Pedagogue Blog

Paint by Numbers or Picasso? How Structured Should We Make Kids Art?


Parents and educators often encounter the question: “When it comes to children’s art, how structured should we be?” Some argue that a more structured approach, like paint by numbers, fosters discipline and organization, whereas others defend artistic freedom a la Picasso. This article will explore the benefits of both structured and unstructured approaches to children’s art and discuss ways in which parents and educators can create a balanced environment for artistic growth.

Structured Approach: Paint by Numbers

Paint by numbers is an activity in which children fill in color-coded areas on a canvas according to a numbered guide. This approach to art has several benefits for young artists:

1. Develops fine motor skills: Children must carefully control their brush strokes to fill in each section accurately.

2. Builds focus and concentration: The task requires patience and attention to detail.

3. Encourages discipline and organization: Children must follow the instructions carefully to create the intended image.

Unstructured Approach: Embracing the Picasso

Inspired by the creative freedom of famous artists like Pablo Picasso, many parents and educators advocate for unrestricted artistic expression in children’s art. Key benefits of this approach include:

1. Encourages creativity: Children are free to experiment with colors, shapes, and techniques without strict guidelines.

2. Builds self-confidence: Children gain a sense of accomplishment when they create original artwork without relying on a template.

3. Fosters problem-solving skills: Unstructured art encourages critical thinking as children find new ways to express their ideas visually.

Finding the Balance

While both structured and unstructured approaches have their merits, providing a balanced learning environment can help children experience the best of both worlds:

1. Offer a mix of guided and open-ended activities: Alternate between occasions where children follow paint by numbers or similar guidelines, and those where they have free rein to create as they please.

2. Encourage experimentation: Allow children to experiment with different materials, techniques, and styles while working on structured art projects, as well as when creating freely.

3. Provide constructive feedback: Offer guidance and encouragement to help children improve their skills in both structured and unstructured art settings.


Ultimately, the balance between structure and freedom in children’s art will depend on individual preferences and learning styles. By providing a variety of artistic experiences that include both Paint by Numbers-style projects and Picasso-inspired creativity, parents and educators can nurture well-rounded, confident artists who are equipped with the skills and inspiration to tackle a range of creative challenges.

25 Best Math Videos for Kids and Teens

1. Introduction

Mathematics is a critical subject in our everyday lives, and it’s crucial to establish a strong foundation from an early age. By introducing children and teens to engaging and informative math videos, they can develop an interest in the subject and even find it enjoyable. We have compiled a list of the 25 best math videos for kids and teens that can help them understand complex concepts, solve problems, and enhance their analytical skills.

2. Top 25 Math Videos for Kids and Teens

1. Khan Academy: An extensive library of video lessons on various math concepts for kids of all ages.

2. Numberphile: A YouTube channel dedicated to interesting facts, explanations, and puzzles about numbers.

3. TED-Ed: Short animated math lessons designed to spark curiosity and promote a love for learning.

4. Math Antics: Fun math tutorials that simplify topics for easy understanding.

5. PBS Math Club: Engaging video series aimed at middle schoolers covering a wide range of mathematical concepts.

6. Over 10,000 tutorial videos led by experienced teachers working through different math problems step-by-step.

7. PatrickJMT: Concise instructional videos designed to simplify calculus, algebra, trigonometry, and more.

8. Vihart: Unique doodling-based videos explaining mathematical concepts in an entertaining manner.

9. Mathispower4u: A comprehensive collection of over 7,000 instructional math videos for K-12 students.

10. Yaymath: High-energy interactive lessons taught by an enthusiastic teacher seeking to make mathematics enjoyable for all students.

11. Art of Problem Solving: A series of short videos on challenging math problems aimed at improving problem-solving skills.

12. Professor Leonard – Calculus Lessons: Comprehensive series of calculus lectures from a college professor suitable for advanced high school students.

13. JuliesGardenOfMath: Unconventional videos using visual elements like nature, art, and dance to explain mathematics concepts.

14. Coolmath: Fun animated videos covering topics like geometry, algebra, probability, and more.

15. Mathademics: A YouTube channel with tutorials on various topics in mathematics for elementary through high school students.

