Positive Classroom Environment:

Resolve to create a learning space where positivity thrives. This involves recognizing each student’s strengths, offering words of encouragement frequently, and shaping interactions that build a supportive community among peers.

2.Embrace Professional Development:

Commit to personal growth by attending workshops, enrolling in courses, or joining educational forums. Learning new teaching strategies and staying abreast of educational research keeps teachers at the top of their game.

3.Foster Inclusivity:

Make it a goal to ensure every student feels seen and valued. Tailoring teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles and cultural backgrounds demonstrates respect for diversity.

4.Prioritize Self-Care:

Teachers work tirelessly and often put the needs of their students before their own. This year, make a commitment to balance by setting aside regular time for self-care activities that rejuvenate the spirit.

5.Encourage Student Autonomy:

Challenge yourself to step back when appropriate and allow students to take charge of their learning journey. Guiding them toward independence will build their confidence and critical thinking skills.

6.Give Back to the Community:

Consider resolutions that extend beyond the classroom walls. Engaging with local community projects or global educational initiatives can offer rewarding experiences while broadening students’ perspectives.

7.Go Green in the Classroom:

Make environmental responsibility a priority by incorporating sustainable practices into your teaching and encouraging students to be eco-conscious.

8.Team Collaboration:

Aim to strengthen relationships with colleagues by sharing resources, coordinating on projects, or simply offering support where needed.

9.Integrate Technology Creatively:

With technology becoming an essential part of education, commit to integrating it into your classroom in ways that enhance learning and encourage digital literacy.

10.Practice Reflective Teaching:

Regularly take stock of your teaching practices with an open mind. Reflecting on what works well or what might need adjustment helps refine your approach over time.

11.Prioritize Work-Life Balance:

Strive for balance between work responsibilities and personal life to avoid burnout and maintain enthusiasm for teaching throughout the year.

12.Set Attainable Goals:

Whether it’s related to student achievement or professional milestones, setting realistic goals helps guide your actions and measures progress throughout the year.

Teachers have the unique opportunity not just to grow personally but also professionally as they inspire future generations. By adopting these resolutions or creating their own personalized goals, educators can look forward to a fulfilling year ahead filled with growth, inspiration, and positive change within their classrooms—and themselves.

Black Lives Matter: A Catalyst for Change in Education

The Black Lives Matter movement has transcended beyond the call for justice in policing—it has sparked a global conversation about racial inequality in various sectors, including education. In particular, it has shone a light on the educational disparities faced by Indigenous university students and has underscored the need for teaching about social justice and persuasive writing from early years of schooling.

Indigenous students pursuing university education often face significant barriers that hinder their academic success. These obstacles can range from financial hardships to cultural alienation within predominantly white campuses. The systemic nature of these challenges requires multifaceted solutions, including increased access to scholarships, mentoring programs, culturally aware counseling services, and curricula that reflect Indigenous histories and contributions.

The influence of the Black Lives Matter movement on educational reform does not stop at higher education. It also emphasizes the importance of incorporating social justice themes into early childhood education. Persuasive writing is a powerful tool taught at this stage that can empower young learners to articulate their thoughts on fairness, equality, and human rights. By integrating these critical themes into lesson plans, educators can nurture empathy and awareness in their students from a young age.

Teaching persuasive writing with topics related to social justice not only develops literacy skills but also shapes future citizens who are attuned to the complexities of the societal fabric around them. These lessons lay foundations for respectful dialogue and informed activism—a step towards closing not just educational gaps but promoting societal unity across diverse populations.

In conclusion, the Black Lives Matter movement is not only transforming societal norms but is also fostering educational evolution. The push for equitable treatment across all levels of education is creating pathways for necessary discussions and changes within academic institutions from early learning to university levels. This movement encourages educators to be catalysts for change—inspiring Indigenous students to thrive in university environments while empowering younger generations through persuasive writing to voice their stand on meaningful issues.

Opinion Time: Should Parents Parent and Teachers Teach?

In the world of education, lines can sometimes blur between the roles of parents and teachers. This has given rise to a significant question: Should parents just parent and teachers just teach? The debate is a perennial one, with valid arguments on both sides.

Those who advocate for a clear boundary between parenting and teaching argue that educators are trained professionals who understand how to convey knowledge and facilitate learning in a way that parents may not. They emphasize that teachers have the expertise to assess educational needs, individualize instruction, and manage classroom dynamics effectively. This perspective suggests that parents should trust educators to do their jobs while focusing on providing emotional support, instilling good values, and nurturing their children’s well-being at home.

On the other hand, proponents of a more integrated approach believe that education is not confined to the classroom’s four walls. Learning is a continuous process that happens everywhere, and parental involvement can enhance it. By being partners in their children’s education, parents can reinforce what is taught in school, provide contextual family knowledge which could aid teaching strategies, and actively engage in school-based decisions. Students often benefit when there is consistency between home and school expectations.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that over-involvement of parents can lead to issues such as undermining teachers’ authority or contributing to increased stress for children if expectations are misaligned between educators and parents.

Ultimately, finding the golden mean where both parties work collaboratively toward the best interest of the child seems to be the most beneficial approach. Regular communication between teachers and parents, mutual respect for each other’s roles, and a shared commitment to fostering an environment conducive to learning are key components of this partnership.

The conversation about whether parents should strictly parent while teachers exclusively teach remains open-ended. It touches upon cultural values regarding education, individual beliefs about child-rearing, and systemic structures in place within educational institutions. What remains clear is that both parenting and teaching are invaluable tasks which profoundly influence a child’s development. Bridging them in an effective partnership could very well be the answer to creating holistic learning environments tailored to prepare students not only for academic success but also life beyond school.

While every family and teacher will navigate this relationship differently based on their unique circumstances, striking a balance that respects both roles while keeping the child’s best interest front and center is fundamental in this ongoing discussion.

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