16. Mathematicsonline: A collection of entertaining math videos for kids and teens explaining everything from basic arithmetic to calculus.

17. Minute Math: Short videos that offer quick explanations of different math concepts and problems in just a minute.

18. TabletClassMath: In-depth video lessons focusing on algebra, geometry, and other math subjects taught by a professional teacher.

19. Socratica: High-quality educational math videos covering topics like fractions, linear equations, polynomials, and more.

20. Mr.Joyner’s Intuitive Math: Engaging videos teaching practical applications of math in real life scenarios.

21. Algebra and pre-calculus tutorials explaining math concepts through straightforward examples.

22. Videos made for students seeking simplified explanations of mathematical concepts like numbers, decimals, percents, and more.

23. 3Blue1Brown: Visualizations to make complex topics in linear algebra and calculus more accessible for students.

24. Tarver Academy – Math Tutorials playlist: Offers a playlist of geometry tutorials for beginner to advanced level students.

25. Organic Chemistry Tutor – Math Video Lessons Playlist: Video lessons playlist covering various math subjects for middle school and high school students.

3. Conclusion

This list represents some of the best math videos available to help kids and teens grasp mathematical concepts while keeping them entertained. By incorporating these resources into daily learning routines, we can effectively support children in developing strong mathematical foundations that will benefit them throughout their academic careers and beyond.

14 Memes That Nail the Reality of Being a Teacher Mom


Being a teacher mom is no easy feat. Juggling the responsibilities of nurturing young minds in the classroom and raising children at home can often leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Let’s face it – teacher moms are superheroes in disguise! In the spirit of celebrating these everyday heroes, we’ve compiled 14 memes that perfectly capture the reality of being a teacher mom.

1. The “One More Thing” Meme

Imagine having a full day of teaching, only to come home to your own children asking for help with homework. This meme perfectly captures the feeling of being pulled in every direction by both roles.

2. The Endless Stamina Meme

The one where a teacher mom is depicted as an Energizer bunny, showcasing her ability to keep going and going throughout the day without losing steam.

3. The “Hiding Snacks” Meme

When you’re a teacher mom, sometimes the only solace is a secret stash of delicious treats hidden away from both students and kids at home.

4. The Never-Ending Grading Meme

Grading papers for your students during the day, and checking your child’s homework at night – this meme truly nails the non-stop cycle of grading that every teacher parent goes through.

5. The Missing School Supplies Meme

The hilarious meme showing how all pens, pencils, and markers magically disappear after entering a home with a teacher parent.

6. The Work-Life Balance Meme

A classic meme illustrating the struggle of finding balance between work life and family life – something every teacher parent knows all too well!

7. The “Double Homework” Meme

Catching up on school grading while helping kids with their own homework – this meme accurately represents how busy evenings can be for teacher parents.

8. The Parent-Teacher Conference Meme

The moment when you realize you’re not just attending parent-teacher conferences as a teacher, but also as a parent.

9. The “Under One Roof” Meme

When you teach at the same school your children attend, leaving work behind becomes even more difficult.

10. The After-School Activities Meme

Juggling your students’ extracurricular activities and your own kids’ schedules – this meme highlights the challenge of organizing it all.

11. The Surprise Classroom Visit Meme

The hilarious reaction when your own child pops by during school hours to say hello or ask for something.

12. The “No Breaks Allowed” Meme

A relatable meme about constantly being needed by someone – whether it be a student or a child at home – and never getting a minute to oneself.

13. The Summer Vacation Meme

The bittersweet realization that summer vacation doesn’t actually mean time off for teacher moms, since kids are home 24/7.

14. The “I Survived” Meme

Finally, a triumphant meme in celebration of making it through another busy day balancing both roles with grace and patience.


These 14 memes truly nail the reality of being a teacher mom. While life can be hectic and demanding, it also brings an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. So, take a moment to laugh, relate, and share these memes with fellow teacher parents who understand the unique challenges you face every day.

Help! A Parent Won’t Let Their Kid Use Any Technology at All

In today’s world, technology is a crucial part of our daily lives. It has made living easier in countless ways, including communication, education, and entertainment. However, some parents might impose strict restrictions on their children’s usage of technology. These parents argue that extensive use of technology can lead to negative consequences such as addiction and lack of social skills. This article addresses the challenges faced when a parent won’t let their child use any technology at all and offers practical solutions for finding a middle ground.

The Consequences of Complete Restriction

It is important to recognize the potential downsides of completely denying a child access to technology. In an increasingly digital world, children must develop digital literacy skills to be successful in school, work, and social environments. Here are some of the potential consequences of stringent restrictions on technology usage for children:

1. Hindered Development: When a child is barred from utilizing technology, they may lag behind their peers in understanding how digital platforms and tools work. This learning gap can hinder their academic performance and later affect job prospects.

2. Socialization Barriers: With the growing popularity of instant messaging and social networking platforms, children who are prevented from using these tools may find it challenging to establish and maintain friendships with peers who use them frequently.

3. Limited Access to Resources: The internet has become an invaluable resource for educational purposes, offering access to countless articles, tutorials, academic papers, and more. By denying a child the opportunity to use online resources for learning, they may be placed at an academic disadvantage compared to their peers.

Finding Middle Ground

While there are legitimate concerns about excessive screen time and online distractions or safety issues, it is crucial to find some middle ground between total restriction and unrestricted access. Here are some suggestions for achieving a suitable balance:

1. Establish Clear Boundaries: Set limits for screen time, and choose age-appropriate devices and applications for your child to use.

2. Balance Online and Offline Activities: Encourage your child to participate in a variety of offline activities, such as sports, art, music, or social events. This allows them to develop well-rounded skills.

3. Monitor and Guide: Instead of completely banning technology usage, educate your child about safe online practices. Keep an open line of communication and involve yourself in their online activities to guide them towards using technology responsibly and beneficially.

4. Implement Parental Controls: Make use of parental control features available on devices and applications such as screen time limitations, restriction of content access, and tracking options for keeping track of your child’s digital activities.


Technology is an essential aspect of modern life, offering countless opportunities for learning, communication, and personal development. While it’s crucial to protect children from the potential pitfalls of overusing technology or being exposed to inappropriate content online, completely restricting their use of technology can lead to hindered growth and limited opportunities. By finding a middle ground through establishing boundaries, balancing activities, monitoring use, and implementing parental controls, parents can ensure that children reap the benefits of technology while mitigating potential risks.

How to Shop Yard Sales, Thrift Stores & FB Marketplace for Your Classroom


As an educator, it is important to maximize your budget while still providing a well-rounded and enjoyable learning environment for your students. One way to achieve this is by shopping for deals on used items at yard sales, thrift stores, and Facebook Marketplace. In this article, we will discuss tips and strategies for finding valuable items for your classroom at these venues.

1. Start with a list and budget:

Before venturing out to look for items, create a list of what you need for your classroom. This could include books, educational toys, storage solutions, furniture, or decorative items. Additionally, set a realistic budget that you are willing to spend on each item.

2. Do your research:

Spend some time researching which thrift stores and yard sales are in your area. In the case of Facebook Marketplace, familiarize yourself with the platform by browsing through listings and exploring different categories.

3. Visit yard sales early:

Timing is crucial when it comes to yard sale shopping. To find the best items for your classroom, try to arrive at yard sales early in the day when there is more inventory available. This will give you a head start over other shoppers who may also be interested in purchasing discounted educational materials.

4. Explore multiple venues:

Variety is key when shopping for classroom items at discounted prices. Try visiting multiple yard sales and thrift stores in one day or over the weekend to increase your chances of finding great deals.

5. Negotiate wisely:

Since many sellers at yard sales and on Facebook Marketplace are motivated to sell their items quickly, they can often be open to negotiations on price. When engaging in negotiations, make sure to be respectful and offer a fair price that aligns with both parties’ expectations.

6. Be open-minded and creative:

When shopping for classroom materials at these venues, be open-minded about what items could potentially be repurposed for your classroom. Be creative by imagining how a non-traditional or unexpected item can be utilized to benefit your students and their education.

7. Thoroughly inspect items:

Before purchasing any item, make sure to thoroughly inspect it for potential damage or issues. Keep sanitation and safety in mind, especially when purchasing toys, games, or furniture.

8. Check Facebook Marketplace frequently:

In comparison to yard sales and thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace offers the advantage of being able to browse items from the comfort of your home. To increase your chances of spotting an amazing deal, make it a habit to check the Marketplace listings daily.


By following these tips and strategies, you can maximize your budget and find valuable items for your classroom through yard sales, thrift stores, and Facebook Marketplace. With creativity, patience, and dedication, you will be well on your way to creating a diverse and engaging educational environment for your students.

6 Ways Principals Are Finding Joy This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time for joy and reflection, and it’s no different for school principals. Despite the challenges that educators have faced this year, principals are finding unique ways to embrace the holidays and bring cheer to their schools. Here are six ways that principals are finding joy this holiday season:

1. Organizing Festive Entertainment

One way principals are keeping spirits high is by organizing festive entertainment in their schools. From musical performances to winter-themed plays, students and staff have the chance to showcase their talents and bring the community together.

2. Decorating the School

Principals are encouraging students, teachers, and staff to work together in decorating their schools for the holidays. This collaborative effort not only fosters a sense of unity but also gives everyone a chance to express their creativity.

3. Community Service Projects

Many principals use the holiday season as an opportunity to give back to their communities through charitable activities. By organizing food or clothing drives, volunteering at local shelters, or supporting families in need, schools are able to make a positive impact on those around them.

4. Emphasizing Mental Health and Well-being

The holidays can be stressful for both students and staff. Recognizing this, many principals are taking steps to promote mental health and well-being within their schools. Meditation sessions, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness exercises are just a few examples of initiatives that can improve overall morale during this busy time.

5. Virtual Celebrations

Given that many activities have shifted online due to the ongoing pandemic, some principals are utilizing virtual platforms for holiday celebrations. Students and staff can participate in virtual gatherings or school-wide events such as online talent shows or trivia games.

6. Taking Time for Personal Reflection

Finally, many principals are finding joy this holiday season by taking time for personal reflection on their accomplishments and growth throughout the year. This quiet introspection allows them to consider new possibilities for the upcoming year and find a renewed sense of purpose in their roles as educators.

In conclusion, despite the many challenges that principals face, they are still finding ways to experience joy this holiday season. By focusing on community engagement, mental health, and creative approaches to celebration, principals can foster an atmosphere of positivity and unity within their schools.

How Should Teachers Navigate Social Media in the Classroom?

In today’s digitally connected world, social media plays a crucial role in people’s lives, including students. For educators, effectively incorporating social media platforms into classroom settings can provide numerous benefits. However, it is essential for teachers to understand how to navigate social media responsibly to maintain a balanced learning environment.

1. Set clear guidelines and expectations

Before introducing social media in the classroom, teachers must establish clear guidelines and expectations. It is essential to communicate these rules to students and outline the permitted usage and specific platforms allowed during class time. This will ensure that students use social platforms within established boundaries and that their involvement doesn’t interfere with the learning process.

2. Use social media as an educational tool

Social media provides endless possibilities for interactive learning experiences. Teachers can use platforms like Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram to initiate discussions on relevant topics or share educational materials with students. Students can collaborate on projects using Google Docs or even participate in national and international educational programs via Skype or Zoom conferences.

3. Encourage proper behavior online

For educators, teaching students about digital citizenship is a must in today’s digital age. Part of navigating social media responsibly involves discussing appropriate online behavior, privacy concerns, and how to address cyberbullying with students. Teaching ethical internet usage provides the groundwork for responsible utilization of social platforms, both within and outside the classroom.

4. Monitor and overview student activity

To guarantee that students use social media constructively during class time, teachers should undertake efforts to monitor their interactions on various platforms actively. Utilizing classroom management software may help track student activity efficiently. Moreover, teachers can ask their students for regular feedback regarding online exchanges, promoting communication and transparency within the learning environment.

5. Recognize the importance of privacy

Educators must acknowledge the significance of privacy when incorporating social media into their classrooms. School policies or parental consent may be obligatory before inviting students to join social platforms. Additionally, teachers should be cautious when sharing personal information or content, avoiding any potential boundary blurring with students.

6. Professional development and training

As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for educators to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in utilizing social media for educational purposes. Participating in professional development workshops or collaborating with fellow educators can significantly contribute to growing teachers’ capabilities and refining their classroom strategies.


Navigating social media in the classroom presents a plethora of opportunities for today’s educators as long as they approach it strategically and responsibly. By setting clear expectations, focusing on educational objectives, teaching digital citizenship skills, and being aware of privacy concerns, teachers can harness the power of social media platforms to create engaging learning experiences for their students.

16 Ideas for Making Your Yearbook Easier, Stress-free, and Student-led


Yearbooks have long been a cherished keepsake for high school students. Immortalizing memories and commemorating academic years gone by, they help archive life-long friendships and incredible achievements. As ambitious a project as it is, compiling an entire yearbook can be made more manageable by following these 16 ideas for creating an easier, stress-free experience with student-led involvement.

1. Assemble a dedicated team:

Utilize clubs or school organizations to gather a group of students passionate about graphic design, photography, and writing to delegate the yearbook workload.

2. Set clear timelines:

Establish deadlines for each stage of production. This will encourage prompt submissions from students and streamline the editing process.

3. Utilize online tools:

Utilize free online design tools like Canva to create professional-looking layouts without purchasing expensive software.

4. Create a centralized yearbook inbox:

Designate a specific email address for all students to send their contributions like photos, quotes, and other content relevant to the yearbook.

5. Delegate with committees:

Divide tasks among committees to ensure the focus remains on individual sections like sports, faculty pages, and extracurricular activities.

6. Establish clear communication:

Hold regular meetings with the yearbook team to maintain clear communication about progress updates, challenges faced, and any help needed.

7. Develop templates:

Create templates for each section of the yearbook to save time and ensure consistency in design.

8. Crowdsourcing:

Encourage participation from all students by asking them to submit ideas, photographs or designs via social media platforms or the yearbook inbox.

9. Host “Yearbook Signing” events:

Dedicate a few days during lunch or immediately after school for students to sign each other’s yearbooks in a relaxed atmosphere.

10. Fundraising initiatives:

Leverage bake sales, car washes or merchandise sales to fund the expenses associated with yearbook publication and printing.

11. Encourage creativity:

Cultivate an environment where students feel comfortable contributing original ideas to make the yearbook unique.

12. Utilize a proofreading system:

Implement a thorough proofreading process comprising of multiple revisions and editors to minimize mistakes before printing.

13. Create a strong support network:

Build strong relationships with faculty advisors and other school staff members for guidance throughout the yearbook process.

14. Recognize your contributors:

Show appreciation to the student-led team by dedicating a “Thank You” page in the yearbook acknowledging their hard work.

15. Troubleshoot and learn from setbacks:

When challenges arise, encourage open dialogue with the team on how best to overcome obstacles to maintain overall project momentum.

16. Celebrate success:

Once the yearbook is published, recognize the efforts of everyone involved by hosting a celebratory event or recognizing them at a school assembly.


By implementing these 16 ideas, schools can facilitate an enjoyable experience in creating a memorable yearbook while involving students at every step. Foster teamwork and collaboration for an empowering collective accomplishment that will be remembered for years to come!

5 Signs a Student May Have Trouble With Auditory Processing (and What You Can Do to Help)

Auditory processing is the brain’s ability to interpret and make sense of sounds. Students with auditory processing difficulties struggle to process, analyze, and understand information presented verbally. This can lead to problems in academic and social settings. Knowing the signs of auditory processing difficulties can help educators determine which students might need extra support. Here are five common indicators that a student may have trouble with auditory processing.

1. Difficulty following spoken directions – Many students with auditory processing difficulties have trouble following spoken instructions or remembering what they’ve just heard. This can be particularly challenging in noisy environments such as classrooms or when given multi-step directions.

What you can do: Break down instructions into smaller steps, provide visual aids to supplement verbal information, and encourage the use of mnemonic devices to help retention. Encourage students to ask for clarification if needed.

2. Poor listening skills – Auditory processing challenges can result in poor listening skills, making it difficult for the student to concentrate during lectures or group discussions. They may frequently misunderstand information or only partially grasp the content being discussed.

What you can do: Offer a quieter, less distracting learning environment whenever possible. Pair auditory information with visual resources, such as slides, charts, or written summaries. Check-in regularly to ensure the student is engaged in the conversation.

3. Trouble distinguishing similar sounds – Some students with auditory processing problems struggle with distinguishing between similar sounds or phonemes, which can lead to confusion when trying to understand speech or decode written words.

What you can do: Practice phonemic awareness activities and work on sound recognition tasks in a quiet environment. Offer extra support and targeted instruction when necessary and consider alternative teaching methods that emphasize visual cues, such as using colored markers for differentiating similar-sounding words.

4. Misinterpreting tone of voice – Students who struggle with auditory processing may also have difficulty deciphering non-verbal cues, such as tone of voice. They may not understand when a teacher is being sarcastic or empathetic, which can lead to frustration and confusion.

What you can do: Be mindful of your tone and facial expressions when speaking with the student. Encourage open communication and let the student know they should ask for clarification if they don’t understand your intent.

5. Poor performance on tasks that require auditory processing – Students with auditory processing challenges typically perform poorly on tasks where auditory information is critical, such as listening comprehension tests, oral exams, or exercises that involve memorizing spoken information.

What you can do: Provide alternative assessment methods, such as written tests instead of oral exams, or allow the use of assistive technology like text-to-speech software. Offer extra time or a quiet environment for assignments and tests that require auditory processing skills.

By recognizing these key signs and offering targeted support, educators can help students with auditory processing difficulties succeed in their academic journey. Always keep an open line of communication with the student and their caregivers to create an inclusive and effective learning environment tailored to their specific needs.

Video Projects Just Got a Whole Lot Easier with This Free Toolkit

The world of video production has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, and the capabilities of even the most humble creators have been amplified by leaps and bounds. One of the prime reasons for this shift is the proliferation of easy-to-use tools and resources that have taken the market by storm. Among these, a free toolkit stands out as a frontrunner in making video projects a breeze for creators worldwide.

Introducing: The Free Video Project Toolkit

This comprehensive, user-friendly toolkit has revolutionized the way we approach video production, empowering novice creators and seasoned professionals alike. Packed with essential features, its diversified range of applications caters to every aspect of video production – from ideation to post-production.

Key Features and Benefits:

1. Streamlined Storyboarding

Crafting a compelling narrative is at the heart of any unforgettable video project. The toolkit offers a robust storyboard tool that simplifies the creative process and provides an efficient method for plotting your vision with ease.

2. Templates Galore

Unleash your creativity with access to an extensive library of professional-grade templates covering multiple genres, styles, and formats. From movies and documentaries to advertisements and educational content, this toolkit has you covered.

3. Efficient Editing Tools

Edit your masterpiece efficiently with powerful, intuitive editing tools that make it a cinch to splice, trim, revise, and craft transitions seamlessly.

4. Advanced Animation Capabilities

Add flair to your narrative with engaging animations that breathe life into your footage. The toolkit’s extensive suite of animation tools lets you customize characters, create fluid motion graphics or import existing assets to elevate your visuals.

5. Versatile Audio Assets

Access an impressive bank of royalty-free audio resources such as music tracks, sound effects libraries and more, tailored to enhance the overall mood of your video project.

6. Easy Collaboration

Invite team members, clients or stakeholders into the fold with an integrated collaboration feature to share updates, provide feedback and contribute to the project effectively and efficiently.

7. Comprehensive Tutorials and Support

Unravel the full potential of your toolkit with in-depth tutorials and expert assistance standing by to walk you through every step of the creative journey.

The Bottom Line:

With this free video project toolkit at your disposal, creators can now unlock unlimited possibilities for their visual storytelling endeavors without breaking the bank. So why wait? Start your adventure in the realm of video production today, and let your imagination run wild with this all-inclusive, user-friendly solution.

Every English Teacher Will Relate to This Hilarious TikTok Teacher Before Winter Break

As winter break approaches, students and teachers alike are counting down the days until they can finally relax and enjoy some much-deserved rest. One teacher, however, has captured the hearts of English educators everywhere by sharing a hilarious TikTok video that encapsulates the essence of being a teacher just before winter break.

The video features a high school English teacher, Ms. Johnson, candidly speaking to her camera between classes. She begins her monologue with exasperation in her voice, as she sighs and says, “Only two more weeks… I can do this.” As the video progresses, Ms. Johnson depicts scenes familiar to educators everywhere: grading papers filled with outlandish answers to simple questions, struggling to stay awake during what feels like the longest faculty meeting ever, and giving last-minute pep talks to procrastinating students.

Ms. Johnson’s charming humor paired with her unfiltered honesty has struck a chord with fellow teachers who recognize these moments from their own classrooms. The video has accumulated thousands of views and comments from other English teachers chiming in to express their solidarity.

One such comment reads, “As an English teacher myself, I completely relate! The last few days before break feel like an eternity!” while another adds, “This is my life! Thank you for making me feel seen!”

Interestingly, Ms. Johnson’s TikTok video not only resonates with English teachers but has also caught the attention of educators across disciplines who are all too familiar with the end-of-semester chaos. In fact, many have begun sharing their own pre-winter break stories in response to Ms. Johnson’s video.

This online camaraderie amongst teachers serves as a reminder that regardless of subject area or grade level taught, educators around the world share common challenges and joys when it comes to nurturing young minds. Ms. Johnson’s video is a humorous call-to-arms for educators, urging them to persevere through the final days before a well-earned winter break.

As we head into the holiday season, let us appreciate the countless teachers like Ms. Johnson who dedicate their lives to imparting knowledge and wisdom. Their unwavering commitment to education remains constant even during the frenzied moments before a much-needed respite. And, thanks to this hilarious TikTok video, English teachers everywhere can enjoy a collective chuckle as they power through the last stretch of school before winter break.

More Parents are Considering Established Online Schools for the Fall

As the fall season approaches, there is growing concern among parents about the uncertain atmosphere that persists in conventional educational institutions due to the ongoing pandemic. As a result, more parents have been considering established online schools for their children as a means of ensuring academic progression with minimized health risks.

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of unconventional means in everyday life, and education is no exception. In recent years, online schools have gained momentum by providing quality education through digital mediums. For parents who are hesitant in sending their children back to physical classrooms, established online schools have come to present a reliable alternative.

Established online schools boast a well-structured curriculum that aligns with state standards while offering flexibility for personalized learning. These schools employ qualified teachers, many of which have experience in both online and traditional settings. Furthermore, these institutions have learnt from past experiences and are now equipped to handle any potential learning gaps associated with remote education.

Another advantage offered by these online platforms is that they enable students to continue their education in a safe environment without hindering academic progress. This factor is especially crucial for families with immunocompromised members who would be directly affected by the risk factors of traditional schooling during the pandemic.

One significant aspect to consider when choosing an online school is its digital infrastructure. Established online institutions excel at providing secure platforms to facilitate seamless virtual communication between students, educators, and families. Consequently, parents can monitor their children’s progress closely and participate in parent-teacher conferences virtually.

Additionally, these institutions often promote social interaction and emotional well-being through live classes that allow for peer-to-peer communication opportunities. These enriching experiences help recreate the classroom atmosphere remotely while fostering friendships and collaboration amongstudents.

All things considered, established online schools are presenting themselves as a viable alternative for parents concerned about safety measures this fall. They provide a comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond just academics and supports the social-emotional development of children. With the potential to strike a balance between education and health within the comfort of their homes, more parents are gravitating towards established online schools for their children’s future education.

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